St Peters Way Ultra Leg3 Route Description

9.6 Miles

Leave CP and Turn right along main road, Follow road to turn left at marker post by school gates, Follow enclosed path around school field to stile, Straight ahead from stile along edge of field to tarmac road, Cross tarmac road into another enclosed path, Follow the enclosed path as it opens to tree lined trail, Follow trail straight as it opens onto right hand side of field, Follow right hand side of fields to marker post by tree, Turn left along ditch to marker post, Turn right across field towards right hand side of pylon to marker in hedge, Cross bridge into field, Straight across field towards blue bridge in distance, Cross bridge and follow enclosed path turning right over stile to road, At road turn left then right at marker post into field, Follow hedge uphill to cross stile into next field, Straight across field to stile, Cross stile and follow along fence to next field past broken stile/fence, Follow left boundary to gap in hedge with old stile and post and through gap, turn right and follow right boundary to hedge in corner with old metal gate, Through hedge past gate and follow right side of field to Stile, Cross stile and road turn left then right at post into enclosed path, At end of path aim for left hand side of building, Then follow road from building to main road, Turn right on main road for approx. 100m, Turn left opposite house on right called “Old Post Office” (marker post in hedge on left), Follow tarmac private road through “J.Guard & sons” yard, Left alongside wooden buildings on tarmac road to track, Follow track to meet enclosed path straight ahead by large barn, Follow enclosed path and at end of path follow right hand side of fields to marker post, Aim 10 O’Clock across the field to stile and marker post (you should pick up obvious trail across field), Follow enclosed path to farm track, Turn right then left into another enclosed path, At end look straight ahead to stile, Cross stile to see road and marker post, Turn left onto enclosed path, Follow enclosed path to estate, Turn right into estate and along road, Take first right into Brockenhurst Way and left into Lyndhurst Drive, At the end turn right to the main road, Right along main road approx 25m then Left onto track, Follow track as it turns left and right then Left at Fingerpost into Left hand side of field, Aim for left edge of woods ahead, Follow left side of woods round right corner to “No Footpath” sign, Aim 10 O’Clock across field and into next field and along the same line of travel to the hedge, Through the hedge and turn right to the corner and through next hedge, Turn left and aim towards buildings in distance, Keep left of the hedgeline then right across wood bridge just before old barn, Along left edge of field and along fence to new silver gate into sheep pen, Through pen via new silver gate and along left hand side of field to new silver gate(friendly sheep), Through gate and pass gap and along treeline/Hedge to front, At end of trees/Hedge same direction across field to gate, Through gate turn right along road for some distance, Just past large grey barn at metal railings/Marker post turn left into field entrance, Go towards hedge line ahead then along the left side of it, At the end of hedge go 11 O’Clock across field towards nearest houses, At hedge and marker post turn right to follow right side of hedge as it turns left to post, Turn right onto road then left into Lodge Lane, Follow Lane until turning right at 30MPH signs, Follow track downhill then uphill and at top by barn turn left into field at stile, Straight across field to Stile in corner(friendly horses/very muddy), Cross stile and straight ahead on to trail that travels straight and downhill, At road go left then right across small wood bridge, Travel straight through vineyard (very careful here, low wires across the path one very low one) and onto concrete track and right to main road, Across road through hedge and uphill towards trees in foreground, Along left side of hedge till you get to a mowed green remembrance area on right, Far corner of this to gate and road, Left on the road and uphill and follow to CP3