Transformation and Sustainability




Appendix 5

Relevant Plans, Strategies and Programmes

Development Services

Sheffield City Council

Howden House

1 Union Street


S1 2SH February 2013

Appendix 5

List of Relevant Plans, Strategies and Programmes

This appendix sets out the range of plans, strategies and programmes which influence the development of the SLP in terms of policy formulation. The table is arranged by document hierarchy, from international to neighbourhood level. Key objectives of each plan, programme or strategy have been identified and the main implications for the SLP and sustainability appraisal process drawn out. Some of these documents may now be out of date, but have informed either the Core Strategy or previous iterations of the City Policies and Sites document, so have been retained here for completeness.

Many of the listed documents cut across several different sustainability themes, so it was not felt necessary to subdivide them by theme. The list aims to identify all documents that have significant implications for the SLP but there may be additional documents which Consultees consider should be added to the list. There have been a small number of additions to the list following consultation on the SLP Sustainability Baseline and Scoping Report.

Some of the documents, such as Master Plans, are shaping the way in which regeneration and development is carried out in Sheffield, and as such have an implicit impact on policy formulation for the SLP.

Plan or Programme

/ Objectives, requirements or targets relevant to the plan and SA / SEA / Implications for the SLP / Implications for the SA/ SEA /


The Kyoto Protocol, 1992 / Limit emissions of greenhouse gases / Consider how the plan can contribute to the targets and objectives of the protocol / Reflect objectives of the protocol in the SA framework
The EC Council Directive on the Conservation of Natural Habitats and of Wild Fauna and Flora 92/43/EEC / Conserve flora, fauna and natural habitats of EU importance.
Establish framework of protected areas, and ensure biodiversity / Plan policies should support the objectives of the directive / Reflect objectives of the directive in the SA framework
Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC / Promote sustainable water use.
Contribute to improving water quality / Plan policies should support the objectives of the directive / Reflect objectives of the directive in the SA framework
Air Quality Framework Directive 96/62/EC / Prescribes limit values for certain pollutants that all member states must meet. / Plan policies should support the objectives of the directive. / Reflect objectives of the directive in the SA framework
Waste Framework Directive 92/43/EEC and daughter directives such as Landfill Directive 99/31/EC / Waste production should be minimised through the promotion of clean technology and reusable or recyclable products. Where possible secondary raw materials should be recovered from waste by recycling, reuse, reclamation or any other process, as well as used to produce energy. Waste should be managed with minimal environmental impact. / Implications for general waste management policies and also policies relating specifically to the waste to energy facility / Reflect objectives of the directive in the SA framework


Planning Policy

National Planning Policy Framework, CLG, 2012 / Presumption in favour of sustainable development
Building a strong, competitive economy
Ensuring the vitality of town centres
Supporting a prosperous rural
Promoting sustainable transport
Supporting high quality
communications infrastructure
Delivering a wide choice of high quality homes
Requiring good design
Promoting healthy communities
Protecting Green Belt land
Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change
Conserving and enhancing the natural environment
Conserving and enhancing the historic environment
Facilitating the sustainable use of materials / Plan policies should positively seek opportunities to meet the development needs of their area, and should flexibly meet assessed needs
Plan policies should set out a clear economic vision and strategy to encourage sustainable growth; identify strategic sites; identify priority areas for economic regeneration, infrastructure and environmental enhancement
Plan policies should be positive, promote competitive town centre environments, and set out policies for the management and growth of centres over the plan period
Plan policies should support economic growth in rural areas to create jobs and prosperity
Plan policies should support a pattern of development which facilitates the use of sustainable modes of transport; ensure developments that generate significant movement are located where the need to travel will be minimised
Local plans should support the expansion of electronic communication networks
Local plans should meet objectively assessed needs for market and affordable housing; identify and update annually a supply of deliverable sites sufficient to provide five years worth of housing against requirements, with a 5% buffer; set a local approach to density; deliver a wide choice of high quality homes
Local and neighbourhood plans should contain policies that set out the quality of development that will be expected for the area
Planning policies should plan for the provision of shared space, community facilities and other local services; guard against unnecessary loss of facilities/services.
Plan policies should enhance beneficial use of the Green Belt; prevent inappropriate development in the Green Belt
Plans should plan for new development to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; maximise renewable/low carbon energy development; apply a sequential, risk-based approach to locating development to avoid flooding
Plans should aim to minimise pollution; encourage effective use of land; set criteria-based policies to assess proposals affecting wildlife/geodiversity/landscape areas; avoid and mitigate noise; limit light pollution
Local plans should set out a positive strategy for the conservation and enjoyment of the historic environment and conserve assets in an appropriate manner
Plans should define a Minerals Safeguarding Area and contain appropriate policies to ensure minerals are not needlessly sterilised; set policies to encourage prior extraction of minerals / Requirements of national planning guidance should be reflected in the SA framework
PPS1 Delivering Sustainable Development, ODPM, 2005 / Promote sustainable communities through social, economic and environmental means / Plan policies should reflect overall sustainability aims. / Requirements of national planning guidance should be reflected in the SA framework
PPG2 Green Belts, Department of the Environment, 1995 (Amended 2001) / Aim – to shape patterns of urban development by maintaining an open belt of land around urban areas / Plan policies should reflect the principles of green belt designations / Requirements of national planning guidance should be reflected in the SA framework
PPS3, Housing, Department for Communities and Local Government, 2003 / Guidance on provision of suitable sites, densities and development of mixed communities. Guidance on meeting housing requirements of whole community.
National Target – 60% of additional housing should be provided on previously developed land or through conversions. / Plan policies should aim to meet PPG 3 objectives – i.e. targets for development on previously developed land, provision of housing for identified needs and development of a mix of housing types to enable mixed communities. / Requirements of national planning guidance should be reflected in the SA framework
PPG 4: Industrial, commercial development and small firms, 1992 / Aims to encourage continued economic development in a way that is compatible with its stated environmental objectives. / The City Council needs to ensure that there is sufficient land available which is readily capable of development and well served by infrastructure. They should also ensure that there is a variety of sites available to meet differing needs / Economic development should be promoted, but this should not be at the expense of environmental quality. Development is to be located in readily accessible locations.
PPS6 Planning for Town Centres, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, 2005 / Promotion of vital and viable town centres by focussed growth / Plan policies should promote the importance of sustainable growth of centres, and take account of the sequential approach to site identification / Requirements of national planning guidance should be reflected in the SA framework
PPS7 Sustainable Development in Rural Areas, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, 2004 / Aims to raise quality of life, and environment in rural areas, supporting sustainable development. / Provides guidance on development strategies for Sheffield’s rural areas / Requirements of national planning guidance should be reflected in the SA framework
Consultation Draft PPS9 Biological and Geological Conservation, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, 2005 / Aims to conserve, enhance and restore diversity of wildlife and geology / The SDF will need to highlight the importance of balancing growth with protection of wildlife and natural features within plan policies / Requirements of national planning guidance should be reflected in the SA framework
PPS10 Planning for Sustainable Waste Management, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, 2005 / Guidance on sustainable waste management, and criteria for siting facilities. / Plan policies on waste management facilities will have to adhere to these guidelines. / Requirements of national planning guidance should be reflected in the SA framework
PPG13 Transport, Department of the Environment, 1994 (revised 2001) / Promotes more sustainable transport choices and seeks to widen accessibility to employment and services, whilst reducing the need to travel – particularly by car. / Will guide the development of transport policies in the SDF as well as having an impact on broad locational policies. / Requirements of national planning guidance should be reflected in the SA framework
PPG15 Planning and the Historic Environment, Department of the Environment, 1994 / Objective is to protect the historic environment / Plan policies should seek to protect the historic environment. / Requirements of national planning guidance should be reflected in the SA framework
PPG16 Archaeology and Planning, Department of the Environment, 1990 / Guidance on balancing conservation and development needs / PPG16 will have implications for policies designed to protect the historic environment / Requirements of national planning guidance should be reflected in the SA framework
PPG17 ‘Planning for Open Space, Sport and Recreation’, Department of the Environment, 1991 (revised 2002) / Promotes social inclusion, healthy communities and urban renaissance. / Plan policies relating to leisure, recreation and open space will need to take account of PPG17s objectives / Requirements of national planning guidance should be reflected in the SA framework. This will be particularly pertinent to indicators on health and leisure
PPS22 Renewable Energy, ODPM, 2004 / Contains principles for planning for renewable energy, and facilitates renewable energy developments. Government aim to cut carbon dioxide emissions and generate 10% of UK electricity from renewable sources by 2010. / SDF will need to take account of this guidance in the event of possible future renewable energy developments. / Requirements of national planning guidance should be reflected in the SA framework
PPS23 Planning and Pollution control, 2004 / Links Government principles of sustainable development and minimising pollution to planning policy / Plan policies will need to take account of this in terms of decisions on specific developments, and broad spatial policy in terms of minimising pollution levels. / Requirements of national planning guidance should be reflected in the SA framework. This is particularly important for transport assessments.
PPG24 Planning and Noise, 1994 / Gives guidance on use of planning powers to minimise adverse impact of noise / Will provide a general background to policies relating to developments in sensitive areas / Requirements of national planning guidance should be reflected in the SA framework
PPS25, Development and Flood Risk, Department for Communities and Local Government, 2006 / Objective – for planning policies to reduce risk of flooding / Will impact particularly on criteria based policies and site allocations in relation to assessed flood risk. / Requirements of national planning guidance should be reflected in the SA framework

Green Environment - water

‘Water Resources for the Future – A Strategy for England and Wales’, Environment Agency, 2001 / Objective – to promote water use efficiency, reduce wastage and protect water resources. Contains 30 recommendations. / Plan policies should stress the importance of efficient use of water, and minimise pollution of new developments / Consideration of water related issues within the appraisal framework
Planning a Future for the Inland Waterways, a Good Practice Guide, IWAAC, DTLR & DEFRA, 2001 / Highlights the potential of waterways in regeneration – practical advice` / Useful in the context of regeneration masterplans, as well as plan policies for regeneration, leisure and recreation, tourism, heritage, culture, natural environment and transport / Assessment of opportunities provided by waterways is important in terms of the impact across a broad spectrum of topics.
Waterways for Tomorrow, DEFRA, 2000 / Objective – promotion of waterways, encouraging their use and development / Useful in the context of regeneration masterplans, as well as plan policies for regeneration, leisure and recreation, tourism, heritage, culture, natural environment and transport / Assessment of opportunities provided by waterways is important in terms of the impact across a broad spectrum of topics.

Green Environment - biodiversity

‘Working with the Grain of Nature’ – A Biodiversity Strategy for England, DEFRA, 2002 / Strategy aims to ensure biodiversity considerations are embedded in all sections of public policy. Sets out key species for concern in different environments / Inclusion of policies to preserve wildlife and habitats / Consideration of direct and indirect impacts of plan policies on the natural environment
Biodiversity, the UK Action Plan, 1994 / Describes UK’s current biological resources, and plan of action for protection of specific species’ and habitats. / Links to plan policies on general development and also natural environment. / Highlight importance of assessing impacts on species and habitats
A Space for Nature, English Nature, 1996 / Sets out recommendations for access to green space and Local Nature Reserves / Will guide identification of future sites for designation and influence policy on protection of open spaces and LNRs / Recommendations are useful as indicators of access to open space
Regeneration and Cities, the role of England’s Community Forests, Countryside Agency, 1999 / Outlines the role of community forests in terms of access to green space and environment-led regeneration / Particularly important for policies relating to the South Yorkshire Forest / SA must incorporate measures to assess the impact of development on community forests and the effect they have on quality of life.

Built Environment