St. Ann S College of Engineering &Technology: Chirala

St. Ann S College of Engineering &Technology: Chirala

St. Ann’s College of Engineering &Technology: Chirala

Department of COMPUTERSCIENCE & Engineering


Subject: COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE Academic Year: 2012-13

Name: S.ANIL KUMAR Year & Sem/Section: III-II SEM ‘A’&’B’

No. of Lectures per week: 4+1* (Tutorial)

Unit No. / Sub Topic Names / No. of Hrs. required
I / Parallel Computer:The State of Computing-Computer Development Milestones, Element of Modern Computers, Evolution of computer Architecture, System Attributes to performance: Multiprocessors and Multicomputers-Shared Memory Multiprocessors, Distributed Memory Multiprocessors, A Taxonomy of MIMD Computers, Multivector and SIMD Computers Vector Super Computers SIMD Supercomputers / 9
II / Memory Hierarchy Design: Introduction Basic Memory Hierarchy Optimization of Cache performance Small and Simple First Level Caches to Reduce Hit Time and Power , Way Prediction to Reduce Hit Time, Pipelined Cache Access to Increase Cache Bandwidth, Non blocking Caches to increase Cache Bandwidth Virtual Memory and Virtual Machines- Protection Via Virtual Memory, Protection Via Virtual Machines. / 10
III / Design space of processors, Instruction Set Architectures, Characteristics of typical CISC and Risc Architecture, Hierarchical Memory Technology, Inclusion, Coherence and Locality. / 8
IV / .Linear and Nonlinear pipeline processors, Asynchronous and synchronous models, Clocking and Timing Control, Speedup, Efficiency and Throughput, Nonlinear pipeline processors, Reservation and Latency analysis- Problems, Collision Free Scheduling- Problems, Instructions Execution Phases / 9
V / Multiprocessor and Multivector Computers- Hierarchical Bus Systems, Crossbar Switch and Multiport Memory: Multistage and Combining Networks- Routing, The Hot –Spot problem, Applications and Drawbacks, Multistage Networks in Real Systems: Multivector Computers: Vector Processing principles- Vector Instruction Types Vector Acess Memory Schemes, Cray Y-MP Multivector Multiprocessors—Cray Y-MP 816 System Organization, Multistage Crossbar Network in the Cray Y-MP 816 / 10
VI / Cache Coherence and Message Passing Mechanism- Cache Coherence problem- Two protocol approaches, Snoopy Bus Protocols, Directory based protocols: Message passing Mechanisms- Message Routing Schemes, deadlock Virtual Channels, Flow control Strategies, Multicast Routing Algorithms. / 7
VII / VSIMD and MIMD compueter Organiuzation- Implementation models, The CM-2 Architecture, A Synchronized MIMD Machine, Control Processors and Processing Nodes, Interprocessor Communications. / 7
VIII / .Trends in Parallel Systems: Forms of parallelism- Structural parallelism versus Instruction level parallelism, ASimple parallel computation, parallel Algorithms, Stream processing, Cray Line of Computer Systems / 6
Total No. of hours / 66

Text Books

  1. Kai Hwang & Naresh Jotwani, “ Advanced Computer Architecture- parallelism, Scalability, programmability”Second Edition
  2. HENNESY PATTERSON” Computer Architectur-A quantitative Approach” Fifth Edition


  1. Computer Architecture , Concepts and Evolutions , Garrit A Blaauw,PEA