
2015– 2016Academic Year

Applicationswill notbeprocesseduntilall requiredsignatures areobtained andall required documents(testscoresandhigh schooltranscript)havebeenreceived. Submit with verification form.

Are you a: □New CCP Student□ReturningCCP Student

Social Security Number: ______- _____ - ______or R-CCC Student ID# ______

Last Name: ______First Name: ______Middle Name: ______

Mailing Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______County: ______

Home Phone#: (______) ______Email Address: ______

Gender: □Male□FemaleDate of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy): ______


Are you a North Carolina resident? □Yes□No

Have you lived in North Carolina continuously for the past 12 months? □ Yes□No

If NO, where else have you lived in the past 12 months? ____________

Ethnicity (Please select only one)Race (Please select all that apply)

□Hispanic/Latino□American Indian/Alaska Native □Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander


□Black/African American□Other

Employment Status: Mark the appropriate box with an X:

Unemployed - not seeking employment (UN)□Unemployed - seeking employment (US)

Employed 1 - 10 hours per week (E1)□Employed 11 - 20 hours per week (E2)

Employed 21-39 hours per week (E3)□Employed 40 or more hours per week (E4)

Enrollment Status (Check one)

□ Never attended any college before (F)□Have attended a college before (T)□Have attended R-CCC before (R)

Year and Semester You Plan to Start:______

Year Semester (fall, spring, summer)

Intended Career & College Promise Pathway Code: ______

Educational Goal at R-CCC (Check only one):

□Obtain Degree, Diploma, or Certificate (GR) □Personal Enrichment (PE)

□Enhance New Employment Skills (EN) □Transfer to another College (TR)

□Enhance Present Employment Skills (EP)□Goal Unknown (GU)

Institution Attended –Complete as Applicable

Current High School Name: ______

School NameCity State

My high school is:□Public □ Charter □Private□HomeSchool

What is your current grade?9101112Expected Graduation Date (mm/yyyy): ______

High School track:___college prep(CP)___general prep (GP)____vocational prep (VP)

Colleges and Other Post Secondary Schools Attended (List All):

College/Post Secondary School NameCity/StateYears Attended (if applicable)



Emergency Contact Name: ______Relationship: ______

Contact Number: (______) ______

Applicants:Pleaseread, checkthe boxesbelow,thensign anddate.

□I herebycertifythat theinformation Ihavegiven is true to thebestofmyknowledge. I furtherunderstandthatfalsificationorfailuretosupply the correctinformation maybeconsideredgrounds for rejectionor dismissal.

□I authorize arepresentativeof Roanoke-ChowanCommunityCollegetoreleaseinformation regarding myacademicrecord/transcriptincluding attendanceinformation to myparent/guardianandhigh schoolstaff.


□I give permission for my child to participate in the Career and College Promise program at Roanoke-Chowan Community College and acknowledge courses taken will be listed on the high school and college transcripts.

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date: ______