Security and Safety Checklist for Schools

Before retiring to bed, for your own safety, please ensure:

  1. The Mandeville door is locked.
  2. The front door is bolted.
  3. The bolts at the top and bottom of the Lounge French windows are securely fastened.
  4. The cloakroom door is locked from the outside.
  5. The doors to the Fire Escape on both upstairs levels are secure.
  6. All curtains are drawn and electrical equipment unplugged.
  7. Take the mobile phone (located in the Wash-up area) upstairs to your room, along with this sheet, the keys and a copy of your bedroom list.Please remember to return the phone to the base unit each morning in order to re-charge the battery.


The white front gates are left bolted and Burwell House staff should check they are bolted upon their departure. You are able to unbolt them if required (no key needed).

The red gates are locked by the last member of Burwell House education staff to leave the site. If you are having visitors during the evening who need to use the car park, then these gates will need locking and unlocking by the school party leader. No key is required for this, though a key would be required to get back in!

If the Fire Alarm Should Ring

1Vacate the House by the nearest Fire Exit, congregating on the Front Lawn

2.Ring the Fire Service on 999 (We do have a direct link to the fire service, so they may well inform you that they are already aware of this.)

3.Check that all your party is accounted for, but under no circumstances go back into the building. When the Fire Service arrives they will need to know who is missing and where they are likely to be located in the building (i.e. which bedroom).

4.Once the Fire Service have been contacted, contact a member of staff from Burwell House who, on arrival, will escort your group to a place of safety (see reverse for contact numbers) and provide further instructions.

Contact Numbers for Burwell House staff

Contact Numbers for Medical Advice

Out of Office Hours Medical Emergency/Advice

NHS Direct(819)0845 4647

Burwell Surgery(819)01638 741234

AddenbrookesHospital, Cambridge(819)01223 245151

WestSuffolkHospital, Bury St Edmunds(819)01284 713333

24hr taxi firms: Panther Taxis(819)01223 715715

Atlas Cabs (819)0845 260 6002

(819)0781 205 1413

Should you need to receive an incoming call please give either:

  • The number of the payphone in the Main Hall of the House: 01638 600072.
  • Or the centre mobile number: 07769 880 513
