2015 Galena Spring Carnival
Location: Alexander Lake
Temperatures in the 10s to 20s above, clear skies, hard icy trail

Day 1 Results

Skijor race (1 mile, 2 dog maximum)

1. Jon Korta (3:58)

2. Ayla Kalke (4:00)

3. Karin Bodony (4:16)

4. Kiana Korta (4:28)

5. Paul Huntington (4:39)

6. Martin Hornfischer (4:47)

7. Tammy Huntington (4:55)

8. Milo Huntington (5:00)

Ski races

3 and under

1. Orrick Kalke (0:38)

2. Madeleina Pilot (3:00)

4 and 5 year olds

1. Kingston Burgett (0:48)

2. Danica Billings (1:12)

3. Destiny Frankson (1:28)

4. Zennae Billings (1:33)

5. Tiana Huntington (2:20)

6. Louis Lumba (2:54)

6 and 7 year olds

1. Lily Esmailka (1:00)

2. Ida Bodony (1:09)

3. Hawken Scotton (1:45)

4. Clint Kopp (3:39)

8 and 9 year olds

1. Preston Kopp (1:07)

2. Milo Huntington (1:12)

3. Larry Wholecheese III (1:30)

4. Mackensie Tulloch (1:42)

Upper Elementary Group 1

1. Finn Hornfischer (3:11)

2. Paul Huntington (3:13)

3. Aubrey Tulloch (3:30)

Upper Elementary Group 2

1. Virgil Sam Jr. (4:15)

2. Charles Carlo (7:20)

3. Everett Aloysuis (7:48)

Junior High (2 blue loops)

1. Joe Riddle (2:29)

2. Brianna McLain (2:31)

3. Ian Esmailka (2:57)

4. Paytyn Cleaver (3:02)

5. Sable Scotton (3:16)

6. Landen Olin Duncan (3:22)

High School (3 blue loops)

1. Kaleb Korta (2:56)

2. Jacob Moos (3:00)

3. Sarah Brown (3:15)

4. Carolyn Sam (3:28)

5. Daniel Kopp (3:36)

6. Joe Apfelbeck (3:55)

7. Anthony (6:08)

8. Shadow (7:13)

Fat Tire Bike Race (5 miles)

1. Jacob Moos (24:10

2. Martin Hornfischer (24:12)

3. Ben Koontz (24:37)

4. Tim Kalke (25:04)

5. Romay Harris (25:18)

6. Keilah Havener (30:37)

Day 2 Results

Open Snowshoe Race
1. Kaleb Korta (38:57)
2. Jon Korta (44:45)
3. Jacob Moos (44:46)
4. Darrel Sam (46:17)
5. Virgil Sam (57:37)
6. Molissa Bifelt (68:31)
7. Jackie Lumba (83:21)

3 Dog Race (for musher ages 8 to 18; 1 mile loop)
1. Milo Huntington (3:49)
2. Abigail Landrum (3:57)
3. Landon Olin-Duncan (4:53)
4. Sable Scotton (4:54)
5. Joe Riddle (5:04)
6. Aubrey Tulloch (5:20)
7. Ian Esmailka (5:30)
8. Virgil Sam (6:55)
9. Paul Huntington (7:05)
10. Finn Hornfischer (8:42)

1 Dog Race

4 and under
1. Orrick Kalke and Louis Lumba (0:14)
2. Zenae Billings (0:15)
3. Gabriella Huntington (0:15)
4. Mia Warner (0:16)
5. Camille and Lucas Huntington (0:17)
6. Cara Kopp (0:18)
7. Angelyn Olin Duncan (0:21)
8. RJ Gregory (0:21)
9. Todd Casey (0:25)
10. Sadie Huntington (0:30)
11. Camary Sam (0:59)

5 and 6 year olds
1. Ilana Kalke (0:14)
2. Kingston Burgett (0:15)
3. Tiana Huntington (0:16)
4. Anna Huntington (0:16)
5. Ida Bodony (0:18)
6. Danica Billings (0:19)
7. Marina Tulloch (0:23)
8. Paxton Aloysius (0:27)

7 and 8 year olds
1. Lily Esmailka (0:20)
2. Clint Kopp (0:20)
3. Andrew Casey (0:21)
4. Renae Casey (0:25)
5. Preston Kopp (0:25)
6 Hawken Scotton (0:28)

Snowshoe Races

4 year olds (approximately 30 yards)
1. Cara Kopp (0:23)
2. Zenae Billings (0:29)
3. Angelyn Olin Duncan (1:46)

5 year olds (approximately 50 yards)
1. Paxton Aloysius (0:29)
2. Danica Billings (0:36)
2. Ajanae Buchanan (0:36)
3. Zac Huntington (0:44)
4. Kingston Burgett (0:49)

6 and 7 year olds (1 yellow “small” loop)
1. Clint Kopp (0:41)
2. Hawken Scotton (0:42)
3. Marina Tulloch (0:47)
4. Ida Bodony (0:50)
5. Lily Esmailka (1:17)

8 year olds (1 red “medium” loop)
1. Mackensie Tulloch (1:21)
2. Larry Wholecheese III (2:04)
3. Vaughn Landrum (2:15)

9 year olds (1 red “medium” loop)
1. Preston Kopp (1:07)
2. Milo Huntington (1:39)
3. Andrew Casey (1:43)
4. Aaron Sommer (1:51)
5. Todd Casey (2:51)

10 year olds (1 blue “large” loop)
1. Finn Hornfischer (2:00)
2. Aubrey Tulloch (2:43)
3. Paytyn Cleaver (2:55)
4. Sable Scotton (3:39)

11 year olds (1 blue “large” loop)
1. Ian Esmailka (1:57)
2. Joe Riddle (2:11)
3. Charles Carlo (2:25)
4. Landon Olin Duncan (2:51)
5. Paul Huntington (3:13)
6. Destin Bifelt (3:19)

12 and 13 year olds (1 blue and 1 yellow loop)
1. Virgil Sam Jr. (2:46)
2. Brianna McLain (3:05)
3. Pearl Green (3:33)
3. Katelyn Aloysius (3:33)

High School snowshoe race (2 blue loops)
1. Jacob Moos (3:15)
2. Joe Apfelbeck (3:18)
3. Tash Draper (3:38)
4. Julia Riddle (4:55)
4. Sarah Brown (4:55)
5. Lynnae Olin Duncan (6:23)
6. Brenton Benjamin (8:12)

Women’s 2-mile Snowshoe Race
1. Carolyn Sam (20:50)
2. Kiana Korta (20:59)
3. Shirley Sam (21:45)
4. Ayla Kalke (22:23)
5. Sandy Scotton (24:33)
6. Kameron Reitan (25:08)
7. Lorena Pitka (25:13)
8. Tara Riddle (25:29)
9. Cecelia Grant (31:46)
10. Aimee Rockhill with baby Kinley in a sled trailer (33:15)
11. Karin Bodony (35:00)
12. Alyssa Agnes (35:30)
13. Wendy Tulloch (36:00)
14. Trisha Esmailka (37:10)
14. Tamara A Huntington (37:10)

Ice Pick Contest (on Yukon River across from KIYU; ice thickness between 2 ½ and 3 feet)
1. Virgil Sam (11:47)
2. Kevin Evans (17:11)
3. Alyssa Agnes (37:13)
4. Lynnae Olin Duncan (59:25)
Shirley Sam (DNF)