Procedures established by the Curriculum and Multilingual Departments to support National Geographic Learning in this endeavor.

1)Each campus participating in the rostering process* will need a designated campus lead, or Dashboard Administrator.

The Dashboard Administrator will have campus level access to the Reach website and will be responsible for rostering teachers and students for that campus. Training for this process is required, so it is advised that the dashboard administrator be someone that meets the following criteria:

  • Part of the Leadership Team on a campus
  • Works with Bilingual/ESL teachers in some capacity
  • Has some familiarity with input of data
  • Can attend the necessary training

A link to a Google Doc is included in this memo requesting that you designate someone on your campus in this role. This form will also ask other pertinent information that will help facilitate this process.

2)Each Dashboard Administrator will receive training on the rostering process.

Once principals have designated the Dashboard Administrator, an email will be sent to all Dashboard Administrators outlining the process for training. The Curriculum and Multilingual Departments will coordinate and facilitate these trainings presented by National Geographic Learning.

3)Each Dashboard Administrator will roster their individual campuses.

To facilitate the rostering of teachers:

A Google Doc will be sent to anyone that currently has an NGReach

  • preview account to obtain the necessary information to continue their access to NGReach.
  • All Bilingual teachers that currently have an NGReach preview account would then be able to roster their students.
  • All ESL teachers that currently have an NGReach preview accountwould then be able to roster their students.
  • Teacher Development Specialists /Other Support Staff will also continue to have access to the online content of NGReach.
  • All other teachers would have to be rostered by individual campus administrators.

**Please note that teachers will only be allowed to have access to the grade level(s) they support.**

To facilitate the rostering of students:

  • The Curriculum and Multilingual Departments will work with Chancery to upload a student roster to the NGReach system.
  • The following codes will be pulled from Chancery: YB, YC, YD,YE, YG, YP, YX,IH, IM, PT, and NT for grades Kinder through 5th grade.
  • Campuses are asked to review their LEP Rosters to ensure that the data is accurate.
  • Rosters will be pulled from Chancery on: Friday, May 17, 2013.
  • Chancery will automatically load students into the NGReach system every 6 weeks.