Guidance Note for Plant Production Activities
Section One:IntroductionFrom 1 January 2018, businesses, who undertake covered activities in relation to covered products, are required to report to the Australian Government Department of the Environment and Energy if they meet the criteria set out in the Petroleum and Other Fuels Reporting Act 2017 (the POFR Act) and the Petroleum and Other Fuels Reporting Rules 2017(the POFR Rules).
Legislation and meaning of terms
Many of the terms used in this guidance note are defined in the POFR Act and the POFR Rules, including ‘covered product’, ‘covered activity’ and ‘Australian plant’.
The POFR Act can be found at: and the POFR Rules at:
In this guidance note, ‘business’ has the same meaning as ‘regulated entity’ under the POFR Act.
Who must report?
Under section 16 of the POFR Rules, the owners of plant condensate (natural gas liquids), propane, butane, LPG mixtures or naphtha produced from, and held at, Australian processing plants are required to report production and stockholding information for the purposes of section 11 of the POFR Act.It is permissible for owners to delegate responsibility for reporting and it is anticipated that the operatorof a plant would be the most appropriate business to report consolidated production data on behalf of all product owners.
If you are unsure whether you need to report, please contact the Department to discuss.
Currently, natural gas is not a covered product under the POFR Rulesand therefore reporting its production is not mandatory. The Department encourages businesses producing natural gas to report on a voluntary basis as the data collected is very useful to industry, governments, investors and academics. The future inclusion of natural gas as a covered product under the scheme is under review.
When and how to submit reports.
Reports are due 15 days after the end of the calendar month being reported. Businesses must use the Department’s Field Production reporting template to report their activities and completed reports must be sent via emailed to
If you require assistance.
You can find out more information about mandatory reporting at
You can find out more information on the petroleum statistics produced by the Department at:
If you require further information, please email the Department at or call 02 6274 2500.Section Two:Completing the Template
General instructions
When completing the template, businesses should enter data into the plain white cells. Green cells in the template automatically generate totals and sub-totals, but these can be overwritten if necessary. Grey cells are locked and cannot be edited. There is a comments section beneath the main table which allows free text entry and can be used to supply additional information.
Please enter your business’sname and the month and year that the report relates to at the top of the template.
Units of Measure
All volumetric data must be adjusted to standard temperature and pressure conditions i.e. 15 Celsius (C) and one atmosphere of pressure (101.325 kPa).
Businesses must report liquids data (including LPG) in whole kilolitres (no decimal places) and must also report each covered product’s average density in kilograms per litre.
If the density for each product is not readily available each month, the most recent density measurement should be used. If no measurement is available, a typical or average value may be entered, which should be reviewed and updated as appropriate.
Businesses should report gas data in thousands of cubic metres (no decimal places) and also report each product’s gross calorific value (GCV) in megajoules per cubic metre.
If the GCV for each product is not readily available each month, the most recent measurement should be used. If no measurement is available, a typical or average value may be entered, which should be reviewed and updated as appropriate.
Reporting Difficulties
Businesses with difficultly reporting should contact the Department as early as possible to discuss the issues and options to resolve them. Please email the Department at call 02 6274 2500.
Reporting concepts (columns)
Plant / A processing facility where hydrocarbon production streams, typically mixtures of gas and gas liquids, are separated into different marketable products for domestic sale or export.If an operator is reporting on behalf of all the owners of fuel produced by the plant, they should report the total production from the plant regardless of ownership.
Average density / Report the weighted average density in kilograms per litre (Kg/L) for each product during the month.
If the density is not readily available each month, the most recent density measurement should be used. If no measurement is available, a typical or average value may be entered, which should be reviewed and updated as appropriate.
To convert API to Kg/L:
Density (Kg/L) = 141.5 ÷ (131.5 + API)
Gross Calorific Value (GCV) / Report the weighted average GCV in megajoules per cubic metre (MJ/m3) for each product during the month.
If the GCV is not readily available each month, the most recent measurement should be used. If no measurement is available, a typical or average GCV may be entered, which should be reviewed and updated as appropriate.
Opening and closing stocks / The actual physical amount held in storage at the plant at the beginning and end of the month. For both opening and closing stocks only one figure is required for each product at each plant.
Include stock held in any tanks or facilities associated with the plant, including stabilisation units, holding tanks, etc.
The opening stock of the current month should always be identical to the closing stock for the previous month.
Product produced at the plant / The total volume produced at the plant, excluding any water, sediment or volumes that were re-injected into the formation but including dissolved gases and contaminants.
<Product> consumed as fuel at the plant / The total volume of product that was produced from the plant and was consumed as fuel to provide power at the plant.
Exclude any fuel that was not produced at the facility.
<Product> delivered from the plant / The total volume of marketable product that was delivered for domestic consumption or export. Exclude any amount re-injected, flared, consumed as fuel, destroyed or otherwise disposed of.
Product definitions
Natural gas / Predominantly methane, though possibly including small amounts of ethane and/or other gaseous hydrocarbons.Include natural gas separated from gas liquids in a plant.The reporting of natural gas is currently voluntary, but encouraged.
Plant propane / Streams that are separated at a processing plantwhich will be marketed separately as propane (where propane comprises at least 95% of the total) should be reported here.
If the marketed product contains less than 95% propane, please report it under ‘Plant LPG mixtures’.
Plant butane / Streams that are separated at a processing plantwhich will be marketed separately as butane (where butane comprises at least 95% of the total) should be reported here.
If the marketed product contains less than 95% butane, please report it under ‘Plant LPG mixtures’.
Plant LPG mixtures (propane and butane) / Streams that are separated at a processing plantwhich will be marketed separately as a mixture of propane and butane (of any proportion where both contribute more than 5% of the total) should be reported here.
Where possible, separate volumes for propane and butane should be reported.
Natural gas liquids (NGL / plant condensate) / Liquids separated in a processing plant from a gaseous hydrocarbon stream by condensation. Excluding LPG that isextracted and marketed separately.
Naphtha / A mixture of low boiling point hydrocarbons, typically extracted from crude oil or condensate, by distillation, with a range of different uses.
Section Three:Confidentiality of Information
The Department will treat information provided by businesses securely.
Legislative Protections of information
The POFR Act contains a range of safeguards to ensure that personal and commercial-in-confidence information is protected.
Fuel information that is reported by businesses under the POFR Act that is commercial-in-confidence (as defined in section 6 of the POFR Act) or personal information, is ‘protected information’ for the purposes of the POFR Act. If this information is provided under a data sharing arrangement between the Department and another government agency it will also be 'protected information' under the POFR Act.
Part 4 of the POFR Act prohibits the recording, use and disclosure of protected information by an entrusted person (or former entrusted person) unless it is permitted under the POFR Act, another law of the Commonwealth or law prescribed in the Rules by a State or Territory. If this prohibition is breached, a penalty of up to two years imprisonment may apply. An entrusted person under the POFR Act is the Secretary of the Department, APS employees, contractors or consultants engaged by the Department.
Some of the circumstances in which protected information may be used, recorded or disclosed include:
- recording, using or disclosing by an entrusted person in the course of their duties as an entrusted person;
- making a record or using the protected information for the purpose of publication or making available fuel information under section 16 of the POFR Act;
- disclosure by an entrusted person to the Minister responsible for administering the POFR Act;
- disclosure to the ACCC, the ATO and other agencies prescribed in the POFR Rules;
- disclosure with the consent of businesses;
- disclosure to a court or tribunal or other authority for the purposes of proceedings or in accordance with an order of such a body;
- disclosure for law enforcement purposes.
Operational Safeguards
The Department is bound by secrecy and disclosure provisions in the POFR Act and the PrivacyAct 1988. The Department will take appropriate measures to ensure that the protected information is managed consistently with this legislation.
Some of the safeguards that the Department will put in place to keep the information secure are:
- data collected is de-identified for analysis and statistical compilation.
- data is grouped (aggregated) to produce statistical estimates at the national level and at state level.
- only entrusted persons under the POFR Act will have access to protected information.
- entrusted persons under the POFR Act will be trained in their obligations under the POFR Act will be deemed competent in the Departmental operational protections for protected information.
The Department has a strong relationship with Industry and industry peak bodies, and will work in partnership with Industry to build confidence in the effectiveness of the Department’s operational safeguards.
A copy of the Department’s privacy policy can be found on the website at Any complaints regarding the handling of personal information collected under the POFR Act should be directed to:
Privacy Contact Officer
Department of the Environment and Energy
GPO Box 787
Phone: 02 6274 2603