Russian Introductory Ii





(July 2015)

RussianIntroductory IIis designed for elementary students (seven-thirteen years of age).

However, twelve & thirteen-year-old students are also eligible to take Russian Secondary Course if they are ready to earn Secondary credits which could impact their grades.

A normal prerequisite for this course is the Russian Introductory I Course or its equivalent. The course is centered on the practical application of communication skills, with an emphasis on the language material used in everyday situations. Grammar is taught through the speech patterns only. A variety of activities, including role-play and educational games, will be employed to develop students’ listening and speaking skills. The students will continue to develop their listening and speaking skills through a variety of activities, including group reading, role-play and educational games.

This course supports and is aligned to the success orientations, competencies, and knowledge noted in the QSI Program Outcomes.

Russian Introductory II course consists of ten essential units. This course is divided into Essential Outcomes and Introduced/Practiced Outcomes. The Essential Outcomes must be assessed for mastery. The Introduced/ Practiced Outcomes are intended to expose the student to skills that will be mastered in a future essential unit, engage the student in ongoing and necessary skills, and to practice the outcomes previously taught. The student should be engaged in Essential Unit ten throughout the course of the school year. This unit should be entered in the PBE program as one period a week.

This course supports and is aligned to the success orientations, competencies, and knowledge noted in the QSI Program Outcomes.

The normal pace for this course leads to the mastery of ten essential units for those QSI schools that offer Russian Introductory II five periods a week. Those schools that offer Russian Introductory II less than five periods a week students will master the following appropriate number of units:

-  4 periods a week equals 8 units mastered

-  3 periods a week equals 6 units mastered

Depending on the individual school programs, Russian Introductory II could be allotted three to five periods per week with a period being a minimum of 45 minutes.

This course is a prerequisite for Elementary Russian Intermediate I.

An outline of ten Essential units is provided below and is to be taught in the following order:

Essential Units: (must be assessed for mastery)

E01 – Back to School

E02 – Parts of Body

E03 – Food & Drinks

E04 – At the Zoo

E05 – My Home

E06 – Weather

E07 – Clothing

E08 – My Day & Time

E09 – In the City

E10 – Reading

Suggested Materials and Tools:

1.  Голубева А.В.’Картинный словарь русского языка для детей “Санкт-Петербург” Златоуст 2007год ISBN 978-5-86547-377-8

2.  Russian Face to Face Level one National Company. USA 2000год ISBN 0- 8442-430-0

3.  Russian Face to Face Workbook ISBN 0-4842-4301-9

4.  Russian Face to Face Level two USA 2000год ISBN 0-8442-4310-8

5.  Russian Face to Face Workbook ISBN 0-4842-4301-10

6.  Акишина А.А. “Русский язык в играх” Москва 2012 год ISBN 978-5-88337-234-5

7.  Караванова Н.Б. “Матрёшка. Элементарный практический курс русского языка” Москва 2013год ISBN 978-5-88337-317-5

8.  Каретникова Л.Г. “Да, я говорю по-русски” Санкт-Петербург. Златоуст 2013год ISBN 978-5-86547-585-9

9.  Бондаренко А.А. Гуркова И.В. “Здравствуй, русский язык” Ростов-на-Дону Феникс 2011год ISBN 978-5-222-17871-3

10.  Шалаева Галина “Русский язык” Москва 2004год ISBN 5-8123-0096-8

11.  Amery, Kirilenko and Cartwright “The First Thousand words in Russian” 1983год ISBN 0-86020-769-2

12.  “Your first 100 words in Russian” Russian edition Helena Chick. Published by passport 1999 ISBN 0-8442-2398-0

13.  Хамраева Е.А. “Давайте познакомимся. Русский язык как иностранный” часть 1 Москва Дрофа 2009год ISBN 978-5-358-03606-2

14.  Dictionaries

15.  Picture cards

16.  Learning Games

17.  Any appropriate Teacher-Created or Teacher-Selected Materials

18.  Evaluation Rubric (see next page)

Suggested Assessment Materials:

Any appropriate teacher-generated testing materials related to the essential outcomes.

Essential Unit Assessment Rubric – can be used to assess a specific essential unit.

General Assessment Rubric – can be used to assess each of the ten essential units.



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