Guide to using MAPS

Section 2: Tutorial for Heads of Departments

Logging in /

How to Login

MAPS is an Internet-based system, so you can only access it from a computer connected to the Internet. However, as you have a unique login, you can access your MAPS account any time of the day or night, 365 days a year.

To access your portfolio go to the Internet address for your LA on MAPS.

The easiest way to find out your LA’s MAPS Internet address is to go to:

In the top left of the screen you will see a drop-down box listing LEAs where schools are subscribed to MAPS. Scroll down and click on your LA, then when the MAPS screen for your LA comes up, click the Login button at the top right of the screen.

Your school’s MAPS coordinator/administrator (usually the ICT coordinator) will have set you up with a login. Your username will be the email address (usually your school email address). Your password when you first login will be ‘portfolio8’ but you will be prompted to change this the first time you logon.

Please remember your password as the MAPS Administrator at TAG learning does not keep a copy of this. Your new password must be 6 or more characters long.

Guide to using MAPS
Section 2: Guide to MAPS interface forHeadsof Departments /

There are 3 sets of controls on the MAPS screen.

For more information on how to personalise your portfolio, please see ‘How to edit your portfolio’ later in this guide.
Viewing Classes

If you click on the ‘classes’ tab on the top of your screen this will take you to the classes that have been setup for you. If they are not the correct ones please inform your school’s MAPS administrator.

Your pupils are arranged in alphabetical order. Their names are links to their portfolios with their work contained in them. (For more information about this see ‘Assessing Work’ in Section 3: Tutorial for Teachers)

You can see at a glance which students have logged on and changed their password, whether they have a task to do or whether it is overdue!

Guide to Key on Class pages

This appears at the side of the student’s name when they have uploaded any work. It is not a link to the work. To view work, click on the student’s name and navigate to the task.

This is a link to a page where you can see what the student has covered from the Programmes of Study in your subject, based on tasks completed and assessed. Use the drop down arrow to change subject and strand.

You can set targets for the student which will appear on their ‘About Me’ screen. To do this, type the target in the ICT target window and click ‘GO!’.

This shows you the student has not logged on to the system and changed their password.

This shows that this student has work in either the school gallery or moderation portfolios. It is a link to the work.

This shows that a student has not handed in their task by the hand in date set by you.

Guide to using MAPS
Section 2: Tutorial for Heads of Departments

How to set up teachers


As Head of Department you have the ability to set up other teachers in your department.

Note: Only the school’s MAPS administrator has the ability to add or delete classes and add pupils!

Creating Teachers and Editing classes

  1. Click on the ‘Portfolios’ tab at the top of your screen
  1. You will see a screen like the one below. From here you can see the classes set up for your subject and whom those classes have been assigned to. If you need to change these click on ‘Edit’ underneath the teacher name.
  1. Click on the ‘add teacher’ button.

  1. Fill in the teacher’s details as they would want them to be seen. It is important to include a valid email address, preferably a school one so that they receive important messages. Their email address will become their username.

  1. Teachers can change their usernames once they have logged into MAPS.
  2. Click ‘FINISHED’ when you have filled in all details. Your teacher now has an account.

Assigning Classes

Once you have created a teacher you have to assign them their classes. You can have multiple teachers assigned to each class.

  1. If not already in portfolio’s screen, click the ‘portfolio’ button.
  1. Click the ‘Edit’ link underneath the name of the class you want to assign to a teacher. A screen will appear.
  1. Use the drop down box next to ‘Add a Teacher’ to associate the correct teacher to this class. Click ‘FINISHED!’.
  1. If you want to add multiple teachers to a class select another teacher from the drop down list and click ‘FINISHED!’.
  1. If you have made a mistake or want to unassign a teacher from a class click in the link under the list of assigned teachers. At the next screen select which teacher you want to unassign and click ‘FINISHED!’.
  1. Your teacher is now ready to log-in to the system and to begin to assign assessment tasks.

Note: When a teacher logs in for the first time their default password will be ‘portfolio8’. The teacher will be prompted to change their password to something they will remember. It must be 6 characters or more.

  1. From this screen you can also change the interface for the class. Click on the link to take you to the screen below.
  1. The password you need to enter is your own password you used to log in. You can then click on the radio button by the side of the interface you want the class to see. (See User interfaces for Students earlier in this chapter for more details on the two interfaces) When You have chosen the interface click ‘FINISHED!’.

Note: If you change the interface all students’ passwords will be reset to the default for that interface.

Guide to using MAPS
Section 2: Tutorial for Heads of Departments

How to edit your portfolio


Your Portfolio

Your Portfolio is your home page on the MAPS system and will be the first screen that you see when you first log-in. From this screen you have instant access your classes, overdue work and work that is awaiting marking.

At-a-glance guide

Edit button - change your user name, change the text on screen - and much more - see the text below.

Change border - upload a 24 X 24 pixel image as the border

Change password - you can change your password - vital if you think that someone may have found it.

Report problem - one click to send a message to the MAPS system administrator

Things that you can change

Editing your Details

Click on the ‘edit’ button to see the screen below.

What can you do here?

  • Alter your name and title to how you want it to be seen by other MAPS users.
  • Alter your username so it is different to your email address. This is especially useful if you have a very long address
  • Make sure that the email address is the one that you want to be used by MAPS, preferably a school email address and one that is checked regularly.
  • If you want messages from the pupils to be copied to your email account as well as your portfolio then click on ‘Yes’ in message reminders.
  • Change your portfolio colour display. Click on a radio button to select the colour.
  • To add information about yourself that you want to be available to the pupils, type your comments in the ‘Other information’ text box.

Guide to using MAPS
Section 2: Tutorial for Heads of Departments

How to create and manage cross curricular tasks


Please read ‘Creating an Assessment Task’ in Section 3: Tutorial for Teachers for creating new assessment tasks. This tutorial will cover how an existing task in one of the task banks can be adapted to make it cross curricular.

Viewing Tasks

To view your task bank, click on the tasks tab.

When you view your task bank for the first time it will be empty, until you import tasks into it or create a task yourself.

To find out how to import a task from one of the task banks, read ‘Using and editing an assessment task’ in Section 3: Tutorial for Teachers.

You can import an ICT task and make it a cross curricular task.

  1. Click on the ‘Edit’ link by the name of the task in your task bank. You will then see the screen below.
  1. You can change the target year by clicking on the drop down arrow at the side of the number and choosing the year you want to target with this task.
  2. Click on the radio button by ‘Yes’ if you want your pupils to assess themselves against the outcomes you set.
  3. Choose the main subject for this task by using the drop down list.
  4. Click on the radio button by ‘Yes’ if this task is to be cross curricular.
  5. Choose the mark scheme for the task.
  6. Click ‘CONTINUE!’ A new screen will appear with the ICT programs of study that are met during this task. You can alter these.
  1. When happy, click ‘CONTINUE!’ at the bottom of the screen. A new screen appears.
  1. Choose your subject area and click on the radio button to answer whether the ICT component should be marked. Click ‘CONTINUE!’.
  1. Tagging the task with its curriculum references

You next decide which of the POS (Programmes of Study) references of the chosen subject are going to be met by the pupils completing the task. For many subjects, there is more than one screen of POS. You can at any time return to the task and make alterations.

  1. Targeted learning outcomes

You now have the opportunity to express the learning outcomes and level ranges that are appropriate for your task. This does not restrict the levels you are able to give pupils on completion of the task.

This serves as a guide to show everyone what you are looking for and to let the children know what they are working towards. The screen below shows three sets of statements at three different levels for the same task. You can edit these to fit the focus of your task.

You can add more outcomes by clicking in the red boxes. Remember to click the ‘Process outcomes’ button after you have added or changed the outcomes.

  1. When all of the outcomes are all correctly listed, click the ‘FINISHED!’ button.

To add or change resources for a task, read ‘Using and editing an assessment task’ in Section 3: Tutorial for Teachers. Also read ‘Assigning assessment tasks’ in the same section.

Assigning a task to a whole year group

1.Log into the system to see your ‘About me’ page.
2.Click on the ‘tasks’ tab to access your Tasks portfolio.
  1. Choose the task you want to assign. This might be in your task bank or in another task bank. You must import a task into your task bank before you can assign it to anyone.
  1. To assign a task, click on the ‘assign’ link on the task list. Alternatively you can open the task (click the ‘View’ link) and then assign it.
  1. Click ‘Assign to whole year?’ link and by the side of the year group you want to give the same task to.

  1. You will be taken to each class in the year group where you can choose students from each class to assign this task to. You can either select all students in each class or select individuals.
  1. Set the start date and hand in date for this task and click ‘FINISHED!’

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