Suggested Interview Questions

Think Long Term

Non Line Managers / Managers
Give me an example of when you have had to deal with conflicting priorities? How did you approach this? / Give me an example of when you have developed and implemented a longer term plan? How did you approach this?
How do you make sure you always get value for money? / How do you approach financial planning? How do you ensure you are getting best value for money?
When have you changed something that has benefited the organisation/company that you work for? / How do you help your team understand the bigger picture/strategy/plan?
Service Promise Question
Describe a time when you have listened to your customers needs.
What did you learn and what did you do differently?

Love Places

Non Line Managers / Managers
When have you had to deal with significant change? How did you approach this? / How would you ensure you were an ambassador of the work that the Trust does?
When have you challenged the norm and encouraged others to do things differently? / Give me an example of when you have enabled others to think outside the norm and approach things differently?
How would you promote the work that the Trust does? / When have you implemented change? How did you deal with resistance?
Service Promise Question
How have you helped your customers feel relaxed, welcome and at ease?
What have you done to create a positive lasting memory for your customers?

Inspire People

Non Line Managers / Managers
When have you delivered exceptional customer service? What made it exceptional? / How do you motivate those around you?
How do you like to work with others? / What do you see as being the most important relationships to build in order to deliver successfully in this role?
In this role who do you think your customers would be? / When have you dealt with an underperforming member of staff? How did you approach this?
Service Promise Question
What does being warm, friendly and helpful mean to you? How do you do it?
Describe a time when you have inspired someone else to feel as passionate as you do about something?

Share our Common Purpose

Non Line Managers / Managers
How would you respond if you saw a colleague being rude to a customer? / What is your approach to decision making? How do you ensure you get buy in?
When have you been in a position when a decision has been made that you disagree with? How did you respond? / When have you received constructive feedback? How did you respond to the feedback?
When have you been in a position when things have gone wrong? How did you approach this? / When have you taken a risk in a work situation? What made you decide to take the risk and what was the outcome?
Service Promise Question
If someone complains to you about something you know nothing about, how would you react?
What would you do about it?