HelenBaderSchool of Social Welfare



1)Summer Study Abroad in Linz, Austria

2)Summer Study Abroad in Bristol, England

3)Spanish Immersion in Grecia, Costa Rica


The Austria course concentrates on social work and criminal justice, with special emphasis placed on the role of integration of differing cultures, especially immigrant groups, into society. Through interdisciplinary dialogue and a blend of classroom discussions and field site visits, strategies for preventive and community-based services are analyzed and evaluated. Questions are posed concerning the appropriate domain for program development and accountability and students will develop a framework to compare the different styles of community involvement and service in Austria and the US.

The Bristol, England course concentrates on child & family welfare, criminal justice, health, and family violence services (based on student interest and availability). The course identifies different approaches to policy and practice in the US and the UK, through interdisciplinary dialogue and a blend of classroom discussions and field site visits. Questions are posed concerning the appropriate domain for program development and accountability and students will develop a framework to compare the different styles of community involvement and service in the UK and the US.

The course in Costa Rica helps students develop cultural competence by immersion in Spanish language classes. In collaboration with the Academia Centromericana de Espanol () students study Spanish for three weeks in Grecia, Costa Rica, while living with a Tico host family. ACCE teaches this course at all skill levels, in classes of 2-4 students per teacher, meeting from 8 am to 12 daily. Afternoons include lectures on Latin American history, culture, social policy; visits to government agencies, NGOs, and cultural events. During the third week, students will participate in a Service Learning project in the afternoon.

BASIS FOR GRADING (AustriaEngland courses)

1)A brief concept paper (due 3 – 4 weeks before departure) describing the social policy or criminal justice issue to be studied during the course. The paper should clearly (a) describe the issue, (b) give examples of why it is an important issue or problem to study in an international context, and (c) pose questions that you hope to explore. This paper constitutes 20% of the course grade.

2)Active participation in classroom discussion and during field visits. Students are expected to demonstrate active participation during discussions in class and field visits. This accounts for 15% of the course grade.

3)A final paper(due mid-August). This paper should describe the problem for study, identify the policy and practice issues, reflect knowledge of classroom material, and incorporate examples of service delivery systems from field visits. This is a research paper that will require outside reading and integration of these readings with course material.This constitutes 65% of the course grade.

BASIS FOR GRADING (Costa Rica course)

1)Attendance, participation, & effort in Spanish classes constitutes 30% of course grade.

2)Maintaining a Daily Cultural Awareness Journal constitutes 30% of course grade

3)A reflection analysis paper (due after your return) constitutes 30% of course grade.

4)10% of your grade is based on the timeliness of submission.

Interest Application

Please save in a Word file, complete the form, and email to Prof. Susan Rose, .

1) Please indicate the course in which you wish to enroll:

□AUSTRIA(Criminal Justice or Social Work), June 17 – June 30, 2012

□BRISTOL, ENGLAND(Criminal Justice or Social Work), June 28– July 12, 2012

□COSTA RICASpanish Immersion (for Social Workers), June 16 – July 7, 2012

2) Personal Information for All Students

NAME: Last: First: Middle:

(Please indicate any variation on first name preferred)

ADDRESS: (Current):

ADDRESS: (Permanent):

TELEPHONE: (Cell): (Home): (Work): (Other):







3). Academic Status of All Students

a)UWM department?

b)If you are not from UWM, please indicate your university and department

c)Graduate or Undergraduate?

d)Grade point average (as of last semester):

e)Expected date of graduation:

4) Background Information: All students, please provide a response to each.

a)Please describe your professional and volunteer experiences (fields of service, populations served, etc.), any relevant work experience, and your current job.

b)Have you ever traveled outside of the US before? Where? For what purposes? What did you learn from these travels? (3 – 5 sentences)

c)What do you hope to gain from your study abroad trip? (3 – 5 sentences)

d)What do you know about the culture and history of the country you plan to visit? (2 – 3 sentences)

e)Do you speak any language other than American English? If so, which languages? How fluent are you in these languages (read, basic phrases, read and speak comfortably, etc.)?

f)For COSTA RICA course only

  1. Habla Espanol? Si No
  1. Are you of Hispanic/Latina/o/Chicano heritage? Yes No

If “Yes”, from which country/ies?

  1. Please rate your own Spanish-speaking ability below (check all that apply):


Can understand some spoken Spanish

Can read at a beginning level

Can speak rudimentary Spanish at a beginning level

Can speak beyond a beginning level

Can converse with native Spanish speakers

Can speak Spanish fluently and could get around alone in a Spanish-speaking country

Have (or currently do) worked with Spanish speaking persons in a social work setting. Please describe.

  1. How many years of formal Spanish instruction have you had?

years in High School

years in college

additional Spanish classes, immersion experiences; describe

5) Accommodation Needs for All Students:

a) Ground floor essential: Yes No

b) Special diet: Yes No (details)

f)Do you have any disabilities that would prevent you from climbing one flight of stairs and walking for about 20 minutes? Yes No (details)

g)Do you have any allergies that would impact your accommodations? Yes No (details)

h)Are you a smoker? Yes No. Are you willing to room with a smoker? Yes No

i)For AUSTRIA course students only:

  1. Do you want to room with a specific student on the course? Yes No Please provide name if “Yes.”
  1. Are you willing to consider rooming in a triple room? Yes No

j)For BRISTOL, ENGLAND course students only:

  1. If possible, I wish to be segregated by gender. Yes No Don’t care
  1. If possible, I wish to be segregated by age. Yes No Don’t care

k)For COSTA RICAcourse students only:

  1. I prefer a host family with (check all that apply):

children without pets another ACCE student (name ) an older adult I have no preference Other

6) Academic Expectations for All Students

a)ForAUSTRIAandBRISTOL, ENGLANDcourse students only:

Within my preferred concentration (Social Work or Criminal Justice), I am especially interested in the following topics, in order of preference:




b) For COSTA RICAcourse students only:

Describe how you think you may use your Spanish language skills in the future.

This is an interest application only. After review by the faculty of the HBSSW, you will be contacted to confirm your interest. You will need to complete the formal online application for the course through the Center for International Education website.

Please email this form to

Susan J. Rose, Ph.D., Associate Professor

HelenBaderSchool of Social Welfare

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

PO Box 786

Milwaukee, WI53201.