Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Student Assembly Minutes

October 4, 2005 12:15pm, E 9519

SA Members Present: Amy, Devaki, Lilian, Wadih, Lainie, Matthew, Cynthia, Alicen, Anne, Danielle, Keri, NaHyun, Natalia, Joachim

SA Members Absent: Julie, Lance, Srinivas, Snaebjorn

Guests: Monica Li, Nicholas Lehnertz, Jenny Troung, Arpi Terzian, Bamini Jayabalasingham, Sonia Singh


I.Welcome (President - Amy Boore)

II.Introduction of visitors/new members

III.Treasurer’s update

  1. Currently spent rougly 5k of total budget for term, we have 80 k overall. We want to spend half every two terms – so we have about 21k for Student Group expenditures and 30k for the rest of this term.
  2. We’ll be voting on official budget at next SA meeting
  3. Vote now on Student Literary Magazine – the Stew – rep not present

IV.Ryan Foxworthy’s departure

  1. Eddie Jeffrey (Student Affairs) is handling
  2. Website approvals
  3. student-l for now, but that might get bumped to us again.
  4. Steve Bezetta (Student Affairs) is doing funding issues
  5. We will handle website training, student group formation and funding issues – so let’s all try to be in the loop
  6. Amy will do room access (if your card swipe thing doesn’t work, etc.)
  7. Offices are E3011 and E3009 – if you don’t have access, email

V.Problems with listservs

  1. MPH students not on student-l or activities-l, most new students aren’t batched in
  2. Email that went out on how to sign up is not how it works
  3. We’re troubleshooting on both lists and we’ll keep you posted

VI.Printer issues

  1. Color printer works – VERY slow
  2. Laser printer is hard-wired
  3. Scanner doesn’t work – Amy might bring in her old one
  4. Artwork has been donated for offices

VII.QOL – will be dealt with at the retreat

VIII.Retreat prep

  1. Retreat is on Oct 8th, in this room, 9:30 to 5pm
  2. Folders have been sent out – take a look before Sat
  3. Sign-up sheet for committees – just so we can get groups together

IX.Hopkins Alumni Association Funding (Sonia)

  1. 8 divisions of the school all represented
  2. student programs committee tries to have more involvement with students on campus – put aside money for divisions to cosponsor events at the school-wide level. They would prefer to have a larger event so coming through Student Assembly –
  3. want to know what kinds of events we’d want the Alumni Assoc would want
  4. we’ll probably have 600 USD or so (it’s 5000 across all 8 division)
  5. auction, film festival, etc.
  6. Limits on what money can be used for? No guidelines yet
  7. We could pair with another division and pool the money? Possible. The guy who write comic strips – Jorge Chan writes comic strips about college life, goes from campus to campus (Homewood on Nov 3, free on Nov 4) – willing to charge only 500 (usually charges 1500)…at the most, it’ll come to 700. Student who suggested the idea hasn’t had luck with finding another Student Group to sponsor this event. But Nova/PBS series will do a piece called “Rx for Survival” will be running at lunch on that day. Maybe we could pick another time, like 2-3 pm pre-happy hour. – we need to think about this quickly! We should decide NOW so we can get logistics organized.
  8. Oct 15th, Alumni programs committee will meet, we can tell them that we are interested --- or we can use the line item for something else. They may be interested in publicity.
  9. What are other events we can use the money for – in any case, this is something to keep in mind for the rest of the year
  10. VOTE: to have event with Jorge Chan – ALL in Favor/ NONE opposed

X.New Business

  1. Application for the Stew literary magazine group
  2. Request for 1985 USD for publication of magazine; travel costs: 76 USD
  3. Loose limit on student groups for funding for a full year is 10% of the student events budget, the amount being requested for the year by this group will be 15%!
  4. Magazine is also online – google-able; gone from 30 pages to 52
  5. Publication costs have gone up – will likely be asking for same amount in the spring.
  6. Hopkins Alumni Association also funds through student group services – the limit is 1500 – that could be an option for the spring – not sure if they would take a publication
  7. VOTE on full amount of publication: 9 in favor, 1 against, 2 abstaining
  8. VOTE on travel costs: 7 in favor, 3 opposed
  9. Muslim Student Group proposal? – no representative
  10. Relief and Disaster proposal? – no representative
  11. Health Behavior and Society Student Group – request for New Group status
  12. VOTE to have new student group: 12 for, 0 against
  13. Elections
  14. Tomorrow candidates will know
  15. Thursday school-wide email will go out
  16. Attendance to retreat reminder
  17. Email setup for new student groups
  18. New student groups have been assigned a public folder…they can’t send an email but can receive them in a public folder  Mike Wynne is working with Lilian on this and will be getting back to her
  19. NEW SYSTEM: linking individuals to student groups for security purposes such that their individual names will be affixed to the student groups when they log in. Will allow student groups to continue to have e-mail accounts rather than public folders. All groups will be switched to this sytem.
  20. Open house for offices – cookies and candy (SOURCE), drinks from SA
  21. Next Friday, the 14th, 2:30 – 4:30PM

XI.See you at the RETREAT!

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