TRIUMPHANT CHURCH Biggest Loser 2013

An 8-Week HEALTHY Weight Loss Challenge


Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in America. A person that is overweight is more susceptible to major health issues i.e., high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, stroke, just to name a few. The Triumphant Biggest Loser competition is designed to promote healthy weight management via the two best tools of all: healthy nutrition and exercise. It is our goal that the accomplishments of the participants would inspire all to move towards healthier lifestyles.

General Parameters

Triumphant Church Biggest Loser competition will mirror as much as realistically possible the hit reality show on NBC, The Biggest Loser. Healthy Lifestyles will operate at the forefront of the competition!


The competition will occur over an 8- week period, Sept 8-Oct 31, 2013.

Who Can Participate?

We are targeting the Hyattsville Community, neighbors, family, friends, and whoever desires weight loss and a healthy lifestyle change! Anyone of any size or fitness level can participate!! Please do not be intimidated no matter your size. We are here to help you get a tremendous jumpstart! We simply ask the following of the participants:

1.  Be committed to the full 8- week program.

2.  Be committed to teamwork and exercising with a group.

3.  Be committed to weekly weigh-ins at Triumphant Church.

4.  Be committed to a healthy diet and exercise forsaking fad diets.

5.  Be committed to a lifestyle change conducive to achieving greater goals (if deemed necessary to be a healthy weight) or maintaining weight loss achieved during the competition after the 8 weeks end.

6.  Be willing to be stretched slightly beyond your comfort zone. To achieve greater results you have to do greater things. Small consistent changes are the key to success in the area of weight loss.


Registration will be required for entry into the competition. Registration will consist of the completion of a general information registration form, the signing of a medical and legal liability release form, and payment of a nonrefundable registration fee of $50 (just $6.50 per week!). This nominal fee will be used to offset the cost of various equipment, prizes, and other items that will be needed throughout the course of the competition. It will also be utilized to compensate the team trainers. We strongly recommend that the fee be paid at the time an individual completes all the necessary paperwork; however, we will accept the registration fee up until the last day of registration. The registration period will open on Sunday, September 1, and close on Sunday, September 15. Although registration will remain open 1 week after the competition starts, we do highly recommend that all participants are registered at the onset of the program in order to reap the full benefits. Registration will take place online at or at Triumphant Church 6509 Riggs Road, Hyattsville, Maryland every Sunday and Wednesday during this period.

Nutritional Guidance

Certified clinical nutritionists will be available to provide nutritional guidance to all of the participants. They will share information concerning overall healthy eating habits. Please note all participants must keep a journal and incorporate a plan for proper nutrition to accompany the exercise and we will introduce various plans to all. The plan for nutrition is solely left to the participant but all must have one as 20% is exercise and 80% is what we eat!

Fitness Guidance

Registered participants will be divided into teams. A committed knowledgeable leader will be assigned to each team to serve as the fitness instructor and inspirational coach. He/she will be charged with creating fun innovative workouts that can be adapted to all fitness levels but also challenge all fitness levels. The team leader and members will establish workout schedules (and any other gatherings determined necessary) that work best for the team. We suggest that teams meet at least 2-3 times a week but this program will provide workouts 4-5 days a week for the convenience of all. The safety of the participants will be paramount as the team leaders develop the workouts for their teams.

Similar to the reality show the teams will compete against each other in various physical activities for health and fitness related prizes. Certain Saturday mornings will be reserved as the team competition days. The time and location of the competitions are to be determined.

While we cannot predict the number of participants that will register, we do not want to have more than 6-8 members per team. Teams will be giving the opportunity to come up with a name for their team to promote team spirit and cohesiveness.


All participants will weigh-in weekly on Sunday or Monday evenings at a predetermined location at the Triumphant Church. We will use the same scale(s) for everyone throughout the competition and all information is confidential. An individual will be designated to conduct the weekly weigh-ins. The participants’ weights will be recorded electronically on a spreadsheet (Biggest Loser Tracking Sheet) designed by the competition’s planning team. Those conducting the weigh-ins will be the only ones with access to the Tracking Sheets for each team. A print out of the weekly results will be provided to the respective team leaders.

How Will The Winner(s) Be Determined?

The individual that loses the greatest percentage of weight at the end of the 8 weeks will be determined Triumphants Biggest Loser. The team that loses the greatest percentage of weight will be determined Triumphants Biggest Losing Team. Prizes will be granted to both the Biggest Loser and the Biggest Losing Team (members and leader).

Triumphants Biggest Loser Standard Rules

1.  All participants must start the competition on Sunday, September 8th with an initial weigh-in.

2.  The $50 registration fee is nonrefundable. If a participant decides to withdraw from the competition before the 8-weeks end the registration fee will not be refunded.

3.  The registration fee must be paid in full before or on Sunday, September 15th to be officially entered into the competition.

4.  Individuals desiring to participate in the competition has one of two choices: (1) receive a release from their doctor indicating their ability to participate in a regular/somewhat vigorous exercise program or (2) sign a form indicating that such was not obtained thereby indicating that they deem themselves physically able to participate.

5.  All participants must sign a waiver releasing Triumphant from any liability concerning injury sustained during their participation in the Biggest Loser competition.

6.  Weekly weigh-ins is MANDATORY for all participants. In the event that a participant is unable to make the designated weigh-in a make-up weigh-in must be scheduled immediately to ensure all teams are treated fairly. .

7.  Those designated to track weight loss will be allowed to participate in the competition but cannot win the title as they will have access to all information.