Project Name

[Text that is bracketed and highlighted in yellow provides instructions or guidance.]

[Areas with blue highlight should be reviewed and revised as necessary for the specific project.]

[The sow must be created within the scope of services identified in the PA/RFP. Define acronyms and terms in table in section A if there are many used throughout the document.]

[For A&E and Related Services, use standardized task numbering for the various disciplines.]

[Remove all secondary instructional prompts and delete this Content Box Prior to Publication.]


Consultant shall complete all tasks and provide all deliverables (collectively, the “Services”) included in this SOW, unless specifically stated otherwise in a particular task. Consultant shall provide all labor, equipment and materials to manage, coordinate, and complete the work in accordance with the performance and delivery schedules identified in this SOW.

Task Numbering: For purposes of standardization, task numbers in this SOW may be non-sequential and do not necessarily begin with “1” on the first task.

[The delivery schedule for each deliverable may either be listed under each task or consolidated in table at the end of the task section. Generally, it is helpful for contract administration purposes to have one consolidated delivery schedule that can be used as a checklist, especially if the SOW is more than 5 or 10 pages long.]

The followingtasks must be completedbyprofessional staff archaeologistswhomeet theSecretaryoftheInterior'sprofessionalstandardsfor Archaeology(36 CFR 61, AppendixA) andwhohave been“qualified”through theAgency CulturalResourcesConsultantQualificationTrainingProgram.

Task 1.0Literature Review/Field Reconnaissance/Baseline Report

Note: The purpose of this task is for the Consultant to conduct archival and background research incombination with field reconnaissance to determine the presence or absence of high probability landformsor archaeological sites within the Area of Potential Effect (APE)and to make recommendations for furtherarchaeological review.

Consultant shall conduct aLiterature Review/Field Reconnaissance/Baseline Report Baselines are required

for allLocal GovernmentProjects.

Consultant shall conduct a Field Reconnaissance of the APE, and includeadescription of the APE, detailedhistoric context and ethno-historic information, methodology, recommendations for future work, detailedbibliography, maps,andphotos. Consultant shallprovide the AgencyArchaeologist with a minimum of five (5)daysadvance notice prior to Field Reconnaissance.

Consultant shall conduct aLiterature Review for the APE.Consultant shall examinethe followingdata basesand/or documents;

  • the State Historic Preservation Office(SHPO) database in Salem, OR;
  • appropriate Tribal Historic Preservation Office(THPO) database if APE is within a recognizedreservation boundary;
  • GeneralLand Office(GLO) maps;
  • Sanborn FireInsuranceMaps;
  • other records archives (i.e. historical societies; tribal archives) for known/potential prehistoric andhistoric archaeological resources within a one mileradius of the APE.

Field Reconnaissance must include a pedestrian survey. Consultant shall conduct pedestrian surveyswithinthe APE and must include areas wheregroundwill be disturbed byprojectconstruction includingtemporaryaccess roads, aswell as stagingareas, material sources, disposal sites, detours, etc.

Pedestrian surveymethods must be consistentwith the latestupdatedSHPO guidelines. The recommendedmaximumspacingoftransects will be20 metersapartandmayvarydependingon terrainfeaturesand/orgroundvisibility.Consultantshalldetermine transect spacingbased on professionaljudgment to ensure thatallprobable site locationsare discovered.Allculturalresourcesobservableon the surface and in exposedsubsurface profiles mustbe identifiedand recorded. FieldReconnaissancemust enable Consultant toidentifyareas of highandlowprobabilityforarchaeologicalresourcesand to determine theappropriatelevel ofsurveyor subsurfaceexploratoryprobing.

Consultant shall preparea Baseline Report that must contain the following:

  • A purpose statement andfull project description including:
  1. ODOT KeyNumber andFederal Aid Number.
  2. Location and legal description.
  3. General environmental description.
  4. Historic context.
  5. Proposed construction activities.
  6. Defined APE andAPE map.
  7. Total acreage of impact.
  • Results of SHPO/THPOdatabase search including:
  1. Brief summaryof previous archaeological research completed within onemile of APE.
  2. Brief summaryof recorded archaeological features within one mile of APE.
  • Results of GLOand Sanborn map review including:
  1. Brief summaryof features (trails, buildings, etc.) depicted on maps and within APE.
  • Descriptionofpedestriansurveymethodsincludingdateofsurvey,typesoftransectsused,and names and duties ofpersonnel conductingthesurvey.
  • Findingsofpedestriansurveyincludinggroundconditions(percentvisibility)anddifficultiesencountered, if any.
  • Identification of areas of high and low probabilityfor archaeological resources within APE.
  • Recommendationsforappropriatelevelofadditionalsurveyand/orsubsurfaceexploratoryprobing, ifany.
  • List of references cited.
  • Locationmapat1:24,000scale;aerialimage(Googlemapacceptable)showingAPE;andrepresentative digital images of current conditions within APE.

Deliverables:(Electronic andHardCopy):


  • DraftBaseline Report (inWORD format) to Agencyby[DATE]or within## daysfrom Notice toProceed (NTP).
  • Final Baseline Report (inWORD and pdf format)to Agencywithin ten(10) days of receipt of Agencycomments on Draft report.

Task 2.0Cultural ResourcesPlanningStudy

Consultant shall, under direction of Agency, conduct a cultural resources planningstudyof definedstudyareas, or Area of Potential Effect (APE), to support regional project development efforts (i.e.TransportationSystems Plans).

The Studymust take intoaccount currentarchaeological site distribution, traditional cultural properties, andother cultural resources,and mayincorporate elements of a predictive model. Planningstudyrequirementswill be determined on acase-by-case basis byAgencyand Consultant, andpossiblywith State HistoricPreservation Office(SHPO) and Tribal input. Consultant shall provide draft and final documentationincluding;

  • a project narrative,
  • maps (with possible GIScomponent),
  • analysis of site data,
  • recommendations

Deliverables: (Electronic and Hard Copy)


  • Draft Baseline Report (in WORD format) to Agency by [DATE] or within ## days from Notice toProceed (NTP).
  • Final Baseline Report (in WORD and pdf format) to Agency within ten(10) days of receipt of Agency comments on Draft report.

Task 3.0Phase I ArchaeologicalInvestigation withTechnical Report

Note: Thepurposeof this taskis for Consultanttoestablish the presence orabsence of archaeological sitesin, or eligible for the NationalRegister of HistoricPlaces(NRHP),whichmay bein the Area of PotentialEffect(APE)for theproject. Investigationsunder this task mustcomply with Guidelines for ConductingFieldArchaeology in Oregon, The Phase Iinvestigation mustcomply with the latestupdatedSHPO guidelinesand the latestupdatedSHPO guidelines for Reporting on ArchaeologicalInvestigations.Theseinvestigationsmustinclude pedestrian surveyand/or subsurface exploratory probing. Subsurface probingmust be conducted in areas where ground visibility is low and in areas of high probabilityforarchaeologicalresources,unlessdocumented proof of previous fill is available i.e. as-builts/geomorphologicalwork.


Consultant shall conduct record searches and literature review for theAPE provided byAgencyanda one mile radius, prior to anyfieldwork. Consultant shall, at a minimum, examine the followingdatabasesand documents:

  • the SHPO database in Salem, OR;
  • appropriate Tribal Historic Preservation Office(THPO database ifAPE is within arecognized reservation boundary;
  • GeneralLand Office maps;
  • historic topographic maps;
  • Sanborn FireInsuranceMaps;
  • other records archives (i.e. historical societies; tribal archives) for known/potentialprehistoric and historic archaeological resourceswithin a one mile radiusof the APE.

3.2Pedestrian Surveys

Consultant shall conduct pedestrian field surveyswithin the APE and must include areas wheregroundwill be disturbed byproject construction includingtemporaryaccess roads, as well asstagingareas, material sources, disposal sites, detours, etc. Consultant shall provide the AgencyArchaeologist with a minimum of five (5) daysadvance notice prior to conductinga pedestrian survey.Pedestrian surveymethods must be consistent with the latest updated SHPO guidelines. Therecommended maximumspacingof transects will be 20 meters apart and no more than 30 metersapart; and maybe as close as 10 metersapart varydependingon terrain features and/orgroundvisibility. Consultant shall determine transect spacingbasedon professional judgment to ensure thatallprobable sites are discovered. Allculturalresourcesobservable on thesurface and in exposedsubsurface profiles duringtheinventorymust be identifiedandrecorded.

3.3Subsurface ExploratoryProbing

Consultant shall obtain all required excavation permits and conduct subsurfaceexploratoryprobingin the APE. Copies of the draft excavation permits must be provided to the AgencyArchaeologistprior to submittal to SHPO.Consultant shall provide the AgencyArchaeologist with a minimum offive (5) days advance noticeof exploratoryprobing. Subsurface ExploratoryProbingfield methodologymust be consistent with the latest updated SHPOguidelines.

Probingmust be based on an established researchdesign. Probes must beat least 30cm in diameterand dugto sterile (at least two levels void of cultural material) or to 50cm and two sterile levelswhere possible, oras appropriate based on varying field conditions. Materials must be screenedwitha 1/8-inch mesh screen (1/4-inch as needed, see SHPO guidelines).

Auguringmaybe used, to establish soil stratigraphyor depth of archeological deposits and maybeincorporated into the research design, ifapprovedbyAgencyArchaeologist. Materials must bescreened with a 1/8-inchmesh screen.

3.4Phase I Archaeological Investigation Report

The report must include:

  • A purpose statement andfull project description including:
  1. ODOT KeyNumber andFederal Aid Number.
  2. Location and legal description.
  3. General environmental description.
  4. Historic context.
  5. Proposed construction activities.
  6. Defined APE andAPE map.
  7. Total acreage of impact.
  8. Anticipated direct, indirect and cumulative impacts.
  • Results of SHPO/THPOdata base searches including:
  1. Brief summaryof previous archaeological research completed within onemile of APE.
  2. Brief summaryof recorded archaeological features within one mile of APE.
  • Results of GLOand Sanborn map review including:

1. Brief summary of features (trails, buildings, etc.) depicted on maps and within APE.

  • Discussion of ethno-historic information and historic context of APE and surroundingenvironment.
  • Descriptionofpedestriansurveymethodsincluding date(s)ofsurvey,typesoftransectsused,and names and duties ofpersonnel conductingthesurvey.
  • Resultsofpedestriansurveyincludinggroundconditions(percentvisibility)anddifficultiesencountered,ifany;descriptionsofanyarchaeologicalartifactsencounteredandotherpertinent information.
  • Description of subsurface exploratory probing methodology including date(s) of probing, and names and duties of personnel completing probes.
  • Resultsofsubsurfaceexploratoryprobing,includingdescriptionsofsoilconditionsandanyarchaeologicalartifactsencounteredandotherpertinentinformation.Negativefindingsmustbe reportedalso.
  • As appropriate a summaryofTribal consultation(s), to beprovided byAgency.
  • Asummarywithrecommendationsthatmustincludeadiscussionofthesite(s)identifiedandwhetherornottheymeetNationalRegisterofHistoricPlaces(NRHP)criteriaandmaintainintegrity.
  • List of referencescited.
  • Locationmapat1:24,000scale;aerialimage(Googlemapacceptable)showingAPE;andrepresentative digitalimagesof currentconditionswithinAPE.
  • Site formsandisolate forms (hard copies) for newlydiscoveredarchaeologicalsitesandisolates.Consultantshallalsocomplete theSHPO Online Site Form.
  • Site update formsfor previouslyidentifiedarchaeologicalsites.
  • A modifiedDetermination of Eligibility(DOE), amaximum of 2-3pageslong, must beincluded in the Appendixfor historic siteswith no subsurface component. This Appendixmust include a shortdiscussion on Boundaries(verticalandhorizontal),IntegrityaswellasStatement of Significance anddiscussion oftheNRHP CriteriaConsultantshallprovideenoughinformation to writea detailedDOE.
  • Maps, photos andanartifactcatalogue.

Note; Establishing eligibility withouttesting for prehistoric sites may be difficult; however, thisis possible with historic sites if sufficient historic documentation is provided. Please refer toSHPO guidelines.

Consultant shall provide final PhaseITechnical Report and site forms in PDFformat; digital imagesof each photoand illustration; raw GPS files (*ssf and *.cor),and edited GIS files (*shp, *.shx, and*.dbf).

Deliverables; (Electronic and Hard Copy)Consultant shall provide;

  • Draft PhaseITechnicalReport (in WORD format), with site forms and/orisolate forms,one hard copydue xxxx.
  • Final PhaseITechnical Report (in pdf format),with site forms, 2 hard copies (withelectronicfiles), due ten (10) daysafterreceipt of Agencycomments on draft.

Task 4.0 Phase II Archaeological FIELD Investigation

Note: If cultural sites have been identified during the Phase I study, Phase II investigation may be required.Phase II investigations must be used to establish National Register of Historic Places(NRHP) eligibility,which includes establishing vertical and horizontal site boundaries. Investigations under this task mustcomply with the latest updated SHPO guidelines for conducting field archaeology in Oregon andthe latest updated SHPOguidelines for Reporting on Archaeological Investigations

Consultant shall:

  • Review information fromthe PhaseIinvestigations.
  • Develop a draft investigation plan showing:
  • APE
  • Areas of previous disturbance;
  • Previouslyrecorded site(s);
  • Areas where cultural materials were discovered (PhaseIinvestigation);
  • Probable boundaryof new sites;
  • Proposed locations of each Shovel Test Unit (STU), Excavation Unit (EU) or othersubsurface investigation;
  • Proposed locations of remote sensing;
  • Location of additional transects; and
  • A comprehensive research design

Consultantshall submitthe draftinvestigation plan to AgencyArchaeologistfor approval beforestartingfieldwork.

Consultantshallobtainallrequired permits (i.e.SHPO) for subsurface investigationsand submit draftcopies to theAgencyArchaeologistfor review.Consultantshallprovide theAgencyArchaeologistwith aminimum of five (5) daysadvance notice prior to PhaseIItesting. Consultantshallconductsubsurfaceinvestigationswithin the APE.

4.1Subsurface Investigation

Consultant shall conduct an intensive inventoryand subsurface testingprogram to identifysite boundariesand assess site significance.STUs must be basedon the approved investigation plan.

At a minimum, the subsurface testingprogram must include STUs excavated at 10-meter intervals, or less asappropriate,across identified archaeological sites to help determine the presence orabsence of subsurfacecultural materials, aswell as to help define site boundaries.

STUs must measure 50x50cm squareand must be excavated to a minimum of 50cm in depth and/ortwolevels below sterile where possible. Larger or deeper STUs composed ofabutting50x50 cm unitsmayberequiredand must be identified in the investigation plan. STUs must be excavated in arbitrary10-cm levelsand all sediments screened through 1/8-inch mesh hardware cloth.Special studies, such as obsidiansourcing and hydration analyses,can be conducted as part of the preliminaryevaluation effort, onlyifpreviouslyagreed to with the AgencyArchaeologist. Collected materials must be curatedat the StateMuseum of Anthropology,Universityof Oregonupon conclusion of laboratoryanalyses, unless otherarrangements have beenmade and agreed to bySHPO. Consultant shall coordinate with the AgencyArchaeologist prior to shipment of artifacts.

Inaddition, Consultant maybe asked to identify/fence all No WorkZoneswith orange plastic meshfencingor lath and flagging, as shown prior to construction.

Consultant shall map the archaeological site using GPS equipment, with reference to existingbenchmarks orexistingbridges for surveycontrol. Consultant shall provide a technical report summarizingall identifiedarchaeological materialsand results of the recordsearchand field studies.If significant cultural materialsare recorded, recommendations for mitigation must be provided in the Report.

The PhaseII Technical Report must include:

  • A purpose statement andfull project description, includingAPE map, anticipated direct, indirect andcumulative impacts, location and total acreage, map reference, legal description, generalenvironmental description, and the historic context bywhich sites must beevaluated.
  • Background information,includingethno-historicinformation and previousarchaeological studies.
  • A summaryof previousarchaeological research in the general area.
  • Description of soils encountered, alongwith description of all features.
  • Inventoryandgeneral analysis ofartifacts.
  • GPS datum(s).
  • A thorough description of the field methods used,includingtypes of transects used, difficultiesencountered duringthe project, and other pertinent information.
  • A section on field methodologywith maps showingplacement of STUs.
  • A section on findings,artifact descriptions, recommendations and a summaryincludes a discussionof the site(s) testedandwhether or not it/theymeet(s) the NRHP criteria and maintains integrity, andrecommendations.
  • A modified DOE, not to exceed three pages, mustbe included in the Appendix, for each site whenattemptingto establish eligibility. The DOE must include a short discussion on the Statement ofSignificance, as well as adiscussion onIntegrity,and discussion of each the NRHP Criteria.
  • Additional maps, photos, and an artifact catalogueshould be provided.
  • Site forms and isolate forms for newlydiscoveredarchaeological sites and isolates and site updateforms for previouslyrecorded sites. Consultant shall also complete the SHPO Online Site Form.
  • Names and duties of personnel conductingthe inventoryand dates of fieldwork.

Consultant shall provide the final reportand site forms in *.pdf format, digital images ofeach photo andillustration, raw GPS files (*ssf and *.cor), andedited GIS files(*shp, *.shx, and *.dbf).

Deliverables: (Electronic and Hard Copy):

Consultant shall provide (in WORD Format):

  • Draft investigation plan,one hard copy,due ##.
  • Final investigation plan, one hard copy,due ##.
  • Subsurface investigationpermits (i.e. SHPO), onehard copy, due before fieldwork starts.
  • Draft PhaseIITechnicalReport, one hardcopy, due ##.
  • Final PhaseII TechnicalReport, 6 hard copies(with electronic files), due ten (10) daysafterreceipt ofAgencycomments on draft report.

Task 5.0Determinations ofEligibility(DOE)

Note: Development of a formal DOE to determineif an archaeological site is eligible for the NationalRegister of Historic Places(NRHP)may be requested instead of the short form DOE under Task 3.DOEforms are available on SHPO’sWebpage.

Consultant shall provide a draftand final DOE todetermine if anarchaeological site is eligible for theNRHP. Consultant shall follow guidelines andexamples provided byAgencyand those found on the AdvisoryCouncil’s website. The DOE must follow the appropriate research levels established in theBulletin, also available on the AdvisoryCouncil‘s website.

Note: The AgencyArchaeologist is responsible for drafting Findings of Effect documents to SHPOand forobtaining necessary clearance documents from SHPO. Agency Archaeologist is also be responsible forsubmitting DOEs to SHPO and Tribes.

Deliverables; (Electronic and Hard Copy):

Consultant shall provide (in WORD format);

  • Draft DOE for Agencywithin ##days
  • Final DOE for Agencywithin ##days

Task 6.0Monitoring & Construction related Activities

Construction Contractor, AgencyInspector, AgencyRegional Environmental Coordinator and AgencyArchaeologist will discuss location of archaeological sites and high probabilityareas, prior to construction.Consultant or Agency will fence all No WorkZones with orange plastic mesh fencingor lath andflagging,as shown. Consultant shall provide draftand finalMonitoringReports documentingactivities anddiscoveries.

Note: AgencyArchaeologist shall be responsible for all Tribal coordination.

Consultant cultural monitor must:

  • Review cultural reports prepared for project.
  • Attend pre-constructionmeeting at request ofAgencyArchaeologist.
  • Maintain dailylogof findings.
  • SubmitMonitoringreport(inWORDandPDFformats)withthefollowing,ifnoculturalmaterialsare found:
  • ProjectDescription.
  • Map of Area of PotentialEffect(APE).
  • Dates of monitoring.
  • GeneralobservationswithstatementofprobablyoffutureinadvertentdiscoverieswithinAPE.

Ifculturalmaterials orhuman remains are discovered duringmonitoringnotifyEngineer immediatelyandcomplywithSection 00290.51 (a) and(b) ofODOT StandardSpecificationsfor Construction.ContactAgencyArchaeologist to determine additionalarchaeologicalinvestigationrequirements.

  • Conduct required literature review, which must include a review ofall applicable archaeologicalsurvey/testingreports forcomparable informationand checkingthe SHPO databaseand anyotherfacilities or necessarydocumentation.
  • Obtain Archaeological Permit if necessary and share draft with Agency Archaeologist.

Ifno archaeological resources are identified, thenthe MonitoringReport must include information regardingdates on site andgeneralobservations.Ifarchaeological resources are identified, the MonitoringReportmust include the followingbackground information;

  • ethno-historic information,
  • previous archaeological studies,
  • a section on field methodologywith maps showingplacement of shovel probes and test units,
  • a section on findings,
  • artifact descriptions,
  • recommendations and summaryincludinga discussion on the site tested and whether or not it meetsNRHP criteria and maintains integrity. (Consultant shall provide enough information to write adetailed DOE.)

The MonitoringReportmust contain maps, photos, an artifact catalogue,site forms, and isolate forms fornewlydiscovered archaeological sites and isolates, or site update forms forpreviouslyrecordedarchaeological sites.

Note: The AgencyArchaeologist will be responsible for drafting necessary letters to SHPO and forobtaining necessary clearance documents from SHPO.

Deliverables; (Electronic and Hard Copy)

Consultant shall provide;

  • Draft MonitoringReport(in WORD format) withinthirty (30) days of completionof fieldwork
  • Final MonitoringReport (in .pdf format)within ten (10) days of receivingcomments from Agency

Task 7.0Damage Assessments

Consultant shall provide Damage Assessments. The Damage Assessmentmust document the fieldmethodologies employedas well as findings and recommendations foradditional work, if required,ormitigation.