RPE Directors Steering Committee Call

March 20, 2007


Binnie LeHew (IA)

Becky Odor (VA)

Debbie Ruggles (WA)

Peg Prusa-Ogea (NE)

Carol Thorton (PA)

Jane Key (SC)

Rhonda for Jan Davis (FL)


Teresa Brechlin (UT)

Kathy Middleton (OK)

Carol Hensell (AZ)

Marci Diamond (MA)

Rebecca Koshiba (PAULAU) not able to access bridge line

Binnie opened the meeting at 3:06 PM

Annual Meeting Update- Becky Odor

Becky thanked everyone for their feedback on the annual meeting agenda.

Update since last communication to us: Workshop slot for collaboration between coalitions and health departments has been added. Will need some volunteers to work on session. Marcie has expressed interest in working on this.

The CDC will need help during the Getting to Outcomes Sessions. These 4 sessions will be on the last day. They will need assistance from states that can share information at each session on concrete examples for activities they have done using GTO principles. No more specifics have been developed on what exactly the CDC wants for us. Will need to look for volunteers once we know something.

Conference will end at 1 pm on Thursday in order for people to catch flights. CDC will get out draft agenda and invitations by March 31, 2007. CDC will have to get names of everyone by April 19th for clearance since they are using a CDC training facility.

Training will be at CDC training facility and we will be bussed back and forth. It will be very important for participants to have identification documents since the security at the CDC facility is extremely tight. RPE Directors meeting will be Monday evening around 6 back at the hotel.

The CDC is looking for one luncheon speaker. Becky will pass on ideas to CDC if we have any. Peg suggested Carolyn Fowler from Johns Hopkins.

Becky will send out e-mails of what is needed and we will get the word out to regions.

Request for Information on the Need/Demand/Effectiveness of Rape Prevention Education for Congressional Hearing

Binnie reported that the NAESV is seeking information on effectiveness of RPE for testimony before Congress for fully funding. The focus will be “what is the need for rape prevention and education”? Are there gaps in the funding? They will need success stories and positive things that have happened because of our funding to use during the testimonies for the impact of our funding.

Binnie may be sending out an e-mail with that request but will call Rebecca at NSVC to see what they need specifically (i.e., how we can provide if we are not presenting testimony). Debbie suggested working with our federal liaison to let this know it is happening so we can lend support from different angles. Why we know our programs are effective.

CDC Webinar- March 27, 2007

This is the first of the CDC’s technical assistance prior to Annual Meeting on strategic planning. States are encouraged to participate, and to invite their coalition partners to attend, too.

Becky and Binnie will have another CDC call this Friday.

Nominations/Election Procedures for Annual Meeting

We need to be doing prep for nominations and slates. We need nominations for chair- elect and secretary-treasurer. There are a handful of regional representative slots which will be coming open. Binnie will communicate by email to see if anyone is interested in these positions. Will need to submit slate at annual meeting. Carol T., Peg, Debbie, Carol H., and Rebecca Koshiba will need to talk with regions about who you will want to nominate. Deborah, since Amy’s term is not up until 2008, you could agree to serve through next summer or look for another person to fill the slot.

On our April and May calls we will discuss the annual meeting logistics. Next meeting: Tuesday, April 17th from 3-4:00 EST.

Need date for Continuation RFP.

No other business.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane Key