Volume No. 2017Issue No. 1Date: January 8, 2017
Publication of the BIBLE BAPTIST MINISTRY, 48 Alexie Rd, Hanover Township, PA 18706
Two-thousand and sixteen is history! What’s done is done! What you left undone just didn't get done! So let's put it behind us and face 2017 with honesty, sincerity, and excitement towardsa fresh start!
If you are spiritually cold, content with carnality or otherwise in a broken-down, backslidden state, let me urge you to reach into the resources of your heavenly Father and refresh yourself for the days ahead.
Bury the past and plan for a whole new experience in the New Year. Get up a bit earlier each morning in order to read your Bible and pray. Make notes as you read and claim every promise of God as your own. You'll do no better and you'll get no further ahead than your walk with the Lord. You will notice such a difference when you "start fresh" every day with the Lord.
If you already have a close walk with the Lord, and you are living the Spirit-filled life by being fruitful, please remember this one rule: There can be no coasting! If you get lazy or careless, you'll find the blessings of God slipping away. Stay alert and faithful, and the goodness of God will be continually visited upon you.
Stay steadfast, unmoveable and abounding! In I Corinthians 15:58 we read, "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord"
The word “stedfast” is an instructive one. It means "to get seated right." Once you get yourself scripturally "seated," your doctrines, ministry and associations will be stable. You are then expected to be "unmoveable." That means no shifting, drifting, or moving as we read of “the landmark”in Proverbs 22:28:
You can get answers to prayer, so pray!
You can win people to Christ, so give yourself to soul-winning.
You can have a growing, thriving church, so don't settle for anything less.
You can have the discernment you need day to day in order to steer clear of the things that are unseasoned, unsettled, and for whatever reason, unsure. "Unmoveable" speaks for itself.
When we get on track with our lives and our ministries, we should henceforth avoid detours. You may like the scenery on a side road, but nothing compares favorably with the freeway for getting you where you want to go.
"Abounding" is the heart and spirit that should possess us. Go ahead and get excited about this whole business. You are saved— rejoice! You are walking with God—rejoice! You have opportunity to serve—rejoice! Amen!
Dear saint of God, ministry worker, pastor, and missionary, let's gear up and face 2017 with energy and enthusiasm. Does not the Lord who bought us deserve a full effort from us? He sure does! Again, we trust you will have a BLESSED NEW YEAR in the Lord. To easily access the Weekly SERMON message on “The Right Resolve for the New Year” go to and click on the link at the bottom of this page.
In His Amazing Grace
Pastor David Miklas