Crocheted Noro Striped Scarf
aka Brooklyn Tweed Envy

By Elisa Purnell

Copyright March 2009

The story behind the scarf is here.

·  2 colors of Noro Silk Garden, 2 skeins each (4 total). I used Color A: white multi – Color #269. Color B: blue-green multi – Color #264.

·  Size “H” crochet hook


·  Changing colors: there is no border on this scarf so both edges need to be neat and tidy, not an easy thing when you are changing colors every 2 rows and carrying the yarn not in use up the side edge. The cleanest method I’ve found is to twist the 2 yarns together just before you join your new/carried yarn in the last hdc of each row.

·  Foundation Single Crochet (Fsc): chain 2, insert hook in first chain of chain 2 (nearest your slip knot), *draw up loop (you'll have 2 loops on hook); draw through first loop (**ch 1 made - still 2 loops on hook); draw through remaining 2 loops. Fsc made. Insert hook in ch 1 of previous stitch, repeat from *.

·  Front-loop Slip Stitch (Fss): Slip stitch in front 2 loops of stitch indicated (rather then in traditional “V” on top of row – see photo)


Row 1: With Color A, foundation single crochet (fsc) 24

Row 2:

·  Ch 1, turn;

·  slip stitch loosely** in top of first fsc, (**You’ll need to work into this stitch on the next row; this is much easier if the slip stitch is worked loosely.)

·  hdc in next stitch,

·  *slip stitch in next stitch, hdc in next stitch,

·  repeat from * across, ending with hdc in beginning ch 2.

Row 3:

·  Ch 1, turn,

·  slip stitch loosely in top of first hdc,

·  hdc in next slip stitch,

·  *Front-loop Slip Stitch (Fss) in next hdc, hdc in next slip stitch,

·  repeat from * across, ending with hdc in last slip stitch.

Row 4 and 5: With Color B (See “Changing Colors” above), repeat Row 3

Row 6 and 7: With Color A (See “Changing Colors” above), Repeat Row 3

Repeat Rows 4 – 7 until scarf is as long as you want, ending with Row 5 or Row 7.

Next Row: Ch 1, turn, sc in each stitch across.

Last Row: Ch 1, turn, sc in each stitch across.

Fasten off; weave in ends. Wet finish, block lightly and enjoy!