Video Case Teaching Note

Pike Place Fish

Teaching Objective: To provide an example of synergy within a high-performing team. To show how such a team can enhance work performance, and increase innovation, motivation, job satisfaction, and responsiveness to customers.

Video Summary: This video chronicles the Pike Place Fish Co.’s effort to become world famous. After working with a consultant, the owner decides to abandon his autocratic management style for one that is team-focused. The interviews of the owner, consultant, and manager and the scenes inside the market provide an excellent example of a high-performing, self managed work team and the dynamics that occur within it.


  1. What does it mean at Pike Place Fish to be world famous?

At Pike Place Fish, being world famous means making a difference in the lives of customers and others with whom employees come in contact. “For us, it means going beyond just providing outstanding service to people,” according to CEO John Yokoyama. “We’re out to discover how we can make their day. They experience being appreciated whether they buy fish or not.”

  1. What roles do teams play in Pike Place Fish’s quest to be world famous? Why does it take new employees time, in some cases three months, to become effective team members?

At Pike Place Fish, there are no jobs but instead positions available for those who make the team. Prospective employees have to commit to the purpose of being world famous to be hired. To become a true team member, new employees must learn and practice the distinction between being world famous, as opposed to merely wanting to be or believing you are, which can take as long as three months.

  1. How does Pike Place Fish create the context for workers to reach their maximum potential? What role do managers play in creating and nurturing this atmosphere?

To help employees reach their potential, Pike Place Fishcreates an environment that fosters personal growth and development, with a heavy emphasis on coaching. The intention is for the coach to empower others to achieve. When an employee wants or needs to be coached, everyone is expected to contribute to that effort. Everyone is allowed to coach anyone, newest employee, manager, or owner. Management participates in employee development and nurturance by sharing responsibility and power with workers and allowing them to be creative and manage themselves. The CEO strongly believes that employees and customers must be treated as human beings, not numbers.