RWPB Request for Qualification / Grant Year
Nevada’s Ryan White HIV/AIDS Part B Program (RWPB) receives federal grant funding used to assist in developing and/or enhancing access to a comprehensive continuum of high quality, community-based care for low-income individuals and families living with HIV. As such, it supports the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) goals of: increasing access to care, optimizing health outcomes, and reducing HIV-related health disparities. / The Guide for Prospective Subgrantees


To our Current and Potential Subgrantees:

Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health announces funds are available to meet the following service areas under the Ryan White Part B (RWPB) Program. The Division expects applicants to propose creative, competitive solutions to the agency’s stated problem or needs, as specified in the guide.

The funding period is April 1, 2016 through March 31, 2017

Completed applications must be received no later than
Friday, January 22, 2016 at 5:00 PM PST


The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-87, October 30, 2009) is the largest Federal program focused exclusively on HIV/AIDS care. The program is for individuals living with HIV/AIDS who have no health insurance (public or private), have insufficient health care coverage, or lack financial resources to get the care they need for their HIV disease. The Ryan White legislation has been adjusted with each reauthorization to accommodate new and emerging needs, such as an increased emphasis on funding of core medical services and changes in funding formulas.

Expected Outcomes:

To establish a seamless system to immediately link people diagnosed with HIV to continuous and coordinated quality care; enhance the number and diversity of available providers of clinical care and support services for people with HIV; and support people with HIV with co-occurring health conditions and those who have challenges meeting their basic needs.

Scope of Work:

It is the intention of the Ryan White Part B program to fund proposals in the service areas outlined in the guide. If an applicant wishes to address more than one service area, a separate application must be submitted with a distinct project name. The Ryan White Part B may only consider proposals which meet the proposal parameters and scope of work as outlined in this announcement. This may affect the funding distribution in any of the service areas by redirecting funds into another area. Based on the 2016 federal grant award and program income, approximately $7.5 million of RWPB funds may be available.



Dan J. Olsen, MPH

HIV/AIDS Section Manager

Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health

4126 Technology Way, Suite 200

Carson City, NV 89706

Tele: (775) 684-4247 ~ Fax: (775) 684-4056



Table of Contents

Overview of the Project 4

National Monitoring Standards 4

Focus Areas, Objectives, Performance Measures, and Service Goals 5

Nevada Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program - Part B Allowable Service Categories 5

Application Requirements 7

Request for Qualification (RFQ) Timeline 8

Teleconference Workshop 8

Submittal Instructions 9

Application Evaluation and Subgrant Award Process 10

Terms, Conditions, and Exceptions 10





Overview of the Project

The Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health (DPBH) announces funds are available to address the focus areas and objectives under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Part B Program (RWPB). The DPBH expects applicants to propose creative, competitive solutions to the agency’s stated problem or need, as specified herein. The funding period is April 1, 2016 through March 31, 2017.

Nevada’s RWPB federal grant funding is used to assist in developing and/or enhancing access to a comprehensive continuum of high quality, community-based care for low-income individuals and families living with HIV. As such, it supports the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) goals of: increasing access to care, optimizing health outcomes, and reducing HIV-related health disparities.

In order to maximize effectiveness in meeting these goals, RWPB partners a variety of community based organizations (CBOs) to qualify RWPB eligibility and offer the needed medications and services to all RWPB eligible clients statewide.

National Monitoring Standards

The National Monitoring Standards (Standards) are designed to help Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part A and B (including AIDS Drug Assistance Program) grantees meet federal requirements for program and fiscal management, monitoring, and reporting to improve program efficiency and responsiveness. Requirements set forth in other sources are consolidated into a single package of materials that provide direction and advice to grantees for monitoring both their own work and the performance of service providers. The Standards consolidate existing HRSA/HAB requirements for program and fiscal management and oversight based on federal law, regulations, policies, and guidance documents.

The National Monitoring Standards are designed to:

·  Help grantees comply with federal requirements on proper use of federal grant funds, based on the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program legislation, federal regulations establishing administrative requirements for HHS grant awards, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) principles, the HHS Grants Policy Statement, HRSA/HAB policies, the Notice of Grant Award and Conditions of Grant Award, and DSS program guidance.

·  Meet grantee requests for clarity on HRSA/HAB expectations regarding the level, scope, and frequency of subgrantee monitoring.

·  Provide a single document that includes the minimum expectations for both program and fiscal monitoring.

·  Address concerns of HRSA, Congress, and the OIG regarding administrative oversight of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program grantees and providers/subgrantees.

·  Help streamline and standardize Project Officer monitoring and site visit functions.

·  Enhance program compliance at the local, state, and federal levels – and reduce negative HRSA and OIG audit findings.

·  Ensure proper stewardship of all grant funds and activities, whether carried out by the grantee or by a subgrantee provider; and

·  Communicate applicable requirements to subgrantees and monitoring them for compliance.

The following links to the HRSA, HIV/AIDS Bureau, and Division of Service Systems access full versions of the National Monitoring Standards.

Part B Program Monitoring Standards:

Part B Fiscal Monitoring Standards:

Universal Part A and B Monitoring Standards

Focus Areas, Objectives, Performance Measures, and Service Goals

It is the intention of the RWPB Program to fund proposals in each of the focus areas identified in the Part B Service Categories/Focus Areas listed below. This identifies each primary focus area with its corresponding RWPB goal, the objectives, performance measures, and the approximate funding proposed for that focus area (see Attachment E Universal-Program-Fiscal Monitor Stds).

These standards provide the potential subgrantee with a synopsis of the specific standards related to the following RWPB service categories: Core; Support; Quality Management; Data Reporting; and Administrative. Each standard is defined and outlines the performance measures and methods, provider/subgrantee responsibility, and the source citation for each standard. This tool will provide valuable specifics in crafting one’s Scope of Work.

If an applicant wishes to address more than one focus area, each proposal submitted must have distinct project names and a unique application. However, the State may only consider proposals which meet the proposal parameters and scope of work as outlined in this announcement. This may affect the funding distribution in any of the focus areas by redirecting funds into another area.

Nevada Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program - Part B Allowable Service Categories

Funding of RWPB services follow a HRSA specified allocation schedule for Core Medical Services and for Support Services. In addition to those services currently funded, opportunities to support, based on priority needs and funding availability, exist in both the core and support categories. A quick reference guide follows.

Program Monitoring Standards / Currently Funded by the State / Core Medical-related Services / Notes / Approximate Federal Funding Available
Attachment E Pp. 3-4 / 1. / Outpatient/Ambulatory Medical Care (1A) / $133,219
Attachment E Pp. 5-6 / 2. / AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) (1B) / $4,374,683
Attachment E Pp. 9-10 / 3. / Oral Health Care (1D) / For all counties except Clark / $203,003
Attachment E Pp. 10-11 / 4. / Early Intervention Services (1E) / $207,598
Attachment E Pp. 11-13 / 5. / Health Insurance Premium & Cost-sharing Assistance (1F) / $676,501
Attachment E Pp. 17-18 / 6. / Mental Health Services (1J) / $63,303
Attachment E Pp. 20-22 / 7. / Medical Case Management & Treatment Adherence (1L) / $325,047
Attachment E Pp. 22-24 / 8. / Substance Abuse Treatment Services – Outpatient (1M) / $42,369
Core Medical-related Services Subtotal / $6,025,723
Program Monitoring Standards / Currently Funded by the State / Support Services / Notes / Approximate Federal Funding Available
Attachment E Pp. 24-26 / 1. / Case Management (non-medical) (2A) / No Federal Funds available for this service however there will be an unspecified amount of non-federal funds available
Attachment E Pp. 30-31 / 2. / Health Education/Risk Reduction (2E) / $202,362
Attachment E Pp. 31-35 / 3. / Housing Services (2F) / For all counties except Clark / $89,645
Attachment E Pp. 35-37 / 4. / Legal Services (2G) / $67,820
Attachment E Pp. 38-39 / 5. / Medical Transportation Services (2I) / For all counties except Clark / $82,393
Attachment E Pp. 39-41 / 6. / Outreach Services (2J) / $279,057
Attachment E Pp. 41-42 / 7. / Psychosocial Support Services (2K) / $133,138
Attachment E Pp. 42-43 / 8. / Referral for Healthcare/Supportive Services (2L) / $582,328
Attachment E Pp. 48-49 / 9. / Treatment Adherence Counseling (2P) / $50,000
Support Services Subtotal / $1,486,743
Total Approximate Ryan White Part B Program Federal Funding Available / $7,512,743
*Note: Award amounts are contingent upon FFY 2016 RWPB Notice of Grant Award. There will be alternate funds available that will supplement the Federal Award amount. Proposals are not constrained by only the amount of Federal funding available.

Application Requirements

  1. Who may apply?

a.  To apply for a subgrant from the DPBH, RWPB Program, an organization must be either 1) a 501(c)(3); 2) a for-profit corporation (if services are not immediately available in a designated service area); 3) an educational institution; 4) a state agency; 5) a religiously affiliated organization; or 6) a local governmental agency performing or anticipating performing a function relevant to program goals of the RWPB.

b.  Excluded Parties – The DPBH requires that no contractors or sub-recipients of Federal funding are to be found on the Lists of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement or Non-procurement Programs.

  1. How does an agency submit an application?

a.  Applications must be completed on forms included in the application packet provided by the RWPB program. The application packet must be emailed to Dan Olsen and the required hard copies (see Submittal Instructions) must be received on or before the deadline date and time. The application packet consists of the Submittal Cover Page and the following four forms: Project Data Sheet; Project Outline; Project Work Plan; and Project Budget Plan. All forms are included in Attachment A, including the instructions for completing each of the forms. To obtain additional application packets, call Dan Olsen at (775) 684-4247 or email him at . The submittal packet and The Guide will be available on the HIV/AIDS Section webpage prior to this teleconference; please feel free to share this information with colleagues and community partners also providing HIV/AIDS services.

  1. What is the required format?

a.  Each proposal submitted must contain the following sections:

  1. RFQ Application Cover Sheet: This page identifies the RFQ and requires the applicant to fill in the basic information; this is to be signed by an organization staff with the authority to make a binding contract or agreement on behalf of that organization.

ii.  Project Data Sheet: This section includes identifying information about the applicant; project information; project funding formula; contact information and signature authority.

iii.  Project Outline: This section includes general information and a description of the project being proposed. The applicant will respond to a set of statements and provide responses that clearly states the goals and major activities of the proposed project and the impact it will have on fulfilling the goals and objectives of the RWPB; a description of the organization’s qualifications to implement the proposed project; a detailed narrative about the proposed project including specific information on the methodology to be used, an overview of project activities, the expected accomplishments of the project, and a timeline for completion.

In addition to the above criteria, please include in your project outline plans for community collaboration; identify any key organizations which may be involved in the coordination of services, interagency policy development, comprehensive networking, or system integration. Provide a brief summary of how your project would be sustained in future years if the project were to continue.

iv.  Project Work Plan: This section details the Objectives, Activities, Benchmarks, Performance Measures and Evaluation for the project. Applicants should enter as many objectives and activities, including detailed performance measures, as necessary to support expected outcomes of the project.

v. Project Budget Request & Justification Form: This section includes a summary and itemized section containing projections of costs for personnel, travel, operating, equipment, contractual, training, and indirect administrative costs.

Successful applicants will be required to complete RWPB program forms, signed assurances of compliance with federal and state laws, and original signatures of individuals authorized to accept grants on behalf of the organization.

vi.  Supplemental Information, Attachments: You can include “up to” 5 pages of relevant support materials, including samples of newspaper articles, letters of support, etc. In addition, any charts, graphs, statistical information or substantiating documentation of statements listed in the text of the proposal should be included in the list of attachments.

Request for Qualification (RFQ) Timeline

Task / Due Date & Time
RWPB distributes the Request for Qualifications Guide with all submission forms / December 22, 2015
Deadline for submitting first set of questions / December 30, 2015 at 5:00 pm PST
Mandatory Workshop to discuss the performance measures, submission forms, submittal process, and discuss the first set of questions submitted by December 30, 2015 above. / January 5, 2016
9:00 am-11:00 am
January 5, 2016
2:00 pm-4:00 pm
Deadline for submission of applications / January 22, 2016 at 5:00 pm PST
Evaluation Period: review of applications / January 25 – February 12
Selection notice to applicants / February 12 by 5:00 pm PST
Completion of subgrant awards and contracts / March 25, 2016
Grant Contract Commencement of Project – Pending approved HRSA grant award and receipt of NOGA / April 1, 2016

NOTE: These dates represent a tentative schedule of events. The State reserves the right to modify these dates at any time, with appropriate notice to prospective vendors.