PHASE I – Design of Buildings


Copyright 1997, The American Institute of Architects (AIA)



This STD-SPC uses FIDIC Contract terms: (eg.) "Engineer", "Employer", "Commencement Date", "Time for Completion", "Taking-Over", Etc, although the terms "Project site", "Work" and "Substantial Completion" have generally been retained unchanged. If a different Form of Contract is used, change such terms to match those in that Contract.

Verify that Section titles referenced in this Section are correct for this Project’s Specification; Section titles may have changed.

All Imperial values/dimensions included in the original AIA specifications have been inserted as hidden text and all Metric values/dimensions have been retained. Where products, which are manufactured to Imperial tolerances are required, the Specification Writer must ensure that the Metric values/dimensions retained are appropriate and correct. If need be, the Specification Writer can insert the (Imperial values/dimensions) directly after the Metric values/dimensions.

All references to “Evaluations” included in the original AIA specifications have been removed because these supporting evaluations notes may not be available to all Specification Writers using these DCA Master Specifications. However, these supporting evaluation notes provide very useful information, which aid the process of preparing specifications. Where these evaluation notes are available, the Specification Writer is advised to make reference to them while preparing specification sections.



  1. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Conditions of Contract and Division1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.


  1. This Section includes water softeners and accessories for water-supply systems.
  2. Related Sections include the following:

List below only products that the reader might expect to find in this Section but are specified elsewhere.

  1. Division15 Section "Equipment Insulation" for softener-tank insulation.
  2. Division15 Section "Pipe Insulation" for softener-piping insulation.


  1. The following are industry abbreviations for plastic materials:

Retain abbreviations that remain after this Section has been edited.

  1. ABS: Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene plastic.
  2. FRP: Fiberglass-reinforced plastic resin.
  3. PE: Polyethylene plastic.
  4. PVC: Polyvinyl chloride plastic.


  1. Product Data: Include rated capacities; shipping, installed, and operating weights; ion-exchange resins; salt purity and form; furnished specialties; and accessories.

Retain below if desired. Submittal of sample warranties provides opportunity to verify that coverage complies with requirements.

  1. Sample Warranty: Copy of manufacturer's proposed warranty, stating obligations, remedies, limitations, and exclusions.
  1. Shop Drawings: Detail equipment layouts and indicate dimensions, weights, loads, required clearances, method of field assembly, components, and location and size of each field connection.

Delete subparagraph below if equipment does not include wiring.

  1. Wiring Diagrams: Detail wiring for power, signal, and control systems and differentiate between manufacturer-installed and field-installed wiring.

Delete paragraphs below if not required.

  1. Certificates of Shop Inspection and Data Reports: For softener tanks, as required by ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
  2. Manufacturer's Field Service Reports: As specified in this Section.
  3. Field Test Reports: Indicate and interpret test results for compliance with performance requirements.
  4. Maintenance Agreement: As specified in this Section.
  5. Maintenance Data: For water softeners to include in maintenance manuals specified in Division1.
  6. Warranties: Warranties specified in this Section.


Delete both paragraphs below if not required.

Retain paragraph below to allow Drawing details based on one manufacturer's product to establish requirements and still allow competition. Revise to identify specific proprietary system or indicate on Drawings. Correlate with Division1 requirements.

  1. Product Options: Drawings indicate size, profiles, and dimensional requirements of water softeners and are based on the specific system selected. Other manufacturers' systems with equal performance characteristics may be considered. Refer to Division1 Section "Product Requirements".
  2. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA70, Article100, by a testing agency acceptable to the Engineer.


When warranties are required, coordinate with Division1 Section "Product Requirements."

  1. Manufacturer's Warranty: Provide written warranty, signed by the manufacturer agreeing to repair or replace components of water softeners that fail in materials or workmanship within specified warranty period. Include coverage for the following:
  2. Attrition loss of resin not to exceed 3 percent per year.
  3. Resin not to be washed out of system during service run or backwashing period.
  4. Effluent turbidity not to be greater and color not to be darker than incoming water.
  5. Underdrain system, gravel, and resin not to become fouled, with turbidity or by dirt, rust, or scale from softener equipment or soft water, while operating according to manufacturer's written operating instructions.

Revise warranty to period required and verify availability. Period below is maximum included with manufacturer's published data.

  1. Warranty Period: 3 years from date of Substantial Completion.


Delete this Article if Employer will maintain system.

  1. Maintenance: Submit four copies of manufacturer's "Agreement for Continued Service and Maintenance," before Substantial Completion, for the Employer's acceptance. Offer terms and conditions for furnishing consumables and providing continued testing, maintenance and servicing to include replacing materials and components. Include one-year term of agreement, commencing at date of Substantial Completion, with option for one-year renewal.


Extra materials may not be allowed for publicly funded projects. Delete this Article if maintenance services specified in Article above are retained.

  1. Furnish extra materials described below that match products installed and that are packaged with protective covering for storage and identified with labels describing contents. Deliver materials to the Employer.

Consult with Employer and manufacturer to determine salt quantity, and edit below as required.

  1. Salt for Brine Tanks: Furnish at least four times original load, but not less than 500kg. Deliver on pallets according to the following:

Retain one of five subparagraphs below and edit package size as required.

  1. Pellet Form: In 20- or 25-kg packages.
  2. Pellet Form: In 50-kg packages.
  3. Solar-Salt Form: In 20- or 25-kg packages.
  4. Solar-Salt Form: In 50-kg packages.
  5. Brine-Block Form: In 25-kg blocks.
  1. Store salt on raised platform where directed by the Employer. Do not store in contact with concrete floor.



This Article is for use with point-of-use equipment that requires soft hot water. Units are usually small.

  1. Description: Factory-assembled, pressure-type, commercial water softener for hot-water service.
  2. Configuration: Single unit with one softener tank and one brine tank.
  3. NSF Compliance: NSF44, "Cation Exchange Water Softeners."

Retain paragraph above or below or delete both if not required. Retain paragraph below for potable-water service.

  1. NSF Compliance: NSF44, "Cation Exchange Water Softeners," and NSF61, "Drinking Water System Components--Health Effects."

Retain one of three "Softener Tank" paragraphs and associated subparagraphs below.

  1. Softener Tank: Steel, electric-welded, pressure-vessel quality. Include hydrostatic test at minimum of one and one-half times pressure rating and the following:
  2. Construction: Fabricated and stamped to comply with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: SectionVIII, "Pressure Vessels."

100 psig (690 kPa) below is usual minimum pressure rating. Use higher rating only if required.

  1. Pressure Rating: 1035kPa(150 psig).
  2. Wetted Components: Suitable for water temperatures from 4.4 to 71 deg.C(40 to 160 degF).

Retain and edit subparagraphs below as required.

  1. Freeboard: 50 percent minimum for backwash expansion above normal resin bed level.
  2. Finish: Hot-dip galvanized on exterior and interior of tank after fabrication or exterior spray painted with rust-resistant prime coat and interior sandblasted and lined with epoxy-polyamide coating.
  3. Distribution Systems: Manufacturer's standard, modified for hot-water service.
  1. Softener Tank: Stainless-steel, electric-welded, pressure-vessel quality. Include hydrostatic test at minimum of one and one-half times pressure rating and the following:
  2. Construction: Fabricated and stamped to comply with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: SectionVIII, "Pressure Vessels."

100 psig (690 kPa) below is usual minimum pressure rating. Use higher rating only if required.

  1. Pressure Rating: 1035kPa(150 psig).
  2. Wetted Components: Suitable for water temperatures from 4.4 to 71 deg.C(40 to 160 degF).

Retain and edit subparagraphs below as required.

  1. Freeboard: 50 percent minimum for backwash expansion above normal resin bed level.
  2. Distribution Systems: Manufacturer's standard, modified for hot-water service.
  1. Softener Tank: FRP, pressure-vessel quality. Include hydrostatic test at minimum of one and one-half times pressure rating and the following:
  2. Construction: Fabricated and stamped to comply with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: SectionX, "Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels."

100 psig (690 kPa) below is usual minimum pressure rating. Use higher rating only if required.

  1. Pressure Rating: 860kPa(125 psig).
  2. Wetted Components: Suitable for water temperatures from 4.4 to at least 66 deg.C(40 to at least 150 degF).

Retain and edit subparagraphs below as required.

  1. Freeboard: 50 percent minimum for backwash expansion above normal resin bed level.
  2. Distribution Systems: Manufacturer's standard, modified for hot-water service.

Retain subparagraph below if required for potable water or delete if not required.

  1. Liner: PE, ABS, or other material suitable for hot potable-water service.
  1. Controls: Electrical or mechanical timer. Include programmable-, automatic-, and manual-operation features.
  2. Brine Tank: Combination brine and brine measuring. Include section with salt platform and screen for dry-salt storage and section for brine, or single section for wet-salt storage without platform.
  3. Construction: Fabricated from FRP or molded PE. Include plastic cover.
  4. Brine Valve: Float operated and plastic fitted for automatic control of brine withdrawn and freshwater refill. Include brine tubing and fittings.
  5. Size: Sufficient for at least four regenerations at full salting.
  6. Include the following factory-installed accessories:
  7. Piping, valves, drains, and pressure gages.
  8. Sampling cock.
  9. Main-operating-valve position indicator.
  10. Water meter.


This Article is for residential applications and is limited to between 4 and 12 gpm (0.25 and 0.76 L/s) of continuous flow.

  1. Description: Factory-assembled, pressure-type, household or commercial water softener suitable for household applications.
  2. Configuration: Single unit with one softener tank and one brine tank.
  3. Softener Tank: Steel or FRP, with coating or liner suitable for potable-water service and 690 kPa (100-psig)minimum pressure rating.
  4. NSF Compliance: NSF44, "Cation Exchange Water Softeners," and NSF61, "Drinking Water System Components--Health Effects."

Retain paragraph above or below.

  1. NSF Compliance: NSF61, "Drinking Water System Components--Health Effects."
  2. Controls: For automatic or fully automatic operation.
  3. Brine Tank: Combination brine and brine measuring. Include single wet-salt storage section.
  4. Construction: Fabricated from FRP or molded PE. Include plastic cover.
  5. Brine Valve: Float operated and plastic fitted for automatic control of brine withdrawn and freshwater refill. Include brine tubing and fittings.
  6. Size: Sufficient for at least two regenerations at full salting.


This Article is for small units with 20 gpm (1.25L/s) or less of continuous flow.

  1. Description: Factory-assembled, pressure-type, commercial water softener.
  2. Configuration: Single unit with one softener tank and one brine tank.

Retain paragraph above or below.

  1. Configuration: Twin unit with two softener tanks and one brine tank.
  2. NSF Compliance: NSF44, "Cation Exchange Water Softeners."

Retain paragraph above or below or delete both if not required. Retain paragraph below for potable-water service.

  1. NSF Compliance: NSF44, "Cation Exchange Water Softeners," and NSF61, "Drinking Water System Components--Health Effects."

Retain one of two "Softener Tank" paragraphs and associated subparagraphs below.

  1. Softener Tank: FRP, pressure-vessel quality. Include hydrostatic test at minimum of one and one-half times pressure rating and the following:
  2. Construction: Fabricated and stamped to comply with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: SectionX, "Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels."

100 psig (690 kPa) below is usual minimum pressure rating. Use higher rating if required.

  1. Pressure Rating: 860kPa(125 psig).
  2. Wetted Components: Suitable for water temperatures from 4.4 to at least 49 deg.C(40 to at least 120 degF).

Retain or edit subparagraphs below as required.

  1. Freeboard: 50 percent minimum for backwash expansion above normal resin bed level.
  2. Support Legs or Skirt: Constructed of plastic or structural steel, attached to tank bottom.
  3. Upper Distribution System: Single, point type, fabricated from pipe and fittings.
  4. Lower Distribution System: Hub and radial-arm or header-lateral type; fabricated from nonmetallic pipe with individual, fine-slotted, nonclogging plastic strainers; arranged for even flow distribution through resin bed.

Retain subparagraph below if required or delete if unit is not for potable water.

  1. Liner: PE, ABS, or other material suitable for potable water.
  1. Softener Tank: Steel, electric-welded, pressure-vessel quality. Include hydrostatic test at minimum of one and one-half times pressure rating and the following:
  2. Construction: Fabricated and stamped to comply with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: SectionVIII, "Pressure Vessels."

100 psig (690 kPa) below is usual minimum pressure rating. Use higher rating if required.

  1. Pressure Rating: 1035kPa(150 psig).
  2. Wetted Components: Suitable for water temperatures from 4.4 to at least 49 degC (40 to at least 120 degF).

Retain or edit subparagraphs below as required.

  1. Freeboard: 50 percent minimum for backwash expansion above normal resin bed level.
  2. Support Legs or Skirt: Constructed of structural steel, welded to tank bottom.
  3. Finish: Hot-dip galvanized on exterior and interior of tank after fabrication or exterior spray painted with rust-resistant prime coat and interior sandblasted and lined with epoxy-polyamide coating.
  4. Upper Distribution System: Single, point type, fabricated from pipe and fittings.
  5. Lower Distribution System: Hub and radial-arm or header-lateral type; fabricated from nonmetallic pipe with individual, fine-slotted, nonclogging plastic strainers; arranged for even flow distribution through resin bed.

Retain subparagraph below if required or delete if unit is not for potable water.

  1. Liner: PE, ABS, or other material suitable for potable water.

Edit paragraph and subparagraphs below for special controls.

  1. Controls: Factory mounted on units and factory-wired cycle controls. Include the following:
  2. Adjustable duration of various regeneration steps.
  3. Push-button start and complete manual operation.
  4. Electric time clock and switch for fully automatic operation, adjustable to initiate regeneration at any hour of day and any day of week or at fixed intervals.
  5. Sequence of Operation: Program multiport pilot-control valve to automatically pressure actuate main operating valve through steps of regeneration and return to service. Include the following:
  6. Pointer on pilot-control valve to indicate cycle of operation.
  7. Means of manual operation of pilot-control valve if power fails.
  8. Main Operating Valves: Industrial, automatic, multiport, diaphragm type with the following features:
  9. Slow opening and closing, nonslam operation.
  10. Diaphragm guiding on full perimeter from fully open to fully closed.
  11. Isolated dissimilar metals within valve.
  12. Self-adjusting, internal, automatic brine injector that will draw brine and rinse at constant rate independent of pressure.

Delete subparagraph below for twin tanks.

  1. Valve for single unit with internal automatic bypass of raw water during regeneration.
  2. Sampling cocks for soft water.
  3. Special tools are not required for service.
  1. Flow Control: Automatic, to control backwash and flush rates over wide variations in operating pressures, and that does not require field adjustments.

Retain one of five subparagraphs below.

  1. Meter Control: Equip each softener tank with standard register water meter that will record quantity of soft water produced in liters (gallons).
  2. Meter Control: Equip each softener tank with signal-register-head water meter that will produce electrical signal indicating need for regeneration on reaching hand-set total in liters(gallons). Design so that signal will continue until reset.

Retain subparagraph below only for single tanks.

  1. Demand-Initiated Control: Equip single softener-tank unit with automatic-reset-head water meter that will electrically activate cycle controller to initiate regeneration at preset total in liters(gallons). Design so that head will automatically reset to preset total in liters (gallons)for next service run.

Retain subparagraph below only for twin tanks.

  1. Demand-Initiated Control: Equip each softener tank of twin units with automatic-reset-head water meters that will electrically activate cycle controllers to initiate regeneration at preset total in liters(gallons). Design so that heads will automatically reset to preset total in liters (gallons)for next service run. Include electrical lockout to prevent simultaneous regeneration of both tanks.
  1. Brine Tank: Combination brine and brine measuring. Include section with salt platform and screen for dry-salt storage and section for brine.
  2. Construction: Fabricated from fiberglass or molded PE. Include plastic cover.
  3. Brine Valve: Float operated and plastic fitted for automatic control of brine withdrawn and freshwater refill. Include brine tubing and fittings.
  4. Size: Sufficient for at least four regenerations at full salting.
  5. Include the following factory-installed accessories:
  6. Piping, valves, drains, and pressure gages.
  7. Sampling cocks.
  8. Main-operating-valve position indicators.
  9. Water meters.