February 2, 2011
2:00pm – 4:00pm / Labor and Industries, Room S-216
Meeting Agenda/Minutes
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Facilitator(s) / Susan Herr, Amy Besel
Note taker / Lamia Murphy
Expected Attendees / Amy Besel, Susan Herr, Michael Marusich, Rebecca Ledesma, LaRee LeMay, Rose Pelegrin, Cheryl Sattelberg, Lori Tranmer, Bobbie Garver, Cindy Murray, Kelly Wilson,Melissa VanGorkam, Philip Kerrigan, Julia Ojard, Kim Bzotte
Special guest / South Puget Sound Habitat for Humanity Development Manager, Shannon Michlitsch [
Absent / Abdullatif Qaasim,Andrea Harker, Tracy Workman, Randy Ryan,

Agenda topics

Subject: Welcome
Speaker: Susan and Amy
Discussion / Conclusions
  • Welcome
  • Everyone introduced themselves.

  • Announcement
/ Shannon from South Puget Sound Habitat for Humanity thanked all State employees for their contributions to her charity. She explained they received almost $46,000 from state employees in 2010. The cost of building one Habitat house is $50,000. They are starting a new development off of Henderson Road and it will be called Shepherds Grove (named after the first meeting place of South Puget Sound Habit for Humanity chapter here in Olympia at the Good Shepherd Church). They are hoping to dedicate one of the fivehouses that will be built there to state employees to thank them. There have only been a total of three houses that were dedicated to organizations and one of them was the house from HRSA. We are hoping the groundbreaking will be in March. Shannon will keep the committee updated as soon as a date is set. Amy explained the DSHS Secretary and Secretary Reed would both like to be involved with the Groundbreaking. Shannon asked the committee about how we thought state workers would like to be recognized. The committee also talked about having Habitat for Humanity speak at the Campaign Leader training and some of the Local Coordinator trainings. The committee also discussed having the committee volunteer on a Saturday.
  • UPDATE SINCE MEETING: Shannon said she has reserved June 10th for the TCSC workday so mark your calendars!

  • Campaign Leader Training
  • Philip explained the training will be held on April 26 and April 28th with a morning session for new Campaign Leaders, lunch for everyone and an afternoon session for veteran Campaign Leaders. He will keep the committee updated as the training is finalized.

Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Subject: Recognition Event
Speaker: Amy and Susan
Discussion / Conclusions
  • Thank-you to all
  • Amy & Susan thanked everyone for a wonderful event.

  • Review
  • Amy & Susan explained they have received great comments from people about the event. The following ideas were discussed for possible changes for next year:
  • Listing the winning events in the program and explain what the teams did.
  • Only announce what the winning person did not the honorable mentions.
  • Have the charity speaker explain the Paul Grudis Award and why it was created. Also writing what the charity speaker says.
  • Having a script written for entire program and do all the certificate signing, printing, proofing etc a full week in advance.
  • Possibly moving the event to either late February or early March. KingCounty is holding their recognition in March to help accommodate some the attendees schedules in relation to the Legislative session
  • UPDATE SINCE MEETING: Tracy Workman conveyed Secretary Reeds support for this as well so looks like we will be moving this out a bit.

Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Subject: CFD Motorcycle Ride
Speaker: Amy and Susan
Discussion / Conclusions
  • Lucky Eagle
  • Amy, Susan & Michael will be meeting with Lucky Eagle on February 24th to start the planning. Lucky Eagle is very excited to work with us again.

  • Sandwich Board Signs
  • Lori’s husband will be making the signs for the ride. We will need to let him know how many we need.

  • Publicity
  • Michael is going to send information about the ride for various websites and publications. He will draft a copy and send to Susan and Amy for review before it goes out.

  • Credit Card Payments
  • Philip is working on adding the ability to accept credit card payments online for registration. He is hoping it will be ready to use by late March or early April. He will keep the committee posted.

  • T-shirts
  • The t-shirts will be black not white this year.

Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Subject: Mother’s Day Tea
Speaker: Julia
Discussion / Conclusions
  • Venue
  • Julia is working with Rose about having the tea at L&I on a Saturday in May. They will keep the committee updated.

Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Subject: Masquerade Ball
Speaker: Cindy
Discussion / Conclusions
  • Yes/No
  • Cindy explained we are looking at spring 2012 for hosting a Masquerade Ball. Sample invitations were passed around. She has spoken with Kari at General Administration and she has already signed up to volunteer. Cindy also explained since we are under the Secretary of State office we are able to use the Rotunda for this event. She also reported that Kari said there are various volunteer groups that can help us. Cindy wanted to see if this is something the committee would like to do. The committee agreed unanimously. Amy & Susan explained we will put sub-committees together at the March meeting after our Open House. The sub-committees will be working on the different events.

Subject: recruitment
Speaker: Susan and amy
Discussion / Conclusions
  • Open House Date/Location
  • Update/Revise Invitation/Flyer
  • Refreshments
  • Participation
  • Formal Presentation
  • TCSC Application
  • TCSC Member Handbook feedback
  • The Open house will be on 2/16 from 2 to 4 pm at the Dept. of Labor and Industries. All committee members that are able to attend are asked to come. Everyone is asked to be here by 1:30 pm and to wear their CountyCommittee name badges.
  • Amy & Susan will email copies of the invitations and fliers to Lamia to send to the committee.
  • All committee members are asked to bring a dozen cookies for the open house. Michael will bring pop and a case of water. He will get them to Susan since he will not be able to attend the open house. LaRee will bring cups;Lamia will bring the plates & napkins.
  • Amy & Susan explained everyone will be able to participate. We will be playing the “Send it On” CD. Amy will bring her laptop.
  • There will not be a formal presentation.
  • Amy & Susan are revising the application, then they will forward to Kim to make copies.
  • Amy & Susan are revising the handbook they will send a copy to everyone once completed.

Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Subject: Next meeting
Speaker: Amy and Susan
Discussion / Conclusions
  • Furlough Days
  • The committee discussed the service projects for the upcoming Furlough days. LaRee is organizing the plans for each day. February will focus on senior services, March is going to focus on Well-fed, Well-read and April will focus on animals.

  • Preliminary Project Outline
  • The committee discussed developing a form for new events committee members would like to do. This will be discussed at a future meeting. Michael agreed to take the lead on drafting one in Excel.

  • Next meeting on 3/2/11

Resource persons
Special notes