Student Finance Board Meeting

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Called to order: 7:08

I. Recent Approvals

a. Programming Board- almost doubled cost

i. Who and how many went to the conference- only 3 people went: Carter Hallett (president), Elizabeth Boskovich (advisor), and John Slawson (interested freshmen)

ii. Stipulations for next year as far as conferences are concerned- who can go, when costs have to be approved by

b. Black Composers Night- Andrew Langdon is going to run sound system, so no need for $150; ordered postcards ($13 for 2500 or so); decorations are to go back to IMS

c. A Night of Jazz date change- Thursday before Easter (April 13); BOT was excited about two campus integration, BSU is not putting up any money, and it’s still $1500

II. Fashion Show- $2040; changed food idea (no food in Bristol Chapel)

a. added costs- stage, photographer- place called Adam’s Rental, will do it for about $388; modeling instructor was cut; some up and coming designers willing to come and bring clothes from their line- requested money

b. lowered costs- cut food

c. questions for Kareen- Photographer to take photos for advertising- where do pictures go afterwards? To models; about 15 models in entire photo shoot; will ask Andrew Langdon about doing sound; due to security, only a few people from other school groups allowed to attend (TCNJ); Music Engineer (not having D.J., Music Engineer costs less)

III. Vote on Fashion Show (BHA members excused)- make sure it’s videotaped; approved at 7:48 p.m.

IV. Permanent improvement project proposal- Matt- Water Garden; have residents help put it together, and pay for landscaper for upkeep; Home Depot can do it- free consultation beforehand, or private man- can do consultation for $100; may have to contact Dean Annis about campus aesthetics; can be used as a residence life program; concerns are: location (could it put somewhere that won’t be destroyed?), upkeep (worried about stagnant water- there won’t be, because water is moving), it being torn up quickly by students and visitors

Need to find out who to talk to about possibility (Steve Hitzel, Dean Annis?); Home Depot may charge us since we’re a school;

V. Direction of the SFB

a. fundraising- booklet;

b. programming- need to spend more money! Get Class of 2008 to do Swing Dance; Res. Life Drag Ball; University Day- doing some activities here; do a programming guide? Do it in conjunction with Programming Board; Ask Senate to pass resolution requiring every RSO to put on at least one event per semester

VI. Jordan’s picnic table idea- Christian and Erin to look into it

Adjourn at 8:10 p.m.