Minutes from Board meeting

OCTOBER 13, 2013 10am

Type of Meeting: Board of Directors

Meeting Facilitator: Hans W. Pauling-President

Invitees:open to any member of SCYS as an observer

  1. Call to order – 10:04am
  2. Roll call – Greg Fish, Jane Simmons, Burns Davison, Rick Rogers, Rick Cunningham, Clay Turner, Cindy Mattern, Bob Brantley (via conference call), Katherine Sitler (via conference call) ABSENT-Jeff Gardner

Guests- Helmut Tissler (Liverpool FCA-SC), Ron Tryon (SCUFC), Greg Vallee (SCYS DOC) and Brandon Nichols (SCYS Staff)

  1. PendingApproval of minutes from last meeting/motion by consent for all submitted reports- minutes from August meeting approved with edits suggested by Jane Simmons

Reports: Treasurer Report will be revised with ODP numbers from first quarter of fiscal year 2013-2014 and resubmitted in January 2014.

Oral-Rules, Member-At-Large, DOC

  1. Old Business
  1. Secretary and Recreation Director are still open.
  1. Revamp the following standing Committees (members still needed):
  1. State Recreation Committee-(Chair) ______along with Greg Vallee Matt Robinson (Happy Feet Greenville)
  1. Nationals for 2012- SCYS made no profit on this event. Final accounting received from Rock Hill LOC. SCYS needs to calculate total expenditures for this event and present final liability for March BOD meeting. SCYS must exercise caution on future events where SCYS is not decision-making party but is contractually liable for the event.

Final accounting not available at March meeting according to President. Request table of issue until June meeting. (Remain on agenda until report is presented by President). President has made contact with USYS Treasurer and requested the final report submitted to USYS. Review of this report required to determine if any excess liability from event exists. Still waiting on financials. No action required at this time.

  1. Region III Director Jesse Harrell has instituted a loan forgiveness/grant application program to assist State Associations in the Region with marketing or other opportunities to promote recreation soccer in their States. This is the response to the email I sent in July 2013 prior to my face to face discussions with Region III at the USYS National meeting in Kansas City. Rachel Bolick will make an application for proceeds. SCYS can use this money to fund a marketing campaign for recreational soccer registration across South Carolina. Brandon Nichols has been working on an interactive website map of our state that lists our member clubs and connects to their websites.
  2. Concussion Protocol for SCYS Members: see attachment
  1. Email sent to Jim Cosgrove US Youth Soccer announcing intention for Region III Fall meeting and requesting financial assistance for any losses from USYS Nationals 2012. Conversation with John Sutter- USYS President and Tom Brumsfeld- USYS Treasurer on July 27, 2013- same location as above.

No Response to request for financials from USYS for 2012 Nationals yet.

  1. New business
  1. Cups and Games Budget 2014/15- see attachment- includes field fee increase for PMSL and SCCSL League matches. Increase in PMSL and SCCSL Team fees to reflect new field fees.

Rational: Hosting Clubs have asked for an increase in order to maintain excessive wear on fields. SCYS requires the use of the hosting fields as our league numbers grow. Team fees include field fee, field fee increase means team fee increase in order for SCYS to maintain positive cash flow in state wide league program. This positive cash flow is also determined by total number of games played by each team. If teams play more than ten games then SCYS should invoice teams for additional matches to cover the field fees. Invoices will be sent to Clubs with game number/date/location and team number at end of each season.

Motion to table made by Katherine Sitler and Second by Burns Davison- unanimous tabled until January meeting

  1. Olympic Development Program Budget 2013-14-see attachment- includes Region III Camp fee increase from $485 to $525 (transportation is included).

Rationale: Region III increased camp cost to $500 for the 2013-2014 year.

Motion made by Jane Simmons and Second by Bob Brantley- amended budget to include surplus of $1000 for 2013-1214 seasonal year. Unanimous to APPROVE

  1. Administrative Budget 2013-14-see attachment- no fee increases

Rationale: SCYS needs to manage spending better in the future

Motion made by Katherine Sitler and Second by Jane Simmons after discussion administrative budget to include footnote addition from Cups and Games current budget in the amount of $46,000 which now shows Admin budget as a zero loss/gain for 2013-14 fiscal year. Unanimous to APPROVE

  1. Guest Player Rule change –see attachment from Nancy Shultz

Rationale: see attachment

Motion made by Jane Simmons and Second by Cindy Mattern- unanimous to APPROVE- rule change effective immediately.

  1. Rule change for Player Passes/Roster League Matches- Teams will be able to rely on electronic copy of player passes for SCYS League play. This electronic copy can be a pdf, jpeg or other electronic storage medium on a smart phone or any computer storage device (laptop, notebook, I-Pad, etc.) which can be viewed by the officials and the other team at the field prior to the match. Rosters must still be provided at fields.

Rationale: Emergency calls to SCYS personnel over the weekend will be minimized if teams can use the electronic copy in the event a team manager or coach fails to provide the actual player passes or team roster to the referee or opposing coach prior to the match. Club Pass players need to be identified on game day rosters.

Motion made by Burns Davison and Second by Rick Rogers to accept rule as written above. Unanimous to APPROVE and rule change is effective immediately.

  1. Field Development and Partnership: CRSA has acquired approximately twelve acres through land lease in Cayce SC (Midstate) for a term of ten years with a renewal option for another consecutive ten years. CRSA is looking for investment partners to develop this land for soccer. SCYS should look into this project and present a feasibility report prior to any financial commitment.

Rationale: SCYS has an interest in acquiring exclusive use of fields in the Midstate for twenty-six weekends for state –wide league matches.

Motion to table made by Katherine Sitler and Second by Burns Davison-unanimous to table

  1. Promotion and Relegation Policy: see attached

Rational: This policy brings our top league (SCCSL) under control. SCYS needs to manage this level of play much better. This league (SCCSL) is not cost effective at its current price structure. SCYS would like to improve product first through better competition before raising fees to cover Regional Tournament costs ($28K for 2013). Spring season has proven chaotic over last several years with too many teams playing too many games in to short a season. Board approved development of policy last year.

Motion made by Rick Rogers and Second by Clay Turner. Unanimous to APPROVE promotion and relegation for U15 to U18 starting in 2014-2015 seasonal year.

U13 and U14 tabled until January meeting and request Coaching Committee to develop options for competitive U12 league (8 v 8) under SCYS.

  1. Referee Fee Increase for PMSL League and SCCSL League- see attachment

Rationale: SCYS must invest in the referee community. Our current referees are getting older. SCYS needs to encourage the younger ones to grade up to a level 7 and still keep their interest in the youth side of the game. SCYS wants the best referees available. SCYS also demands a higher level of quality at our Challenge level. Price structure is used in all levels of soccer. Board rejected this proposal last March. SRA and SYRA both think it is an appropriate adjustment since last increase was ten years ago. This does not apply to State Cup events at this time. League play only.

Motion made by Burns Davison and Second by Jane Simmons- unanimous APPROVED

  1. ADJOURNMENT Motion made by Burns Davison and Second by Clay Turner- unanimous

Meeting ended at 12:57PM.

Next meeting is Saturday January 25th- this is listed as Annual Planning Meeting but it will be a Board of Director’s meeting starting at 10 am recommend Club DOC or ED attend considering the following topics will be up for discussion:

-Discuss change to Club Pass for Regional play and/or league play- lateral movement- requires recommendation from Coaching Committee

-Possible change to Challenge/PMSL Cup in 2014/15. Can SCCSL non-qualifiers play in PMSL Cup? Requires recommendation from Coaching Committee- more competitive teams for Regional PMSL. USYS has already changed the PMSL for States with less than 30,000 players. How does SCYS want to proceed?