Name: ______

Study Sheet - Geol V11 – Oceanography – Exam 1 - Chapters 1 & 2

“Singularity” refers to: (video/lecture)

Scientific data suggest that the age of Earth is about ______years. (10)

Scientific data suggest that the age Earth’s earliest fossilized life form is ______years. (13)

The outer planets of the solar system, like Neptune, tend to be made of______. (10)

The first steps in the production of life from simple organic molecules are called______. (12)

Earth’s early atmosphere of earth contained plentiful oxygen and water vapor: (12)

Which of these properties of water is not important to life on Earth? (12)

About a million years after the big bang the universe: ( 7 )

The radiation leftover from the actual big bang exists today in the form of______. (video)

Planets formed in the early solar system as particles orbiting the sun were attracted to each other and grew in size. This process is called: (9)

Scientists currently believe that Earth’s primitive (first) atmosphere was mostly composed of: (12)

All water on Earth likely has its origin from ______and______. (11)

Europa and Ganymede are the names for: (14+)

The moon formed after Earth was struck by another object about the size of______. (10)

A test of a hypothesis is called a(n)______. (5+)

A scientific theory is: (5+)

Hydrothermal vents are: (13F)

Which of these is not one of the major elements needed for biosynthesis? (video)

Valleys and gullies like those caused by flowing liquid water have been found on what planet: (15+)

Most of Earth’s water is locked up in : (4)

What percentage of Earth’s surface is covered by water? (video/lecture)

Traveling on the ocean for a specific purpose is termed: (20)

Records show that around 900 b.c. the ______began traveling outside the Mediterranean and into the Atlantic. (20)

The earliest marine voyages were motivated by: ( 21+ video )

Historically, the European Age of Discovery began with the ocean explorations funded by: (27)

The four cultures inhabiting the 10,000 islands of the open Pacific are collectively referred to as: (23)

The equator is oriented parallel to: (22)

The first global documentation of open-ocean wind and current information was compiled by: (31)


The term oceanography was coined by Wyville Thomson and John Murray on the first voyage of which ship? (31)

Who is widely considered to be the father of Physical Oceanography? (31)

The first sailing expedition devoted exclusively to marine science was that of the: (31+)

What probably spurred the Polynesians to colonize Hawaii? (24+)

Modern cartography is based on a grid of intersecting lines dividing the surface of the planet; a system invented by: (22)

While not considered to be a marine scientist, ______was perhaps the first person for whom oceanography was a full time profession. (31)

______was the first satellite used to gather oceanographic data. (37)

In l992 the first international oceanographic satellite (U.S./France) was launched. It was named: (37)

The deepest-diving vehicle in operation today is called______descending 10,914 m into the Challenger Deep in 1995. (37F)

To complement the numerous oceanographic vessels, a number of shoreside oceanographic institutions have arisen. In the United States, the first of these, founded in 1912, was: (36)

The United States Exploring Expedition, the first example of a U.S. government–sponsored scientific maritime venture, explored the Pacific Ocean under the command of : (29+)

Which of these early earth events occurred about 4.6 billion years ago. (9+)

Which of these earth events created the materials for earth’s second (and present) atmosphere? (11)

Which of these sailors led the first circumnavigation of the globe but was killed along the way? (27+)

The German Meteor expedition used what new (at the time) technology to study the seafloor contours. (35)

Oceanography is also called Marine Science. (4)

Our solar system orbits (rotates) within the Milky Way Galaxy which has one rotation every: (7)

The Big Bang event is considered to have occurred: (7)

The solar nebula that eventually formed the sun and our planets was composed mostly of: (9)

Of all the cultural groups and countries involved in voyaging and ocean exploration, the Chinese are a

notable exception. (26)

Why did Columbus think he had arrived in India or Japan when he landed in the Caribbean? (27)

After his third and las voyage, Captain James Cook returned to Britian and was welcomed and honored for his discoveries especially the fabled northwest passage along northern Canada. (29)