AP Outline:

Social Psychology

Structure of a given group may affect behavior of the group as a unit i.e., group polarization.

Structure of a given group may affect behavior of the individual group member i.e., de-individualization.


Social cognition

Attribution = the ways in which individuals form judgments about other individuals’ behaviors and their own.

Divide into:

Situational Factors

Dispositional factors

Stereotypes- regarding attributions of behavior

Attitude Stability

Attitude Change

Classic Studies:

Stanford, Zimbardo, Prison Study



Obedience: Milgram and authority

Aggression/Anti-social behavior

Etiology: (the study of the causes)

Expression of Aggression



Reduction of Aggression or group hostility

Organizational behavior

Theoretical perspectives

Individuals and group structures in orgnaizations

Behavior and performance

·  Group Dynamics

·  Attribution Processes

·  Interpersonal Perception

·  Conformity, Compliance, Obedience

·  Attitudes and Attitude Change

·  Organizational Behavior

·  Aggression/Antisocial Behavior

Chapter 18 Social Behavior (pg. 666)

“Behavior is influenced by pressure from others.”

Part 1 Tuesday

  1. Define and or summarize the main ideas from the text
  2. Social Psychology
  3. Social Behavior
  4. Attribution
  5. Etiology
  6. Types of social interactions
  7. Social pressures to conform
  8. Culture Impacts
  9. Social Roles
  10. Ascribed Roles
  11. Achieved Roles
  12. Stanford, Zambardo Prison Study
  13. Destructive Roles
  14. Groups: Cohesion and Cohesive Groups
  15. Status
  16. Norms
  17. Proxemics: 4 Zones

Part 2 Friday

  1. Social Perception
  2. Attributional Theory: External/Internal
  3. Situational Demands
  4. Actor-Observer Bias
  5. Group Membership and Need for Affiliation
  6. Upward and Downward Comparison
  7. Factors that Influence Attraction
  8. Love and attachment: Secure, Avoidant, Ambivalent
  9. Types of Social Influence
  10. Conformity
  11. Solmon Asch Experiment= “Group Think”
  12. Group Sanctions
  13. 5 types of Social Power
  14. Obedience
  15. Milgram Study- electric shock
  16. Compliance and Sales
  17. Passive Compliance
  18. Assertiveness

Chapter 19 Attitudes, Culture, and Human Relations

  1. What are attitudes?
  2. How are attitudes formed?
  3. Group membership = affiliation with others
  4. Attitude Formation
  5. Group pressures= conformity
  6. Measure of Attitudes
  7. Open interviews
  8. Social Distance scales
  9. Attitude Change
  10. Reference Group
  11. Newcomb Study
  12. Definition and elements of Persuasion
  1. Making choices and Cognitive dissonance Theory
  2. Justification
  3. Forced Attitude Change: What is the process?
  4. Cults how do they work?
  5. Jones Town
  6. What are Prejudice and discrimination and how are they developed?
  7. Authoritarian Personality
  8. Inter-group Conflict
  9. Social Stereotypes
  10. Prejudice Experiment
  11. What is integration and how does equal status contact attempt to change prejudice?
  12. Why would mutual interdependence work?
  13. Aggression and explanations for aggression
  14. Bandura Study “BOBO”
  15. Frustration Aggression Hypothesis
  16. Aversive Stimuli
  17. By-stander Apathy-Kitty Genovese
  18. The Decision Tree
  19. How does TV impact violence?
  20. School Violence Warning Signs (List)
  21. How can we devictimize ourselves?