Writing Experience I: English 131.83

Semester: Winter 2018

Instructor: LauriePoikey

Office: Room 16Office Hours: Before and after class

Phone: 517-398-2105English Department 517-796-8582

Email: Meeting Days-Tuesday & Thursday

Credit Hours: 3Times-6:00 to 7:27

Text: Writing TodayThird Edition. Authors: Johnson-Sheehan & Pain. Pearson Publishing; packaged with Pearson Writer. ISBN 9780134272412

Textbook Zero: This textbook is available in a digital format from Pearson.com or the JC bookstore.

REVEL for Writing Today, 3/e is the digital text you'll be using to access assignments throughout the semester. To access your materials, follow the link address (unique to this course) below.

1. Go to:

2. Sign in or create a Pearson Account.

3. Click 'View access options' to redeem your access code or buyinstant access. (Temporary access option for financial aid available.)

Required Materials

  • Flash Drive (You need to save all of your typed work on this and bring it to class or be able to access on google drive.)
  • 3 two-pocket folders (in addition to the 3 folders you need for ENG 131)
  • Black or dark blue pens (for in-class and homework assignments)
  • Access to a printer (for homework assignments and essays)

Official Course Description: This is an intensive writing course. Narrative and descriptive modes are stressed. Basic research strategies are introduced. An end-of-the-semester portfolio is required.

Continued Description: Learnersstudy and engage phases of thewriting process, the impact of the rhetorical situation on communication choices, and Modern Language Association (MLA) style and conventions as they engage studies of memoir, profile, and research report genres. Thecourse requires participation in discussions, activities, and guided peer review. Standard English grammar and structures are requisite skills in this course and must be practiced in all informal and formal writing.

Instructor Role: I have designed this course based on the Jackson College Instructors Handbook. My role is a facilitator to assist you in the learning process through a variety of assessments, and give you feedback on your writing.

Learner Role: Independent and Collaborative

  • Learner successrelies onthe ability to plan,prepare, study, andengage phases of the writing process, to apply global and local essay strategies, critical thinking skills, research strategies, and peer response skills.
  • Learners will create three essays. Essays will be accompanied by a title page and, when sources are used, a Works Cited page. Specific page lengths will be defined in essay assignments.
  • Learners will apply active reading strategies to assigned course materials and can expect to encounter. This will be one to three hours a week.
  • Learners need to plan to spend at least nine[9] hours a week on the course, including assigned readings, collaborative discussions, and individualized writing.

General Education Outcome: The course goals and objectives incorporate a specific General Education Outcomes (GEO) established by the JCC Board of Trustees, administration, and faculty. These goals are in concert with four-year colleges, universities, and reflect input from the professional communities we serve. Jackson College’s GEOs guarantee students achieve goals necessary for graduation credit, transferability, and professional skills needed in many certification programs. The GEOs and course learning objectives addressed in this class include the following:

GEO 1: Writing Clearly, Concisely, and Intelligibly (Developing)

Outcomes / The Student
Process / ● Uses parts of the recursive process in writing, which may include pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing.
● Evaluates sources when used.
Rhetorical Situation:
Purpose, Audience / ● Demonstrates appropriate purpose and audience for context.
Organization and Development / ● Demonstrates functional organizational structure appropriate to genre;
● Provides examples and details that support ideas and content; appropriate to genre.
Understanding / ● Researches and writes for further understanding and additional knowledge.
● Employs write to learn methods through reflective writing and research for further understanding and additional knowledge.
Use of Sources and Documentation / ● Demonstrates ability to find and evaluate credible sources.
● Demonstrates correct documentation of sources when appropriate.
Conventional Grammar and Sentence Structures / ● Correctly uses grammar and mechanics.
● Demonstrates clear meaning.

Performance Objectives: Correlating with and extend GEO 1 these outcomes refer to the actions, feelings, and thoughts learners are expected to develop as a result of the instructional process in English 131:

Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing Processes / Rhetorical Knowledge and Conventions / Electronic Environment
  • Practice active reading strategies
  • Identify and contextually evaluate assumptions, points of view, stylistic choices, and implications born of reasoning
  • Offer formative feedback on others writing in peer review sessions
  • Use genres to navigate complex rhetorical challenges
  • Distinguish one’s own ideas from those of others
  • Practice metacognitive reflection
  • Use genre specific strategies, voice, tone, and perspective to achieve rhetorical goals
  • Recognize conventions of writing distinctive to specific disciplines
  • Employ Modern Language Association (MLA) style in academic writing
  • Writing in Plain Style
  • Use Microsoft Word to compose, revise, and save documents
  • Locate research material collected from electronic sources, including library databases and other electronic networks and internet sources
  • Use college learning management system

Final Grade Criteria

  • Attendance/Participation 20%
  • Class Assignments/ Homework/Quizzes40%
  • Final Writing Portfolio and Reflective Letter40%

Grading Scale:

4.0 = 92-100

3.5 = 86-91

3.0 = 80=85

2.5 = 75-79

2.0 = 70-74

1.5 = 66-69

1.0 = 60-65

0.5 = 55-59

0.0 = 0-54

HQV Grading:

  • HQV grading will take place three times this semester. H = student needs additional support to pass the class; Q = student has stopped attending and is being dropped from the class; V = student is attending and participation
  • Withdraw: After the add/drop period, a student may withdraw from a course in accordance with the dates published in e-services.
  • Incomplete Policy: In accordance with JCC policy, an Incomplete or “I” grade is only issued to students who have demonstrated good standing in the class and hold a passing grade at the time of an extenuating circumstance that precludes completion of the class. Documentation validating the circumstance may be required.
  • Late Work and Makeup Policies: You may hand in work up to one class period late, and one class period only! If you miss class, you must contact me and get the assignment. You cannot wait until the next class to get the work.
  • Academic Honesty Policy JC has an academic honesty policy, which will be adhered to in this class. In essence, the policy requires that all work must be done by the student whose name it bears.The full policy can be accessed at
  • Failure: Plagiarism, the submission of another’s writing, whether directly copied or paraphrased,may result in a failing grade andcan be grounds for removal from class. Cases of plagiarism are dealt with by the instructoron an individual basis; the instructor will make decisions regarding the student'sability to correct the problem. All cases of plagiarism are reported to the Office of the Academic Dean.

Attendance Policy and Course Rules:

  • Come to class regularly and punctually. We will work in small groups or with partners; therefore, to get participation points, you must be here. A sign in book will be placed on the front desk each class period. It is your responsibility to sign in each class period. You are given 10 points each class meeting for participating in activities. These cannot be made up. If homework is assigned, that can be made up.
  • Using your cell phone in class will result in losing participation points. You should not use your phone in class at any time. If you need to contact someone or you get a call, please go to the hall and use it.
  • You should not use ear buds in class or use the computer unless told to do so. These are distractions.
  • Be respectful of others and listen when others speak. We will be sharing ideas and you need to respect others ideas. You do not have to agree with them, just respect them.
  • As soon as you know you will miss class, inform me through email or text. You can call, but I can seldom answer my phone so leave a message. If assignments will be given, I will give you the assignment that is due our next meeting time.

Writing Help:

Tuesdays from 3:30 to 5:30 and Wednesday 4:00 to 6:00, Corrie Caldwell will be in the lobby to assist you with any writing activity you may need assistance with. When opting for help with your writing assignments, bring the following: a copy of the assignment, your draft or work thus far, and specific areas with which you need help.

Instructor Support: You can always make an appointment with me for extra help. I am available before and after class each night.

Cancellations: Severe weather is always a possibility. If class is cancelled for any reason, check your college email to see if you have an assignment to complete. The JC website will post the closure.

Course Outline

Weekly Topics

January 16-18: Introduction, Ice Breakers, Pre-Testing

January 23-25: Chapters 1-3 “Writing and Genres”; “Topic, Angle, Purpose;

and“Readers, Contexts, and Rhetorical Situations,” journal writing and possession paper.

January 30-February 1: Chapter 15 “Inventing Ideas and Prewriting” and Chapter 21 “Basic

Rhetorical Patterns,” free writing and quiz one.

February 6-8: Chapter 5 “Memoirs” and Chapter 17 “Choosing a Style,” and location paper.

February 13-15: Chapter 16 “Organizing and Drafting” and Chapter 19 “Revising and Editing”

Rough Drafts for Memoirs due February 15

February 20-22: Chapter 18 “Designing” and Chapter 20 “Developing Paragraphs and

Sections.” Final Memoir due February 20 with process presented in a folder.

February 27-March 1:Chapter 6 “Profile,” interview classmate, and write classmate profile.

March 6-8: Chapter 23 “Collaborating and Peer Response,” and quiz two. Rough Draft of Profile

dueMarch 6 and Final Profile due March 8.

Spring Break

March 20-23: Chapter 14 “Research Papers” and Chapter 24 “Starting Research”

March 27-29: Chapter 4 “Reading Critically, Thinking Analytically”

April 3-5: Chapter 25” Finding Sources and Collecting Evidence” and Chapter 26

“Citing, Quoting, Paraphrasing and Summarizing Sources” and annotated bibliography due

April 3.

April 10-12: Chapter 27 “MLA” and Chapter 28 “APA.” Rough Draft of Informative Essay due

April 10 and Final Informative Essay due April 12.

April 17-19: Chapter 30 “Creating a Portfolio,” reflective letter, and revise portfolio.

April 24-26: Chapter 32 “Presenting Your Work” and final quiz. Finished, polished Portfolio is

DueApril 26.

May 1-3: Return Portfolio and Present Research Presentations

Required Essays

Essay One-Personal Narrative or Memoir

Students will write a 2-3 page essay that details an event from their own lives that has shaped who they are today.

Essay Two-Profile

Students will write a 3-4 page essay about a mentor who has had a significant impact on their lives. The essay will have a clear slant of how this relationship impacted their life and will include an interview with either the mentor or a person who witnessed the relationship in order to glean supporting anecdotal evidence.

Essay Three-Research Report

Students will develop a research question and search for answers in reliable databases and websites to inform others on your topic. Based on the results of their research, not personal opinion, students will formulate an informed thesis and write a 4-5 page, documented, annotated works cited based on and supported by, insights gained from examining academic sources.

Portfolio and Reflective Essay Information

The portfolio demonstrates your use of narrative, descriptive, and informative strategies; awareness of the rhetorical situation, ability to develop and support claims appropriate to genre, organizational skills, demonstration of research skills, documentation and citation skills, andmechanical competence.

The portfolio is comprised of at least ten pages of revised and polishedacademic essay writing completed in this course and a brief, one page reflective essay on your learning in the class.You must submit essay for instructor comments and have a student revise your paper before it can be used in your portfolio.

Learnersmay not submit essays to the portfolio that were not completed in this class, essays have not received a passing grade in their respective units, or essays that have not undergone demonstrated writing process and/or revision.

Dear Writing Students,
JCC’s Department of Language, Literature and Arts has implemented the portfolio as an assessment tool for all ENG 091, 131, and 132 courses. Please read the following information about the portfolio:
  • Every writing student at JCC must submit a portfolio, consisting of a variety of revised papers completed this semester that best demonstrate competency in skills and strategies appropriate to the course in which you are enrolled.
  • A meta-cognitive reflection on your learning in this semester accompanies the portfolio. See the description of the meta-cognitive reflection below.
  • •The portfolio is worth 30-50% of your total course grade. Your instructor will determine the specific percentage. See your course syllabus for this information.
  • Your instructor will evaluate your portfolio and offer comments on the strengths and weaknesses of your work.
  • Successful portfolios contain papers written in this class that have undergone revision. The evidences thoughtful revision and editing.
  • Your portfolio is evaluated holistically; your instructor will give feedback on your overall work. See the back of this sheet for departmental descriptions of good writing.
Portfolio Formatting and Length Requirements:
  • Essays must have been written for this class, gone through peer review, and revised in order to qualify for the portfolio.
  • The portfolio will include a cover sheet for the portfolio listing course and section number, instructor’s name, and other identifying information as your instructor directs.
  • Your instructor will identify a date near the end of the semester for the submission of your portfolio. Please submit your entire portfolio to your instructor the day the portfolios are due.
  • Title pages for each essay are required. Although MLA does not require a title page, you must include a title page for each essay in the portfolio. The title page will include
  • Essay Title
  • Purpose Statement
  • Identified Audience for the Essay
  • Following MLA style, portfolio essays must be double-spaced, use 12-point font, and be set toone-inch margins. Place your name in the upper right hand corner of each page.
  • Whensource materials are used, MLA 2016 Guidelines for documentation and citation are required.
  • English 131 essays must contain 10 full pages of writing, not including cover page, title pages, and works cited page. Essays must be minimum of2 pages in length.
  • English 132 portfolios much contain 12 full pages of writing, not including cover page, title pages, and works cited pages. Essays must be a minimum of 3 pages in length.
  • Portfolios inonline and hybridEnglish 131 course are electronic; submit them to the course's JetNet Portfolio and Reflective Letter assignment file.
Meta-Cognitive Reflection Guidelines
As mentioned above, a metacognitive reflection accompanies the portfolio. This essay is a summary statement providing an overview of the essays contained in the portfolio and the writer is learning over the course of the semester. It allows the writer to reflect on his or her growth as a writer and to explain how the portfolio serves as a single, comprehensive snapshot of writer performance in English 131.
The course instructor serves as the sole audience for the portfolio and meta-cognitive reflection, so this is the student’s opportunity to frame the quality of experience and learning exhibited in the final written products of the portfolio.
Consider addressing the following ideas when composing the meta-cognitive reflection:
  • the subjects of your papers and why you chose them
  • the relationship of audience and purpose to your writing. How the essays of the portfolio demonstrate this relationship
  • the phases of the writing process you engaged and how they contributed to the essays in this portfolio
  • how participation in writers groups and peer review as both writer and peer reviewer strengthened skills. Offer evidence of revisions made on specific essays and recount lessons learned in the writers group. Give credit to specific people who supported our learning.
  • what you feel you have accomplished as a group member, a writer, and a college student in this class
  • what you have learned by completing and reviewing the metacognitive reflections written for each essay over the course of the semester
Please present a focused, well-supported, and organized reflection of yourself as writer following the same formatting rules for the portfolio.
We encourage you to devote time to the revision process throughout the semester. Successful portfolios include papers, which have been revised. Your instructor will make suggestions for revision throughout the semester and as you compile your portfolio at the end of the term. If you have any questions about any of the information contained here, please ask your instructor.
The Language, Literature and the Arts Composition Faculty

131 Writing Portfolio Grading Rubric