MARC Treasurer’s Report

July 14, 2017

See Treasurer’s Report with balances.

Concerning the Proposed Budget, as you can see the 2016 – 2017 Actual column shows income and expenses. Presently we have a blank on the Roll over from MARC Treasury and reMARCs Subscriptions, with a total income showing $5,421.04. The Miscellaneous includes the sale of 18 pins for $90 and $40 reimbursement from Angie for her IC Convention Registration. I paid $290 which included her PICPA luncheon fee and she reimbursed that amount to the treasury.

The expenses paid out already are listed. Please note that the $1,000 allotted for the Vice President’s IC Leadership Registration and Travel amount was not used this year because Celeste’s fees were paid by ALSAC. Next year Deb will be using this amount to travel to Leadership as the MARC Representative. The highlighted cells are line items that we think we will still be paying out. That amount is $2,555. We presently have a difference of $3,160.78 from income and expenses for which the $2,555 will be paid from.

The proposed 2017 – 2018 Budget is in the second column. We decided to rename the third item in income to “Rollover from the MARC Treasury” hoping to make it easier to understand where that money comes from. All other line items remained the same with the exception of the Bond Payment which is due in 2018 for $500. This brings the total expense and total income to $8,930.

The MARC Executive Board listened to your comments about the excess amount of money that we have in our treasury. We agreed. Our first proposal is to designate the fir $1,500 from any MARC Conference Profits to go to the Speakers Fund, with any remaining funds to go into the treasury.

As we are a philanthropic organization our excess funds should be used to continue our good works buy supporting our philanthropies. Our second proposal is to donate $2,911 to the Purple Heart scholarship – bringing the balance of the scholarship the same as the other MARC scholarship, $2,000 to St. Jude and $2,000 to Easter Seal. ($6,911). We presently have $21,954.30 in the account and should only be spending $2,555 from it for the rest of the year, barring any unforeseen expenses, leaving $19,399.30. Subtracting the $6,911 we would then still have $12,488.30, with a budget of $8,930 for the 2017 - 2018 year. This would leave us with a cushion of $3,558.30 over the proposed budget amount of $8,930. We will not be voting on this today, so please take this back to your chapters and states and discuss these proposals before our annual meeting in October.. Are there any questions or comments?

Linda Schmidt