Birth Order and Its Effects – Video

Name: ______Score: ______/15

Answer 25 out of the 30 question below based on the video. It will be turned in at the end of class.The questions are in order, but take notes when you aren’t writing. Use this as a study guide for the next quiz/test: ______. Note: You MUST answer questions 26-30, (with the **), because they are overall analyzing the video. Pick a different 5 questions to skip.


  1. What are some of the variables concerning personality mentioned? Are any of them new ones?
  1. The first family we meet has three boys. Use two adjectives to describe the first born, just by when he says his name and stands. Do the same for the middle and the youngest.
  1. Position in the family = ______
  2. Our behavior patterns, our ways of thinking, our occupations, our marriages, our parenting styles, and even our strategies of dealing with people are a direct result of ______.

Only Children

  1. Only children are stereotyped as ______.
  2. Only children get a lot of adult ______, and therefore have better relationships with them (typically) than with their peers.
  3. Describe two characteristics of what makes an only child different or stand out from other birth orders.
  1. Because they are the focus of the family and the person that their parents pour all of their love into, only children are typically ______.
  2. An only child’s greatest strength is… (you may summarize). One of their weaknesses is…

First Borns

  1. Describe briefly what the father is doing to his son and why it is significant to first borns.
  1. Parents are new at the “parenting thing” so first borns have to suffer through the “______”.
  2. First borns get lots of ______, glory, and ______.
  3. First borns may feel that they need to ______


  1. Just like only children, first borns may become ______

______because their parents are always looking for more.

  1. What are three characteristics (that are strengths) of first borns? Which ones do they share with only children? (Why do you think that is?)

Middle Borns

  1. If first borns feel pressure, middle children feel ______. It’s hard to define middle children because there are so many variables for them.
  2. Middle children tend to ______themselves to the oldest.
  3. What does the family photo album tell you?
  4. Where do middle children find acceptance, if not in the home?
  1. Middle children are the family ______.
  2. What are two weaknesses of middle children? Why?

Last Borns

  1. Youngest children crave ______.
  2. Many youngest children how to ______and ______.
  3. Last borns feel ______and that ______.
  4. What are two of last borns strengths? How do parents and siblings affect these characteristics?

More to Know

  1. **In the example family shown, what is the major complication?
  1. **State the two important points.
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. **The ______is the most influential relationship.
  5. **Birth order is just another tool to help us understand how ______.
  6. **Why do you think that the clips of the family interacting were an important part of this video? Which one (or two, or three, etc.) do you see in your family life?


  1. Environment, heredity, intelligence, birth order
  2. Confident, proud; pushy, jealous; shy, cute
  3. Birth order
  4. Family relationships (also accept birth order, but it’s not as good)
  5. Spoiled
  6. Attention
  7. Special jewels, “mini adult”, over protected, responsible
  8. Over protected or a special jewel
  9. Ability to totally focus on the work at hand and exclude background noise and interruptions; perfectionism
  10. Having high expectations (pro football player) for his son as a baby; he is getting lots of attention, lots of glory, and lots of pressure
  11. Learning curve
  12. Attention, pressure
  13. Earn love and recognition
  14. Discouraged perfectionists
  15. Confident, intelligent, highly motivated, and self-reliant – self reliant because they both came first
  16. Inadequate
  17. Compare
  18. There are lots of pictures of oldest and youngest children, but typically not many of the middle children. They are “forgotten”.
  19. Friends
  20. Mediator
  21. Fall into peer pressure, unpredictable
  22. Attention
  23. Charm and manipulate
  24. Ambivalent; no one takes them seriously
  25. Funny, people oriented, well liked; they need attention, etc.
  26. Closeness in ages
  27. No birth order is better than another; birth order is only an influence
  28. Family
  29. Children develop
  30. Answers will vary