Supplemental Figure 1: Research Strategy

Supplemental Figure 1: Research Strategy

Supplemental Figure 1: Research strategy.


1990 – 2017

Language: English




Publication type:

Exclude letter, comment, editorial, note, news.

Search Strategies for Radiosurgery

PubMed (# Results = 85)

(Hemangioblastoma[mesh] OR haemangioblastoma[tw]) AND (radiosurgery[mesh] OR “stereotactic body radiotherapies”[tiab] OR radiotherap*[tiab] OR “stereotactic radiosurgery”[tiab] OR “image-guided surgery”[tw] OR “image-guided radiosurgery”[tw] OR “image-guided surgeries”[tw] OR “image-guided radiosurgeries”[tw] OR “linear accelerator radiosurgery”[tw] OR “CyberKnifeRadiosurgery”[tiab] OR “Cyberknife”[tiab] OR “proton beam” [tiab] OR “clinic”[tw] OR “peacock”[tiab] OR “LINAC”[tiab] OR “Gamma knife” [tiab] OR “X-knife”[tiab]) AND (1990:2017[pdat])AND English[LA] NOT (letter[pt] OR news[pt] OR editorial[pt] OR comment[pt])

Pubmed Clinical Queries (# Results = 12)

Look at the Systematic Review column

"Hemangioblastoma" OR "haemangioblastoma"

Scopus (# Results = 125 total)

Cut and paste the search string in Scopus Advanced Search. Find these Document Type filters on the left frame and you choose to limit to only Article and Review if you want.

Article = 75

Review = 24

Note = 10

Conference Paper = 7

Editorial = 4

Letter = 3

Book Chapter = 2

(TITLE-ABS-KEY(“Hemangioblastoma”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“haemangioblastoma”)) AND (TITLE-ABS-KEY("radiosurgery ") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“stereotactic body radiotherapies”) AND (TITLE-ABS-KEY(radiotherap*) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“stereotactic radiosurgery”)) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“image-guided surgery”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“image-guided radiosurgery”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“image-guided surgeries”) ORTITLE-ABS-KEY(“image-guided radiosurgeries”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“linear accelerator radiosurgery”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“CyberKnifeRadiosurgery”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“Cyberknife”) ORTITLE-ABS-KEY(“proton beam”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“clinic”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“peacock”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“LINAC”) ORTITLE-ABS-KEY(“Gamma knife”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“X-knife”))AND PUBYEAR > 1990

Search Strategies for Surgical Resection

Pubmed (# Results = 124)

(“Hemangioblastoma”[mesh] OR “haemangioblastoma”[tw]) AND (“surgical resection”[tiab] OR “surgical excision”[tiab] OR “Surgical treatment”[tiab] OR “craniotomy”[tw] OR “surgical removal”[tw])AND (1990:2017[pdat]) AND English[LA] NOT “radiosurgery”[mesh] NOT (letter[pt] OR news[pt] OR editorial[pt] OR comment[pt])

PubmedClinical Queries (# Results = 4)

Look at the Systematic Review column

(“Hemangioblastoma”[mesh] OR “haemangioblastoma”[tw]) AND "surgery"[tw] NOT "radiosurgery"[mesh]

Scopus (# Results = 396 total)

Cut and paste the search string in Scopus Advanced Search. Find these Document Type filters on the left frame and you choose to limit to only Article and Review if you want.

Article = 325

Review = 33

Note = 11

Conference Paper = 6

Letter = 8

(TITLE-ABS-KEY(“Hemangioblastoma”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“haemangioblastoma”)) AND (TITLE-ABS-KEY("surgical section") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“surgical management”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“surgical treatment”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“craniotomy”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“surgical excision”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“surgical removal”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“microsurgery”))AND PUBYEAR > 1990