Sample Outline for 5 Paragraph Essay of Literary Analysis

“A Day’s Work”, by Eve Bunting

I. Hook: Character Counts! Children learn about making good choices from parents and from school.

Introductory Statement: With the help of Eve Bunting and her short story “A Day’s Work,” readers can learn wonderful examples of behavior from her characters. The three main characters in “A Day’s Work” are very vivid examples of what it means to live a life of integrity. Francisco is a young boy who shows true commitment to his grandfather. Ben, a young man who hires workers, exemplifies respect and trust. Most importantly, Francisco’s abuelo teaches Francisco and the reader a lesson about what it means to live a life of which one can be proud. Integrity permeates this touching short story.

Thesis Statement: The three main characters in “A Day’s Work” are very vivid examples of what it means to live a life of integrity.

II. Subpoint 1: Francisco

a)  Topic Sentence: Francisco is a boy who demonstrates many examples of integrity in “A Day’s Work.”

b)  Example— For instance, Francisco offers to work for free.

a.  Quotation (p. #) + commentary/interpretation

“Francisco waved urgently for his grandfather to come. ‘Also, you will get two for one,’ he said. ‘I don’t charge for my work’ ” (p. 1).

Commentary: Francisco proves that he possesses integrity because he helps his grandfather find work instead of earning money for himself.

c) Example—

a. Quotation (p. #) + commentary/interpretation

d) Example—

a. Quotation (p. #) + commentary/interpretation

e) Concluding sentence:

III. Subpoint 2: Ben

a)  Topic Sentence:

b)  Example—

b.  Quotation (p. #) + commentary/interpretation

c)  Example—

a.  Quotation (p. #) + commentary/interpretation

d)  Example—

a.  Quotation (p. #) + commentary/interpretation

e) Concluding sentence:

IV. Subpoint 3: Abuelo

a)  Topic Sentence:

b)  Example—

a.  Quotation (p. #) + commentary/interpretation

c)  Example—

a.  Quotation (p. #) + commentary/interpretation

d)  Example—

a.  Quotation (p. #) + commentary/interpretation

e) Concluding sentence:

V. Conclusion:

a)  Restate thesis and three subpoints in the same order they occur in introduction:

From the story’s simple opening to its touching conclusion, Eve Bunting’s “A Day’s Work” shares the important message of integrity. Francisco strongly values his grandfather and the important role he is playing in their lives. The young man, Ben, who hires Francisco and his grandfather, offers kind advice and plenty of patience to two strangers. Still, it is Ben’s abuelo who places in Francisco’s heart and the hearts of the readers what true integrity means.

b)  Leave the reader with something new to think about or return to your hook:

The message to live one’s life with strong moral character comes from many sources: parents, school, and Eve Bunting.