Passaic County Community College

Master Course Syllabus


Department Chairman: Prof. Baranowski


Course Code: CH 103 Course Title: Introduction to Inorganic and Organic Chemistry

Department/Program: Science Semester Offered: Fall 2015; Spring & Summer 2016

Catalog Description/Course:

Covers an introduction to chemical principles including atomic structure, stoichiometry, solution chemistry, pH, organic and inorganic nomenclature, basic reaction chemistry, physical properties of organic and inorganic compounds and an introduction to nuclear chemistry. Laboratory exercises reinforce chemical principles. Medical applications of chemical principles and solutions to numerical problems are stressed. A course for non-science and allied health majors.

Prerequisites: Registered students must be at the college-level in reading, writing and mathematics on the first day of class.

Credits: Four (4)

Lecture Hours: Three (3) Lab/Studio Hours: Three (3) Clinical/Fieldwork Hours: None



Lecture: Intro. to General, Organic and Biochemistry, 11th ed.; Bettleheim, Brown, Campbell and Farrell.

Laboratory: Lab Experiments for General, Organic and Biochemistry, 8th ed.; Bettleheim and Landesberg.

You will also need your own calculator that will handle scientific notation and logarithmic functions.



Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

·  Apply basic laboratory techniques.

·  Name basic inorganic compounds.

·  Name basic organic compounds.

·  Identify basic organic reactions.

·  Identify the types of nuclear decay and associated processes.

·  Perform basic chemical calculations .

General Education Outcomes

·  Draw conclusions from the analysis of data and evidence, using the scientific method.

·  Apply scientific theories and principles to the solving of problems.

·  Demonstrate an understanding of basic terminology, major concepts, principles and fundamental theories in science.


The points available in this course are divided as follows:

4 Exams (100 pts. each) 400 pts.

Cumulative Final 200 pts

Laboratory 265 pts

Total 865 pts

At the conclusion of the course, your points from all exams and the lab will be totaled and your final grade will be decided using the point values below. There is no extra credit and no scores will be dropped.

A = >796 pts. B+ = 760-727 pts. C+ = 690-640 pts. D = 604-519 pts.

A- = 795-761 pts. B = 726-692 pts. C = 639-605 pts. F = <519 pts.

B- = 691–675 pts.

There will be no make-up exams given in this course for any reason. If you are unable to attend an exam, your final exam will be scaled to 300 points and your grade calculated. DO NOT ASK FOR A MAKE-UP FOR YOUR SPECIAL REASON. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS POLICY. YOU HAVE ALL THE EXAM DATES NOW SO PLAN ACCORDINGLY. No exceptions will be made for conveniently sick children, sudden work assignments or deceased relatives. Missing a second exam will result in a grade of zero for both of the exams you missed.


Lecture Schedule

Week / Chapter / Title / Exam
1 / 1 / Matter
2 / 2 / Atoms
3 / 3 / Chemicals Bonds
4 / 4 / Chemical Reactions / 1 (Ch. 1,2,3)
5 / 6 / Solutions
6 / 8 / Acids and Bases
7 / 10
11 / Organic Chemistry
Alkanes / 2 (Ch 4,6,8)
8 / 12 / Alkenes
9 / 13 / Benzene
10 / 14 / Alcohols and Ethers
11 / 16 / Amines / 3 (Ch 10-14)
12 / 17 / Aldehydes and Ketones
13 / 18,19 / Other Carbonyls
14 / 9 / Nuclear Chemistry / 4 (Ch 16-19,9)
15 / Final Exam - All Chapters

All exams will be given in the week scheduled. Although the instructor will attempt to provide sufficient notice, it is the student’s responsibility to be ready for the exam.

Lecture Policies

CELL PHONES: The possession of a cell phone during class is a violation of the PCCC Student Code of Conduct. All cell phones are to be turned off during class. Any student using a cell phone in class will be told to leave. Any student leaving to take a call will not be permitted back into the room at the instructor’s discretion. If you consider a phone call more important than class, please stay home.

EXAM POLICIES (applies to both lecture and lab):

A. Your instructor will discuss with you the general format for the exams.

B. No scrap paper is permitted during the exam.

C. You may use no materials other than those specifically given by the instructor, a pen/pencil and a naked calculator.

D. Students may be asked to change seats at the discretion of the instructor. Do not take this personally.

E. Students may be asked to place all coats, hats, pocketbooks, bags and any other materials at the front of the room before the exam. Do not bring anything you are afraid to leave at the front of the room.

F. CELL PHONES: Any student who has possession of a cell phone during an exam will immediately have his/her exam terminated. You may not so much as take it out of your pocket.

G. Each student must have his/her own calculator. There can be no sharing of calculators during an exam and you may not use a cell phone calculator.

CHEATING: Academic integrity is covered by both the Student Code of Conduct and Science Department Policy as shown in the last page of the syllabus. Students caught cheating will generally receive a grade of “F” for the course.

ASSIGNMENTS: A number of problems located at the end of each chapter of the textbook or from other sources will be suggested by the instructor. These problems will not be collected nor will they be discussed in lecture. Chemistry must be practiced and it is suggested that you do as many problems (assigned and unassigned) as possible. Your instructor will advise you on how to obtain the solutions to these problems.

TUTORING: If you need additional help in any part of the course, tutoring is available as a courtesy through the Science Department.

ATTENDANCE: Attendance will be taken in both lecture and lab for financial aid purposes. There are no points for attending lecture; this is a college course and you are expected to be there. See the laboratory syllabus for policies regarding lab attendance. You may not bring your children to either lecture or lab.

LATE POLICY: Chronically late students may not be admitted to the lecture at the discretion of the instructor. Students who are late to an exam may be allowed to begin the exam but will receive no extra time. Please see the lab syllabus for late policies regarding labs.

INCOMPLETE GRADES: The grade of incomplete is only given at the discretion of the instructor and does not erase the work done in the course to that point. All exam and assignments dates have been provided on the first day of class. No “incomplete” grades or consideration will be given for plane flights, family reunions or any other reason. A grade of incomplete for a valid medical reason will only be granted after sufficient documentation is provided. You must attend the final and all other exams on the dates scheduled. You have the exam dates now, so plan accordingly.

REPEATING THE COURSE: Students who are repeating the course must repeat both the lecture and the laboratory. Please discuss what to do about the lab handouts with your instructor. You may not white-out old reports and resubmit them.

IMPORTANT DATES: The dates for automatic withdrawl from the course and for withdrawing with the permission of the instructor are located on the PCCC website

FINAL EXAMS: There are two final exams in this course. The lecture final is given on the last day of the class and is cumulative. The American Chemical Society (ACS) final exam is a multiple choice, cumulative exam given during the last laboratory meeting. The exam is Scantron; remember to bring a pencil. Each student will receive one point for each correct answer added to his/her course total for each question answered correctly up to a maximum of 30 extra points. No credit will be given to any student who simply marks the score sheet and does not make a legitimate attempt at the exam.

Laboratory Schedule

Week / Exp. # / Title
1 / Check-In,
2 / 2 / Density
3 / 3 / Separation of a Mixture
4 / 9 / Calorimetry
5 / 15 / Water of Hydration
6 / 14 / Solubility and Solutions
7 / Lab Midterm (Weeks 1-6)
8 / Handout
19 / Titration of NaOH and HCl
Titration of Vinegar
9 / 21 / Molecular Models
10 / 30 / Synthesis of Aspirin
11 / 38 / Chromatography of Amino Acids
12 / 34 / Synthesis of Soap
13 / Lab Final (Weeks 8-13)
14 / ACS Final Exam

Laboratory Policies

Attendance: Any student who arrives after the quiz begins will not be permitted to take the quiz and will receive a grade of zero but may wait for the lab to begin. Any student not present when the instructor begins the lab instructions and shuts the door will not be permitted in the lab and will receive a grade of zero for the lab. A student who misses a lab may not obtain the data from his/her partner and hand it in.

The Lab Report Sheet

Each lab will contain a report sheet worth 15 points which must be turned in before the quiz begins. Any report sheet that is handed in after the quiz begins but before the next lab quiz will receive a 50% penalty deduction. No lab report will be accepted one week after the lab is performed and will receive a grade of zero.

All lab report sheets must be completed in ink. Pencil may not be used. If you make an error, a single line is to be drawn through the error so it is still readable and the new value written next to it. Points will be deducted for failing to follow these procedures.

Make a copy of your report sheet to study for the midterm and final lab exams before you hand them in. It is highly unlikely that you will have your reports returned before the exam.

Lab Midterm and Final: The lab midterm and final exam will cover the labs as specified above and will each be worth 50 points. The exams may be written or may include a practical section in which you are asked to perform a procedure. Your instructor will specify the format of each exam. A student who misses a lab exam will receive a grade of zero. No make-ups will be given. You must take the exam in your regularly scheduled section.

Final Lab Score: Your lab score will be obtained by totaling all of the points from your lab quizzes, report sheets and the two lab exams. YOU MUST OBTAIN A SCORE OF 160 POINTS IN THE LAB TO PASS THE COURSE REGARDLESS OF YOUR LECTURE TOTAL.




The College’s Academic Integrity Policy is strictly enforced by the Science Department. All students are expected to familiarize themselves with the Academic Integrity Policy printed on page 25 of the 2009/2011 Academic Bulletin. The Policy clearly states that:

“All members of the academic community at Passaic County Community College must maintain a constant commitment to academic integrity. Academic integrity is central to the pursuit of education. For students at PCCC, this means maintaining the highest ethical standards in completing their academic work. By completing their academic goals with integrity and honesty, students can reflect on their efforts with pride in their accomplishments.”

The Academic Integrity Policy goes on to list examples of actions that violate the principle of academic integrity. These actions fall into one of two major categories: cheating and plagiarism. All students are expected to familiarize themselves with the definitions of cheating and plagiarism in the Student Code of Conduct printed on page 38 of the 2009/2011 Academic Bulletin. Please be advised that not being aware of College policies in no way excuses violations.

In addition to the aforementioned policies, the unique activities, conditions, and potential dangers in science laboratories require that supplementary rules, regulations, and protocols are strictly followed. Therefore:

-students are expected to be familiar with and strictly abide by all laboratory safety procedures

-no food or drinks are allowed in the laboratory

-backpacks, purses, and other personals must be placed underneath lab tables

-all laboratory tables and counters must be cleaned upon arriving and again before leaving the lab

-all dissection remains and chemicals must be discarded in appropriately labeled containers

-all dissection tools must be washed, dried, and returned to designated areas

-prepared slides must be removed from microscopes and returned to correct trays

-microscopes must be returned to the proper shelf with cord wound and number facing out

-all equipment and models must be returned to designated areas with parts properly attached

-unless otherwise informed by the instructor, students are not permitted to use and/or share electronic devices of any kind during examinations and classroom activities.

-unless otherwise informed by the instructor, students will complete and submit individual lab reports and assignments even if activities are conducted and data is collected in groups

Please be advised that in accordance with the College’s Academic Integrity Policy, sanctions for violations