St Ladoca Parochial Church Council

Minutes of Annual Parochial Church Meeting on Monday 23 March 2015 at 19.30 in Church.

Present: Rev Canon Andrew Wade, Rev Ellie Goldsmith, Mrs Eileen Cocking, Mr Jeremy Sharp, Mrs Sue Smith, Mrs Shirley Soper, Mr Renfree Stephens, Mrs Marcia Tickle, Mrs Margaret Walker.

Dr D Hill and Mrs J Thomas were also present as members of the public for the Vestry Meeting and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. They were elected to the PCC at the end of the APCM.

Apologies: Mrs Caroline Cudmore, Mr Colin Haines, Mr Geoffrey Holborow, Mrs Barbara Holt, Mrs Lisa Michell, Mrs Jane Sloan.

Vestry Meeting to elect two Churchwardens

Canon Wade commenced the meeting with prayers. He then expressed his gratitude to Geoffrey Holborow for all his work for the PCC for over forty years. Geoffrey will be standing down as a Churchwarden at this meeting but it is hoped that he will be available as a source of inspiration and wisdom for his successors.

There were only two written nominations for the post of Churchwarden: Shirley Soper and Jeremy Sharp. Both were proposed, seconded and elected unanimously to the posts. Canon Wade then explained that Jeremy would be relinquishing his role as Treasurer as soon as a replacement could be found.

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 18 March 2014 were approved and signed. There were no matters arising.

The Annual Report. Copies had been circulated prior to the meeting. The report was accepted unanimously by the meeting. Proposed Shirley Soper, seconded Renfree Stephens.

The Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer referred the meeting to the Annual Report, saying that there was little to add. We had met our MMF target for the second year running, drawing only £1,000 from the Canon Wise Trust, instead of the £2,000 predicted at the PCC Meeting in November. 2015 would be a challenge as the MMF had been increased by 28%. He felt that this was an extremely challenging target but it might be attainable with a fair wind. There were several fund raising events in the pipeline and collections had improved following the appeal for additional contributions made before Christmas. The Treasurer expressed his thanks to everyone who had assisted in 2014, both in cash and in kind.

As indicated above, the Treasurer was seeking to hand over to a successor. Shirley had approached Ryland Shephard from Probus, a former resident of Ladock and a governor of the School. Ryland is an accountant by profession. Both Jeremy and Shirley were hopeful that he would view the approach positively. (After the meeting he agreed to take on the position of Treasurer).

Jeremy reported that Mr Michael Cole had agreed to act as Examiner for another year and proposed that this should be approved by the Meeting. This was seconded by Renfree and approved unanimously.

Electoral Roll Report. In the absence of Barbara this was read to the meeting by the Secretary. There was a net increase in names of 5, bringing the total to 47. Barbara was unanimously re-elected as Electoral Roll Officer.


Ladock PCC APCM 2015 Page 2

Deanery Synod Report. This had been submitted in written form. It appears as an appendix to these minutes.

Fabric Report. In Geoffrey’s absence, Jeremy reported that the fabric was in good order overall. The Quinquennial Report had raised some minor issues, the most urgent of which (gutters and slates) had been addressed already. Some pointing externally is required and the tiles inside the church may need attention before too long. Jeremy said that the highlight of the year had been the completion of the kitchen project, once again thanks to the tireless labours of Geoffrey on our behalf.

Choir Report. This had been submitted by Barbara in writing on behalf of Hilary Keam. It was read out to the meeting. It appears in the appendix to this report.

Churchyard Report. This report was given by Jeremy on behalf of Geoffrey. Jeremy thanked Colin for all his work in the Churchyard; he said he was grateful too to all those who do so much work in the churchyard voluntarily.

Tower Captain’s Report. This was read by Renfree, but appears as an attachment to this report. In addition, Renfree brought the meeting up to date with the progress on the seat to be installed in the Ringing Chamber to commemorate the generosity of the Caff family, who paid for the original glass screen. Steps would be taken to ensure that the original screen would be recorded properly in the archives.

Team Rector’s Report. This had been submitted in writing and appears in the appendix.

Churchwardens’ Report.Shirley thanked all those associated with the Church, especially the organists, ringers and the choir. She said that she was grateful to Andrew and Ellie for all their work and also the contributions of the visiting clergy. She said it had been a pleasure and privilege to have served with Geoffrey. She will miss his reassuring presence. Finally she welcomed the opportunity to work with Jeremy as the new Churchwarden.

Schools’ Report. Shirley reported that Ladock had 90 pupils; Grampound Road and Probus were both full.

Election of Members. Five members of the PCC were standing down: Geoffrey Holborow, Margaret Walker, Caroline Cudmore, Eileen Cocking and Marcia Tickle. Andrew thanked them all for their long service.

Three new members were elected: Jennifer Thomas, David Hill, Lady Mary Holborow.

The following existing members were re-elected: Renfree Stephens, Colin Haines, Barbara Holt, Sue Smith.

The meeting then closed.

St Ladoca Parochial Church Council

Minutes of a Meeting of the Parochial Church Council on Monday 23 March 2015 at 20.00, in Church.

Present: Rev Canon Andrew Wade, Rev Ellie Goldsmith, Mr Jeremy Sharp, Mrs Sue Smith, Mrs Shirley Soper, Mr Renfree Stephens, Dr David Hill, Mrs Jennifer Thomas.

Apologies: Lady Mary Holborow, Colin Haines, Barbara Holt.

Election of Officers

Vice Chairman: Shirley Soper

Secretary: Jennifer Thomas

Treasurer: Vacant (Jeremy Sharp to cover until replacement found).

Fabric Officer: Jeremy Sharp (assisted by Renfree Stephens, Shirley Soper and Colin Haines)

Standing Committee: Shirley Soper, Jeremy Sharp, Jennifer Thomas, Canon Andrew Wade and Rev Ellie Goldsmith. The new Treasurer would be added in due course.

Team Council Reps: Any three from the Standing Committee.

Churchyard Committee: Shirley Soper, Jeremy Sharp, Renfree Stephens, Colin Haines.

Any Other Business

Following the Tower Captain’s report at the APCM, Renfree Stephens asked the PCC to approve the quote for the ‘basic short term remedial work’ to the bells, the quote being £3,809 plus VAT. This will be funded in part by a grant from the Truro Diocese Guild of Ringers, the bell ringers’ own funds and any shortfall from the Capital Account. This was agreed unanimously.

Date of Next Meeting

18 May 2015 at 19.30 in Church.