Q: On L1.4.9 (NEW) Are all the bays required to be designated with a DC power source label at the top front of the bay?

A: The designationinFigure L-10 for the power source isa designation for the power sourcefor the bay and not the shelves within the bay. For example, when there is a fuse panel in thebay being powered from a BDFB/SPDU or power board, the power source for that fuse panel needs to be designated. Theequipment shelves within the bay are not required to be designated with a power source. If there are two fuse panels in the bay, then there should be two power source designations on the top of the bay. Only bays that have power coming into them require the designation. The designation is not required on FOT bays and such.

Q: For Legacy “T”, what information is required on 145 Tags for Battery and Battery Return cables? The labeling supplement does not address this. Is it per the TP section “L”?

A: Follow Section L requirements for designating the 145 type tags on the battery and battery return leads.

Q: On 3.2 Volatile work activities: The maintenance window is no longer defined as the hours between 10:00PM and 6:00AM and is directed by AT&T.

If for example, we are running a 12-pack of coax cable from one bay to another and it is over live equipment (which is 100% of the time), this work would be considered 6-6 maintenance window work per the Ask yourself document. With that said if the onsite where the work is being performed would rather have us run the cables during the normal work day can they supersede the SMOP and approve us to work during the day vs. maintenance window? And if so how would we go about changing the SMOP to day work?

A: The AT&T Ask Yourself Handbook http://www.qms.att.com/odms/NM/NPQ/GENERAL-METHODS/NCS/148/010-515-170.html , specifically section 4, defines the AT&T Maintenance Windows. AT&T SMEs can override hours to meet critical business needs. AYS is owned by Network Operations, NP&E supports the requirements with our Installation Suppliers. I’ve added Alyson Peacock of the GNOC for any questions/support required.

Suppliers are required to arrange access and any coverage with the local operations teams.

Q: L1.4.9 - Figure L-10, is this meant to be a design or template? Do we include the

words POWER SOURCE followed by the pertinent information as in the format

shown with P-touch?

A: Figure L-10 is a template. The words “Power Source” are required to be designated.

Q: L1.4.9 - The label is to be placed "at the top front of the bay" would that be either side if this is an independent P-touch and centered if a single label?

A: The label can be placed anywhere at the top front of the bay. There is no location specified in the requirement.

Q: L1.4.9 - Figure L-10 indicates 1/2"-1" tape, Table L-3 for sizing has no specific

size lettering for this label, would 3/8" be appropriate for each line,

regardless of the width of the tape?

A: These designations fall under the "far end cabling information" field of Table L-3. We will expect to see 3/8" size characters for this designation

Q: For Legacy “S”… Is it no longer a requirement for the Job Folder to be yellow?

A: The job folder is not required to be yellow anymore. For the folks who still use the job folder, we would like them to continue to be yellow. It makes it a lot easier to find and differentiate.

Q: Are the building blocks going to be updated to absorb the additional costs for changes relating to the new TP.

A: This is not a TP question and needs to be answered by the Transport Build organization.

Q: If currently engineered or being installed before 4-1-8 the standard would be to the old TP. The supplier asked the question yesterday, to whom I do not know, and was told two different answers: one was yes, the other was no, if finished after 4-1-8 regardless of the job being engineered and installed prior to 4-1-8 the standard would be under the new TP.

A: The 1/1/08 version of TP76300 and TP76400 will be used on all jobs completing on or after 4/1/08. If the job completes prior to 4/1/08, the 3/31/07 version of TP76300 will be used.

Q: Once the training has been held internally by the supplier, according to the TP call yesterday the log was to go to the Area Manager or Regional SME. Is there one person to whom the log should go, sounds conflicting and confusing.

A: Send them to the Quality Assurance Area Manager for area you work in.

Q: I have a question on the updates, particularly Section 8 1.6.5 and 1.6.7. These two requirements don't seem to mesh as one says one thing and the second says another with respect to running cables directly on floor (1.6.5) and on racks (1.6.7). Can you clarify AT&T's position?

A: Section 8, par. 1.6.5is for existing raised floor environments wherethe are no cable racks for transmission cables currently under the raised floor . Par. 1.6.7 is for any new raised floor applications. All the new cable routeswillhave cable racking.

Q: K3.4.12 - Midwest states training shall be yearly (Trompeter). Kings connectors in the south state that training should be carried out yearly. Who does the 3 year training apply to?

A: Exceptfor the Midwest States, allof AT&T.


Q: L1.2.7.B Cables and wiresless than 1/4" shall have a flag tag. Does this mean that every DS1 and DS3 wire must be tagged?

A: DS0 and DS1 = NO, DS3 =YES

Q: Although you have clearly mentioned that in an added or a new area, it is imperative that the vendor keep a record of all cable paths, etc. The only confusion that I encountered was when we make a new run going through an existing area (especially when the existing area looks like a spaghetti), how are we to create a path through the existing mess?

A: You make a new cable path up to the existing cable runs and then continue it on the other side. You are not expected to install cable racking through an existing mass of cables.

Q: Do the changes regarding K4.4.14 apply to all types of cables? (grounding, battery & battery return cables)

A: The changes to K4.4.14 apply only to battery and battery return cables.This requirement is under the "Power Connections" section of Section K. FYI,clear H-taps covers are required onH-taps used for grounding connections also per ATT-P-05405-E, Note 13. (Per Al Bergman, Common Systems Standards)

Q: Could you explain the addition of the Skill Level 4A or will it be detailed more in the training sessions?

A: A Skill Level 4A only does test and turn-up work on the equipment like the Tellabs Titan systems. They do not do any installation work at all.

Q: Section I, 2.6.5seems to be saying that all new equipment frames installed will be 7'high seismic Zone 4 yet 2.6.7refers to installing 7' low seismic frames. What is the requirement for our low seismic area, is a mix of the twotypes still acceptable as in the past? Are all frame extenders in our area, to 9' and 11'6", required to be high seismic also? We have quite a few various heightlow seismic frames and extenders in stockthat will need to be used or junked depending on your answer.

A: Per TP76400, Section 6, par 6.1.3and TP76300, Section I, par. 2.6.5, all new frames added in our central offices have to be Zone 4 type frames no matter where they are installed. Existing and new line-ups have to have Zone 4 frames installed.

Q: Do we have to label each individual fiber at the FOT end with a flag type label?

A: Yes, as long as they are larger than 900 microns.

Q: Do we have to have both near and far end information on the FOT Panel label?

A: Yes, if it is the flagtype marker placed on the individual fiber conductors

No, not on the manufacturer supplied designation card, only the far end information. L2.2.3

Q: Where are we required to run OSP fiber tails in innerduct?

A: If is traditional OSP type fiber cable, it is required to be ran in innerduct anytime it is run inside the central office. Per O3.1aand Mike Yeilding

Q: Does AT&T Mobility fall under the TP’s now? I am still a little unclear as to where AT&T Mobility is fitting nationwide, if anywhere when it comes to the TP standards

A: Not currently at this time. They are still working on when they will start using TP76300. Yes, Mobility is using all the TPs now. All work is to be performed and audited under the TPs.

Q: J3.3.13 - Battery return cables terminating on the battery return bus bar shall not be reduced. Does this requirement just cover the power plant return bar?

A: No, it also includes the return bus bar in BDFBs/SPDUs.

Q: Has the BDFB Load Demand Worksheet been updated by anyone to coincide with the new TP issue? Also, where can the Legacy T vendors find it.

A: The BDFB Load Demand Worksheet (LDW) has been updated. The latest version is Issue 4. It can be found on Woodduck under the Transport Build Table of Contents link. Legacy AT&T will not be utilizing the BDFB LDW because of their data bases that are currently utilized.

Q: Sec. N, -N2.3.3. Is this continuity check/test performed just on the original install of the bay and ESD jack or anytime work is performed in that bay or cabinet. What if no use of the jack is required, etc.

A: The continuity test for the ESD jackhas to be tested only on the initial install of the bay.

Q: L2.1.2.- What about the 5ESS environment where the unit names and equipment numbers (PSU2-01)are notdesignated in the rear of the 5ESS cabinets. They are placed on the shelf bezel on the front Had a situation where we installed some misc. equipment in a M02 cabinet and we designated the front, but did not do the rear. The installer was not sure if he was required to do so and I wanted to make sure that we comply. I know that we must have a unit numberif applicable or EQL location butthe Name?

A: You do not need the rear designations on the main bays, LTPs, SMCs, etc., but in the Misc. bays, you do need them front and rear because the tech does work in the rear of those bays. The designations should read, Shelf-1, 2, 3, etc, Panel-1, 2, 3,etc, or Unit-1, 2, 3, etc.

Q: TP-76300 Sec G Para3.2.1 a states:

Complete the Negative Exposure Assessment (NEA) form (Figure G-3). The completed form

shall be maintained on-site until all drilling activities have been completed. Page 3 of the

completed form shall be sent or faxed to the NEA Management Center within two days of

completion of the drilling activities.

And later on per:

TP-76300 Sec G Para 3.2.1 m) iii states the following:

Fax a completed MDR to 512.250.2940.

What’s this for? This is the NEA vendor.

A: The NEA vendor maintains and checks the NEA training data base and verifies that the people listed on the NEA form are currently trained to perform the floor drilling. The MDR is for audit tracking to make sure we are disposing of the drilling debris as required.

Q: TP76400, Section, par. 2.1.1 - Equipment frames, as defined here, include relay racks, bays, and floor-supported cabinets comprised of a structural framework, and all equipment mounted thereon. All frameworks shall be designed and constructed for Zone 4 service when installed in AT&T equipment areas. Does this include battery stands?

A: No, Zone 4 requirements everywhere are only for electronic equipment frames. That includes unequal flanged frames, network bay frames, data cabinets used to house equipment shelves. Battery stands do not need to be Zone 4 when the battery string is installed in low seismic risk locations. However, there are requirements that all battery stands shall be anchored to the building floor and that they have side and end rails in all locations no matter the seismic risk. The only difference is that heavier duty anchors are used in higher risk locations and lighter duty anchors in low seismic risk locations. Jeff Stroman in Bill Price's groups maintains the list of approved battery stands for all zones.

Q: 6.1.3 - Low seismic risk requirements have incorporated minimum equipment securing measures required for all sites to reduce risks for equipment overturning or equipment walking due to building vibration, accidental impacts, unbalanced loads or other physical mishaps. All network equipment frames and DC power equipment including battery stands shall always be secured to building floor in all locations. Battery stands shall be equipped with side and end rails around all jars in all locations in accordance to DC power section of this document. Do round cell stands with lock wedges meet this requirement?

A: Per Larry Wong: The locking wedges and the curved rear panel of the Tyco composite battery stand replaces side and end rails of a conventional stand.
