SECTION 32 1216




This template must be edited for each project. In doing so, specifier must add job-specific requirements. Brackets are used in the text to indicate designer choices or locations where text must be supplied by the designer. Once the choice is made or text supplied, remove the brackets. The specifications must also be edited to delete specification requirements for processes, items, or designs that are not included in the project -- and specifier’s notes such as these. To seek a variance from requirements in the specifications that are applicable, contact the Engineering Standards Manual Civil POC. Please contact POC with suggestions for improvement as well.
When assembling a specification package, include applicable specifications from all Divisions, especially Division 1, General requirements.
Specification developed for ML-4 projects. For ML-1, 2, and 3 applications, additional requirements and independent reviews should be added if increased confidence in procurement or execution is desired; see ESM Chapter 1 Section Z10 Specifications and Quality sections.



A.  Subgrade and Base Course

B.  Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) Pavements

C.  Open-Graded Friction Course

D.  Tack Coat and Prime Coat

E.  Traffic Control Markings


A.  Submit the following:

1.  Material certifications documenting compliance with the New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction (SSHBC) including any Supplemental or Interim Specifications (i.e., use the latest specs). Guidance: Document(s) at

2.  Proposed mix design of each class of the HMA pavement with supporting documents in accordance with AASHTO R35. Mix design analysis shall be developed by a laboratory accredited through AASHTO Materials Reference Laboratory (AMRL) and complying with AASHTO R18 and ASTM D3666.

3.  Laboratory test reports and calculations for mix design for the HMA pavement. The mix design reports shall be less than one year old and be from the same source for the aggregate to be used for the project. Two or more aggregate sources may be used only when each individual aggregate source meets all applicable quality requirements.

4.  Aggregate quality testing shall include Los Angeles Abrasion and Impact, Soundness loss, Absorption, fractured faces, and Marshall Stability.

5.  Certification from the testing laboratory responsible for material analysis and field testing, that equipment to be utilized is properly and currently calibrated.

6.  Certification that testing personnel are in compliance with ASTM D3666.

7.  Traffic analysis, vehicle loadings, and structural design.

8.  Detailed plan for temporary traffic control markings and traffic signs. This plan shall be approved by the LANL Traffic Engineer prior to applying the traffic control markings.

9.  Detailed plan for permanent traffic control markings and traffic signs. This plan shall be approved by the LANL Traffic Engineer prior to applying the traffic control markings.


A.  Perform work in accordance with the respective, noted Sections of the NMDOT Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction. Exclude NMDOT Division 100, General Provisions, and any other references to METHOD OF MEASUREMENT, to BASIS OF PAYMENT, and for pay factor determination. Guidance: Document(s) at

B.  Supply the base course and prepare the subgrade in accordance with the NMDOT SSHBC, Section 304, Base Course and in accordance with LANL Standard Specification 31 2000, Earth Moving.

C.  LANL Subcontract Technical Representative (STR) shall submit the approved material certifications and mix designs data to the LANL Utilities and Institutional (U&I) roads system engineer and the LANL construction inspector for verification of construction items and certifications during field quality assurance.



A.  Provide hot-mix asphalt pavement conforming to NMDOT SSHBC. Section 423, Hot-Mix Asphalt – Superpave (QLA and Non-QLA)

1.  Section 423, Hot-Mix Asphalt Superpave: Provide aggregates conforming to the requirements of Table 423.2.2.1:1 as determined by traffic analysis and loadings and structural design based on Table 423.

2.  Provide performance graded asphalt cement conforming to NMDOT SSHBC, Section 402, Asphalt Material, Hydrated Lime, and Anhydrite Based Material.

B.  Provide open-graded friction course conforming to NMDOT SSHBC, Section 403, Open-Graded Friction Course (OGFC).

1.  Open-graded friction course: Provide aggregates conforming to the requirements of Table 403.2.2:1.

2.  Provide asphalt cement conforming to NMDOT SSHBC, Section 402, and the submitted laboratory mix design.

C.  Provide liquid asphalt tack coat conforming to NMDOT SSHBC, Section 407, Tack Coat.

D.  [Provide liquid asphalt prime coat conforming to NMDOT SSHBC, Section 408, Prime Coat shall be used as required by site conditions or design requirements and approved by the LANL U&I roads system engineer and LANL STR].


A.  Provide paint for pavement markings words, symbols, and stripes conforming to NMDOT SSHBC, Section 704, Pavement Markings. Comply with the requirements for the application, protection, and limitations of the paint.

B.  Provide high performance, reflectorized glass beads for improved retro-reflectivity for roadway marking stripes conforming to NMDOT SSHBC, Section 704, Pavement Markings, Section 704.2.2.



A.  Verify the compacted subgrade and base is ready to support paving and imposed loads.

B.  Verify grades and elevations of base course are correct.


A.  Remove loose and deleterious material from compacted base surface immediately. Surface and subgrade shall be free of frozen material and any material that contains ice crystals.

B.  Proof roll prepared subgrade surface to check for unstable areas and areas requiring additional compaction.

C.  Do not place asphalt when base surface temperature is less than 40 degrees F, during rain, or when base surface is saturated with water.

D.  Apply prime coat at the rate as recommended by the laboratory mix design and approved by the LANL U&I roads system engineer and LANL STR.

E.  Apply a tack coat to existing asphalt or new Portland cement concrete surfaces to receive the HMA pavement. Apply tack coat to vertical surfaces of existing or new pavement and concrete surfaces abutting or projecting into new asphalt pavement and construction joints. Apply material at a uniform application rate of 0.10 to 0.15 gal/sy to give a 0.03 to 0.05 gal/sy of residual asphalt on surfaces receiving the tack coat


A.  Place the HMA pavement mixture by means of a paving machine on prepared surface, spread, and strike-off. Thickness of the pavement lifts shall be as recommended by the laboratory mix design and approved by the LANL U&I roads system engineer and LANL STR. Place inaccessible and small areas by hand. Place each course to required grade, cross section, and compacted thickness, per approved mix design and as shown on drawings.

B.  Target temperature: Do not allow the temperature of the HMA discharged from the plant mixer to exceed the target temperature specified in the mix design by more than 20 degrees F. and be within the limits as indicated in the mix design when placed. The OGFC placement temperature shall not exceed the asphalt binder Supplier’s recommendation or fall below 220 degrees F.

C.  Compact pavement by thoroughly and uniformly rolling immediately after the HMA mixture has been spread and struck-off. Hand compact areas inaccessible to rolling equipment. Compact pavement to achieve a roadway density between 93.0 and 95.99 and by using a method specified in the respective Section of the NMDOT SSHBC, Section 423 Hot-Mix Asphalt Superpave (QLA and Non QLA). The maximum theoretical density (Gmm) shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D2041. Density testing shall be performed by the subcontractor’s independent testing agency. If this minimum to maximum density range is not met the section or lot shall be removed and replaced to the satisfaction of LANL U&I roads system engineer and LANL STR.

D.  Construct joints between old and new pavements, or between successive days' work shall have the same texture, density, and smoothness as other sections of the HMA course. Clean the construction joint contact surfaces and apply tack coat. The location of cold joints in roadways shall be approved by the LANL U&I roads system engineer and LANL STR.


A.  Manhole frames and valve covers shall be adjusted as per the Drawings or as approved by the LANL U&I roads system engineer and LANL STR. The finish surface at the top of all asphalt concrete pavement penetrations, to include but not be limited to manhole frames and valve covers, shall be constructed to and be parallel in all directions the finish surface of the surrounding asphalt concrete pavement prior to placing the surface course.


A.  Pavement smoothness for roadways shall conform to the tolerances required by NMDOT SSHBC, Section 401, Pavement Smoothness Measurement, if the International Roughness Index for roadways is greater than 75.8, (inch per 0.1 mile) and for ramps, tapers, holding lanes is greater than 67.6 the section or lot shall be removed and replaced. Pavement smoothness and joints for pedestrian pathways, bicycle paths, and parking Lots shall conform to the tolerances required by American Public Works Association, Section 336, Asphalt Concrete Pavement.

B.  After the completion of final rolling, the smoothness of the course shall be checked, and the irregularities that exceed the specified tolerances and/or retain water on the surface shall be removed and replaced by the Subcontractor at no additional cost.


A.  Cleaning

1.  After completion of paving operations, clean surfaces of excess or spilled asphalt material to the satisfaction of LANL STR.

B.  Protection

1.  After final rolling, do not permit vehicular traffic on the HMA pavement until it has properly cooled and hardened.

2.  Provide barricades and warning devices as required to protect pavement, employees, and the general public. Temporary traffic control devices shall meet the requirements of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, latest Edition.


*************************************************************************************************************Refer to Civil Standard Drawing ST-G2020-1 for parking lot pavement marking layout.


A.  Sweep and clean surfaces using the means necessary to eliminate any loose material, dirt, grease, and debris.

B.  Subcontractor shall perform detailed layout by providing preliminary spotting of the permanent pavement lines and other markings as shown on the approved detail plan. Acceptance by LANL Traffic Engineer shall be obtained before permanent marking begins.

C.  All pavement markings shall be as shown on the Drawings.

D.  Apply three (3) coats of paint. The second and third application of paint shall be placed no sooner than 14 days after the first application unless otherwise approved by the LANL U&I roads system engineer.

E.  Apply paint with a spray-type self-propelled pavement marking machine suitable for applying traffic paint to produce uniform straight edges without running or splattering.

F.  Provide necessary measures to divert traffic from the paint installation area during the application and drying time of the permanent traffic control markings and stripes.

G.  Paint for word markings, letters, numerals, and symbols shall be applied using suitable spray equipment together with stencils and templates that dimensionally conform to existing LANL stencils and templates.

H.  Paint shall be applied within the temperature range specified by the manufacturer.

I.  When existing permanent or temporary detour striping or markings are no longer required they shall be removed by wet blasting.


A.  Submit proposed mix design of each class of the HMA pavement to the LANL STR for review and approval by the LANL U&I roads system engineer prior to commencement of Work.

B.  Provide an AMRL accredited independent testing agency to perform field testing of installed products to include compaction, smoothness, thickness, and test samples that shall verify quality control requirements. Testing equipment used in the performance of specified testing shall be calibrated annually with calibration standards traceable to the National Bureau of Standards. A copy of the certifications shall be submitted to the LANL STR and to the LANL U&I roads system engineer upon request.

C.  Provide unobstructed access to all work areas and cooperate with the appointed testing agencies laboratory technician.

D.  Submit test results within 3 working days of test to LANL STR and LANL U&I roads system engineer.

E.  Frequency of Asphalt Testing

1.  Asphalt Binder Content and Aggregate Gradation; subcontractor shall follow applicable NMDOT Section except material shall be sampled and tested at a rate of one test per 300 tons of material produced with at least a minimum of two tests per day's production. Aggregate quality testing shall include Los Angeles Abrasion, fractured faces, and Marshall Stability.

2.  Subcontractor Quality Control for Compaction; subcontractor shall monitor the compaction process by determining the density of the hot-mix asphalt with a portable nuclear densometer in accordance with ASTM D 2950. Independent testing laboratory shall provide certification that the nuclear densometer has been calibrated and readings are accurate.



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This project specification is based on LANL Master Specification 32 1216 Rev. 3, dated October 25, 2012.

LANL Project I.D. [ ] Asphalt Paving

[Rev. 3, October 25, 2012] 32 1216-XXX