Supplemental Table 1. Characteristics of children eligible for Early Intervention (EI) at 24 months, by child age at initial eligibility and maternal depressive symptom status

Eligible as infants / Newly eligible
Depressive symptoms
(n = 150) / No depressive symptoms
(n = 500) / Depressive symptoms
(n = 150) / No depressive symptoms
(n = 500)
% / CI / % / CI / % / CI / % / CI
Maternal and household demographic characteristics
Non-Hispanic white / 68.8 / (55.7, / 81.9) / 55.1 / (46.6, / 63.6) / 56.7 / (47.3, / 66.1) / 45.5 / (36.3, / 54.7)
Non-Hispanic black / 16.4 / (7.5, / 25.3) / 19.0 / (12.5, / 25.4) / 13.6 / (6.6, / 20.6) / 16.2 / (11.3, / 21.0)
Hispanic / 14.8 / (4.4, / 25.1) / 25.9 / (18.8, / 33.1) / 29.7 / (21.6, / 37.7) / 38.4 / (28.7, / 48.1)
Household SES / *
Lowest two quintiles / 46.3 / (31.0, / 61.7) / 47.6 / (39.4, / 55.9) / 58.6 / (48.7, / 68.4) / 43.4 / (39.0, / 47.8)
Highest three quintiles / 53.7 / (38.3, / 69.0) / 52.4 / (44.1, / 60.6) / 41.4 / (31.6, / 51.3) / 56.6 / (52.2, / 61.0)
Partner present in household / *
No / 35.5 / (19.6, / 51.4) / 21.5 / (14.7, / 28.3) / 39.3 / (26.2, / 52.5) / 22.9 / (18.6, / 27.1)
Yes / 64.5 / (48.6, / 80.4) / 78.5 / (71.7, / 85.3) / 60.7 / (47.5, / 73.8) / 77.1 / (72.9, / 81.4)
Insurance status
None or public insurance / 58.8 / (43.9, / 73.6) / 51.0 / (42.1, / 59.9) / 51.3 / (39.5, / 63.2) / 51.3 / (45.0, / 57.7)
Private insurance / 41.2 / (26.4, / 56.1) / 49.0 / (40.1, / 57.9) / 48.7 / (36.8, / 60.5) / 48.7 / (42.3, / 55.0)
Child risk characteristics
Birthweight (BW)
BW <=1500 grams / 18.4 / (12.4, / 24.4) / 23.1 / (19.0, / 27.2) / 1.3 / (0.6, / 1.9) / 1.1 / (0.9, / 1.3)
BW 1500-2500 grams / 21.5 / (11.9, / 31.1) / 15.2 / (11.1, / 19.4) / 7.9 / (3.9, / 11.9) / 7.3 / (5.5, / 9.2)
BW > 2500 grams / 60.1 / (48.1, / 72.2) / 61.7 / (55.2, / 68.1) / 90.8 / (86.8, / 94.8) / 91.6 / (89.8, / 93.4)
Qualifying medical/genetic condition
Yes / 14.8 / (5.9, / 23.6) / 23.5 / (14.5, / 32.5)
No / 85.2 / (76.4, / 94.1) / 76.5 / (67.5, / 85.5)
Developmental risk
Bayley motor score**
> 1.5 SD below mean / 59.1 / (45.4, / 72.9) / 49.1 / (41.9, / 56.4) / 61.2 / (49.8, / 72.6) / 61.0 / (55.5, / 66.5)
≤ 1.5 SD below mean / 40.9 / (27.1, / 54.6) / 50.9 / (43.6, / 58.1) / 38.8 / (27.4, / 50.2) / 39.0 / (33.5, / 44.5)
Bayley mental score**
> 1.5 SD below mean / 49.8 / (34.7, / 64.9) / 43.9 / (36.0, / 51.7) / 57.2 / (44.7, / 69.7) / 52.8 / (46.7, / 58.9)
≤ 1.5 SD below mean / 50.2 / (35.1, / 65.3) / 56.1 / (48.3, / 64.0) / 42.8 / (30.3, / 55.3) / 47.2 / (41.1, / 53.3)
Health status (parent-rated) / *
Fair/poor / 9.5 / (1.5, / 17.6) / 6.9 / (4.1, / 9.7) / 5.1 / (1.9, / 8.3) / 2.1 / (0.8, / 3.4)
Excellent/very good/good / 90.5 / (82.4, / 98.5) / 93.1 / (90.3, / 95.9) / 94.9 / (91.7, / 98.1) / 97.9 / (96.6, / 99.2)
Very difficult to raise / 5.4 / (0.0, / 11.7) / 3.2 / (0.7, / 5.7) / 3.4 / (0.0, / 7.9) / 2.4 / (0.6, / 4.2)
Not at all/not very/average/somewhat difficult to raise / 94.6 / (88.3, / 100.0) / 96.8 / (94.3, / 99.3) / 96.6 / (92.1, / 100.0) / 97.6 / (95.8, / 99.4)
Received EI services at 24 months / 33.2 / (19.9, / 46.4) / 27.0 / (20.6, / 33.5) / 13.0 / (4.6, / 21.4) / 2.6 / (0.7, / 4.6) / *

CI, confidence interval

Unweighted N’s, weighted percentages. All unweighted N’s are rounded to the nearest 50 subjects in accordance with the ECLS-B restricted data use license. Numbers may not add to total due to rounding.

*Chi square p value < 0.05.

** Population scaled scores on BSF-R assessment: Motor: mean 81.47, standard deviation (SD) 5.07, range 56.427 - 108.527; Mental: mean 127.09, SD 10.65, range 92.351-174.141 (source: Andreassen and Fletcher 2007).

Supplemental Table 2. Associations of maternal depressive symptoms with child receipt of Early Intervention services at 24 months by child age at initial eligibility, among children with greater developmental delay and by maternal depressive symptom severity*

Models / Depressive symptom exposure / Eligible as infants / Newly Eligible
aOR / 95% CI / aOR / 95% CI
Children with greater developmental delay† / Clinically significant symptoms vs. none / 1.3 / (0.6, / 2.5) / 2.9 / (1.2, / 7.1)
Maternal depressive symptom severity (ordered variable)‡ / Increasing symptom severity / 1.6 / (1.0, / 2.4) / 2.5 / (1.3, / 4.6)

aOR, adjusted odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; MDE, major depressive episode

*Results based on multivariable logistic regression models, with all models adjusted for child risk and maternal and household demographic characteristics presented in Table 3.

† Sample restricted eligibility based on developmental delay to children who scored > 2 SD below mean on the Mental Scale or > 2 SD below mean on the Motor Scale, or > 1.5 SD below the mean on both scales. Reference is scaled score on BSF-R assessment.

‡ Depressive symptoms modeled as an ordered variable with 3 categories: no symptoms, clinically significant symptoms that do not meet criteria for a MDE, and symptoms meeting criteria for a MDE. aOR is interpreted as the odds of receiving services as maternal depressive symptom severity increases from one category to the next.