Schoolpointe Online Classroom

Schoolpointe Online Classroom

SchoolPointe Online Classroom

Adding video to your classroom web site: YouTube andSaved Videos

YouTube Videos:

  1. Go to YouTube
  2. Search for a video.
  3. When you find one you want to add to your web site, click the SHARE button.
  4. A link will pop up but don’t use that one.
  5. Click theEMBED button.
  6. The source code will be highlighted.
  7. Right-click on the source code to copy it.
  8. Go back to the SchoolPointepage that you want to put the video on.
  9. Choose ADD ASSIGNMENTS (or ANNOUNCEMENTS or add to your home page if you like).
  10. Click on the SOURCE icon on the toolbar in Schoolpointe
  11. Place cursor where you want to paste the video on your page and right-click to paste.
  12. Will see the page in HTML code.
  13. Click SAVE PAGE. Your video will appear.
  14. To delete the video, click on the SOURCE button again to highlight and delete the code. Click SAVE PAGE.

Saved Videos:

You will need to be able to save a video to your computer in order for you to be able to import it into your site.

  1. Go to Discovery Education (United Streaming)

*If you do not have and account, go to:

Click on Passcode/New User, Passcode: A471-2133

  1. Log in and search for a video to download to your PC (it will typically go to the “Downloads” folder on your PC).
  2. Log into SchoolPointe.
  3. Click on VIDEO LIBRARY on the right (you must upload your video to this library in order to be able to embed it on your page).
  4. Click on BROWSE to locate your saved video. It will begin uploading automatically. You will get a message to “Refresh the Page (you can use your F5 key).” You should then see your video added to your SchoolPointe Video Library.
  5. Next, go to the classroom web site page that you wanted to add the video to.
  6. Go to CLASS ASSIGNMENTS (you can also add video to the CLASS ANNOUNCEMENTS if you like).
  7. Click on ADD ASSIGNMENT, add the assignment name, dates and description (optional).
  8. Click on the SCHOOLPOINT VIDEO icon, select your video.
  9. You can use the slider bar to adjust the size of your video if you prefer and then PREVIEW before inserting.
  11. To delete your video, click on the DELETE button above the video.

Other SchoolPointe Features……

Classroom Blogs:

What is a blog?

A Web site containing the writer's or group of writers' own experiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often having images and links to other Web sites.

  1. At the top of the page click MANAGE BLOG.
  2. Click ADD BLOG POST.
  3. When the dialogue box appears, enter a Title for your blog.
  4. Enter the blog information into the content editor and date information.
  5. Place a check in the box to Allow for Comments to be posted.
  6. Click SAVE BLOG POST.
  7. If you need to delete a blog post, click DELETE POST.
  8. To approve comments that have been submitted, click the APPROVE SUBMITTED COMMENTS link. Comments will not be displayed until approved.
  9. Students will go to your classroom page and click VIEW BLOG. They have to type their name and an email address, post their comments and then click SAVE COMMENT.
  10. No student comments will appear until they have been approved by you.

Classroom Image Gallery:

You can add photos of your students in action for each class page created.

  1. Select a classroom page to add photos to.
  2. Click on ADD NEW GALLERY SLIDESHOW, give it a name.
  3. Click BROWSE to locate the saved pictures to add. You can select MULTIPLE images at once by holding CTRL (or SHIFT) when browsing your computer.The Caption will apply to all images uploaded at one time, be sure to click the Save button when you are done selecting images.
  4. Click SAVE GALLERY to begin uploading photo(s).
  5. You can disable the gallery at any time by clicking the DISABLE button in the Classroom Image Gallery area of your page.

SchoolPointe—D. Ruber 2012