Surviving an “O” pocalypse: Class Expectations

  1. Use cellphone by permission only
  2. Refer to online classroom and Edmodofor daily plans and assignments
  3. Remain seated until bell rings
  4. Have and use earbuds not headphones; only one in earat a time
  5. Have a class partner
  6. Volunteer as a class officer to help with daily procedures (incentives available)
  7. Be aware of the O’s Challenge for extra credit
  8. Complete the daily four rotations: Kick off, activator, objective assignment and summarizer
  9. Form a team with a membership of no more than four people
  10. Respect the beliefs and ideas of the teacher and classmates (listen and learn from other people)
  11. Be punctual; if late, have a note from the office or teacher
  12. Participate in class discussion
  13. Be prepared with a charged iPad, paper, pen or pencil, etc
  14. Email assignments to
  15. Know the Apple TV code is ATV Mr. O
  16. Bring only bottle drinks to class (no outside food either)
  17. Leave the floor around your desk clutter-free (move bags to front of room or designated space as needed)
  18. Have a positive attitude and open-minded approach to what is asked of you to do
  19. Makeup work over a week old needs to be handwritten.
  20. Type and write formally. Remember grammar and convention rules.
  21. Keep a neat, organized notebook and filing system of assignments (Google Drive, InClass)
  22. Use technology appropriately during class.
  23. Get permission to use wall outlets to charge iPads or phones.
  24. Know the special grading scores: 0- absent, can complete for full credit; 1- present in class but did not submit work (highest grade could be a 70); 2- cheated; 99- exemption
  25. Know the green pen. My initials “GO” will be placed on all daily assignments that meet requirements. This is a 100. Daily assignments will be given back with comments and wrong answers circled. Correct these for a higher grade. Once a grade is on the paper, though, the grade will not change.

Consequences for disobedience: 1st Offense: Warning

2nd Offense: Personal Responsibility Report and notification on contract

3rd Offense: After school detention and notification on contract

4th Offense: Parental Conference and notification on contract

5th Offense: Pink slip and contract null and void

*Submit this contract at each unit test and receive extra points. Teacher will also check that student has this contract at each grading cycle and at random. If student loses contract or cannot produce contract, the student will receive after school detention.

IN ORDER to be successful this school year, I agree to do my part by agreeing to each of the above expectations


Student’s SignatureDate