Silk Hope School

School Improvement Team Minutes

February 27, 2017

SIP Goals/Strategies

Goal 1: Students will increase proficiency as measured on the NC End-of-Grade Reading test (3rd-8th) and mclass TRC (K-2nd).

● Professional learning communities will use the PLC framework to drive instruction and lesson plan creation.

● Use the MTSS school wide problem solving model to examine effectiveness of all tiers and implementation (focus on problem analysis and implementation planning).

● Strengthen core balanced literacy instruction by implementing the Daily 5/CAFE in grades K-5.

Goal 2: In grades 3rd-8th, students will increase in proficiency as measured on the NC End-of-Grade Math test.

● Professional learning communities will use the PLC framework to drive instruction and lesson plan creation.

● Use the MTSS problem solving model with in PLCs to address academic needs of all students

● Strengthen core Math instruction by using the district pacing guides and instructional framework.

Goal 3: Develop and implement a school wide Tier I behavior plan that will be implemented in 100% of the classrooms.

● Strategy 1: Implement a behavior incentive program

● Strategy 2: Create continuum of consequences for student behavior for grades K-5 and 6-8

Present at the Meeting:

Amy Leonard (k-2 rep)

Irion Dickerson (3-5 rep)

Angela Vanore (6-8 rep)

Kim Johnson (specials/electives rep)

Shawn Rippe (support teachers rep)

Karen Holden (IA rep)

Karen Snipes (Classified Staff rep)

Leigh Ann Cardman

Sarah Petty

Angie Brady-Andrew

Guests: Michelle Daniel, Tiffany Johnson, Kristin White


Anne Addabbo (parent rep)


Approve Minutes from January 26, 2017 meeting (5 mins)

SIT Meeting Minutes January 2017

The minutes from the January 2017 School Improvement Team meeting were read and approved. The will be posted on the SHS website for public viewing.


SHS Math Road Map (40 mins): Math Road Crew Team (Leigh Ann Cardman, Michelle Daniel, Tiffany Johnson, Ashley Moore, Kristin White)

SHS math teachers have collaborated with Leigh Ann to create a school wide Math framework (SHS Math Roadmap) to provide consistency and vertical alignment across grade levels. Anyone interested in the work of the team can join.

Main Goals: Use the district’s Math Framework in K-5, be more consistent with our math instruction overall-making sure our objectives carry over to the next year and that students are prepared for their next year’s math vocabulary, fact fluency building, and problem solving. Encourage and motivate students by showing them that math is fun. Manipulatives have been purchased to help with the math framework.

We are going to have a math night on April 6. Math games in the multipurpose room, a digital resource room, and 4 classrooms will be open teaching different math skills. Hopefully the students will lead and the teachers will be there for support.

Leigh Ann is going to start working with a small group of 4th graders intensely in the area of math. The group will be called the Mathlete group.

SIT Members: Share the road map with your constituents. See if anyone is interested in math night. K-2 Gather feedback about possibly having a math curriculum (ex. Envisions materials) to support our K-2 students in the area of math.

Literacy Expectations/Non-negotiables (5 mins): Angie

The purpose of creating SHS Literacy Expectations is to provide clarity about the research based instructional practices which should be consistently occurring in classrooms. This document establishes grade-span expectations to guide Silk Hope School teachers in their instruction of reading. It provides instructional reading practices that support the development and use of effective reading strategies. Provided is a draft of SHS literacy expectations based on the feedback that was provided by SIT reps.

SIT Members: Share the literacy expectations with constituent groups and get their feedback. This is a draft. Send any feedback to Leigh Ann before we meet again in March.

Tier I School Wide behavior assessment/action plan (15 mins): Angie and Sarah

Darlene Reap-Klosty and Emily Long from the Students Services division of the ASIS department facilitated an assessment of the SHS Tier I School Wide behavior system during the January SIT meeting. The assessment provided information that can be used to develop action steps which will help to strengthen Tier I implementation. Student PBIS Survey Results from a survey given to students in grades 3-8 were shared with the group. The results of the SWPBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory were reviewed. SIT members submitted their recommendation for the three survey items which we felt it was most important to focus on in the future. The following areas were identified. At the March SIT meeting action steps will be discussed.

1.4 - Teaching Expectations

1.6 - Discipline Policies

1.13 - Data Based Decision Making

SHS MTSS Go-To Tier II Interventions (5 mins): Leigh Ann

A list of approved Go-To Tier II Interventions for Reading, Math and Behavior has been created by Leigh Ann and Catherine, with the input of SIT members and feedback from SHS teachers. The Go-To list provides teachers with a list of possible interventions that can be used for students when strategic instruction is needed to supplement the core. This is a living document and we will periodically evaluate its effectiveness throughout the school year. The team went over the document and discussed the layout of the information.

SIT Members: Share this document with constituent groups. This document is ready to be used.

New Business



Mid-year Data Review (10 mins): Angie and Sarah

Mrs. Brady-Andrew and Mrs. Petty shared data they had complied from MOY data (mClass, STAR, SMI, and DUAs) and use for decision making. Before sharing with the team they talked about the importance of not comparing teacher to teacher within grade levels because the makeup of each class is unique. The purpose of compiling the data is to look for growth. Each grade level’s data was reviewed and discussed.