Characteristics of the scientific discipline

Kinanthropology is a multidisciplinary scientific branch which deals with the complex effects of intentional and spontaneous movement activity on human personality development in the bio-psycho-social context, and conditions in the areas of physical education and sport, physiotherapy and remedial physical education, including their effective management.

Admission procedure and evaluation criteria

Each candidate must go through the admissionsprocess.The entrance examis conducted orally before an examining board and the applicant’s competence is examined. The examining committee evaluates:

1. The quality of the dissertation project

2. Previous professional activity

3. The relation of the project topic to the specialization of the supervisor and his/her research projects

4. The form of the applicant’s project presentation

Each member of the examining committee grades paragraphs 3and4 on a scale of points – 0 to 10 points for each item, item1 and 2 is evaluated on a scale of 0 to 20 points. The maximum number of points awarded by one examiner is 60 points. The arithmetic mean is calculated on the basis of the point evaluation of each member of the examining board. The result is rounded to the nearest whole number – for values from 0.0 to 0.49 in the downward direction to the nearest whole number. For values from 0.50 to 0.99 in the upward direction to the nearest whole number. The ranking of applicants is decided based on the total number of points. The dean of the faculty determines the point limit for admission.

Conditions for admission:

  • Duly completed master’s study program, i.e. submission of a certified copy of the university diploma or the nostrification of university education, by 30 September 2017.
  • Submission of the application form including all relevant enclosures, i.e. CV, professional reference, payment receipt of the admission fee of 540 CZK to bank account number 43-9685580247/0100 by 30 April 2017
  • Submission of the dissertation project by 30 April 2017
  • Successful completion of the exam, which is based on appropriate knowledge in the scientific field chosen.

Conditions for admission without entrance examination:


Suggested literature, sample questions:

Relevant reference workis recommended by the individual potential supervisors. They arebased on the specialization of the potential dissertation, and the candidate’s specific research field, i.e. kinantropology. Suggested literature and resources can be viewed within the profiles of the specific supervisors at

Preparatory course:

Preparatory courses are not provided.

Information regarding graduates’ prospective employment:

Kinantropology is an interdisciplinary field of study; therefore, the PhD graduates are employed primarily in science, research and education. Another significantarea of employment is state administration and enterprise.