Research & Innovation Committee Communiqué – 24 February 2016

Strategic Themes

  1. Future R&D Models

The Research and Innovation (R&I) Committee is developing a discussion paper that examines the best possible primary industries research and development (R&D) model(s) for Australia, taking into account the current models’ strengths, potential threats and challenges, and identify ways of moving towards a new model(s) if recommended.

The Committee heard an overview of the progress report paper that went to AGSOC, as well as their feedback. Nous Group has been tasked with the project and attended the meeting.

The draft for the report is to be presented at the May meeting – timeline of 4-5 months still stands, with completion due by end of financial year. Nous will meet with the Steering Group once a fortnight.

Operational Issues

  1. RD&E Framework Governance

This paper was an action arising from the November 2015 meeting. Its aim is to re-endorse the processes for review of strategies and proposing additional Framework strategy/ies, and endorse the proposed process for removing a strategy/ies from the Framework. The Committee accepted the paper.

Strategy Updates

  1. Soils

Neil McKenzie gave an update on the Soils Strategy as follows:

-The Strategy was then endorsed in 2012,

-Subsequent wide-ranging consultation including surveys, regional workshops and stakeholder engagement,

-Strategy endorsed and released by Minister Barnaby Joyce (March 2014),

-CSIRO takes on the role of jurisdictional lead with GRDC (November 2014),

-Clearer priorities developed in 2015.

  1. Wine

Tony Battaglene gave an update on the Wine Strategy as follows:

-The wine industry began working on the concept before the Framework actually came about,

-In 2015 they developed a 30 year timeframe for thematic strategies – the Strategy is now written into their plan,

-They have a research network that meets regularly,

-The Wine Strategy is due to be reviewed this year,

-Looking to integrate better with appropriate cross-sectoral strategies,

-They now have grape growers on involved, not just wine makers, to better represent the sector.

  1. Sugarcane

Leigh Clement gave an update on the Sugarcane Strategy as follows:

-The original Strategy from 2010 was not implemented,

-Industry’s RD&E sector has undergone significant reform since then,

-They are now progressing a new Strategy,

-They have completed a capability audit,

-New Strategy should be ready to start the approval process around June 2016,

-The Strategy needs to look at how to increase innovation in research,

-They are determining the vision of the Strategy, and clarifying the difference between the National Strategy and the SRA strategic plan.

  1. Dairy

Ross Bawden gave an update on the Dairy Strategy as follows:

-The Strategy was reviewed and updated in 2015,

-Have KPIs linked to sustainability framework,

-Noted that international collaboration is very important,

-Dairy Australia priorities are a subset of the priorities in the Dairy Moving Forward Strategy


Agreed set of industry priorities,

Key RD&E investors represented in the Steering Group,

Removal of duplication,

Increased collaboration across a broader range of stakeholders,

More effective links into cross sector strategies,

Development of specific collaborative projects under the framework,

More strategic approach planning RD&E investment.

-Revised governance arrangements:

Program Champions now comprised of Dairy Australia Managers,

Communities of Interest more strategic and less consultative,

Steering Committee expanded to include CSIRO and the Universities.

  1. Plant Biosecurity

Rodney Turner gave and update on the Plant Biosecurity Strategy as follows:

-Strategy was developed in consultation with Animal Biosecurity Strategy,

-Implementation Committee formed August 2014,

-Strategy covers seven plant based RDCs,

-MLA, AWI and Dairy Australia linked as scope covers weeds and pastures,

-Pork, poultry and dairy linked for food security/ safety ,

-Links to Plant Biosecurity CRC programs,

-Links to CSIRO Biosecurity area,

-Strong link between endemic and exotic pests - close collaboration needed with sector strategies,

-There is a Forum planned for 14 -15 July 2016,

-Considering impact of weeds on pastures/crops – need for biosecurity planning workshop (potentially with MLA).

  1. Animal Biosecurity

Duncan Rowland gave an update on the Animal Biosecurity Strategy as follows:

-Strategy was developed in conjunction with:

Plant Biosecurity RD&E Strategy,

NBC’s National RD&E Framework Committee (IGAB Schedule 8),

Environmental Biosecurity RD&E Strategy.

-Sponsors are NSW DPI and Australian Egg Corporation,

-Steering Committee sets the work plan for each 12 month period,

-There will be an Animal Biosecurity Forum in 2016,

-Strategy covers nine livestock based RDCs,

-Links to CSIRO Biosecurity,

-Utilises veterinary schools as primary connection to universities,

-Strong link between endemic and exotic pests - close collaboration required with sectoral strategies,

-Developed an Animal Biosecurity RD&E Snapshot of work being undertaken,

-Framework needs to be reframed for the next five years,

-Need stronger linkages to the DSITI process and government’s innovation strategy,

-Need some common building blocks that benefit all strategies.

  1. Animal Welfare

Jeremy Skuse gave an update on the Animal Welfare Strategy as follows:

-Has been going since 2009/2010,

-Strategy was informally reviewed in 2013,

-There is now a greater willingness of RDC's to collaborate and to co-invest - all have co-invested in at least 1 cross sectorial project,

-Strong support from the major providers of animal welfare RD&E, who take every opportunity to apply their complementary capability in a highly collaborative manner,

-Some RDC's have chosen not to co-invest in a project,

-The Steering Committee reviewed the Strategy in 2013 and developed a “Charter of operations” to guide implementation of the Strategy,

-Further to this process, it was determined that the Strategy should focus on those themes that lend themselves to cross sectoral collaboration and co-investment –namely:

Animal welfare assessment

Pain assessment and management

Public attitudes, social science and community

Education, training and extension

-The strategy is due for a fundamental review, and in preparation for that, the committee is about to commission an audit of national animal welfare RD&E capability,

-Annual “themed” Forum –brings in other providers, governments and RSPCA,

-No duplication unless work is being undertaken ‘commercial-in-confidence”, however, Strategy is generally made aware of such work in a broad sense,

-Parties need to be reminded of obligations,

-There is evidence from consumer surveys that as an issue, animal welfare is increasing in importance,

-Strategy mostly on-track –Capability audit issue addressed.

The National Primary Industries RD&E Framework website can be accessed at:

If you have changes you would like made to the information on this website, please contact the R&I Committee secretariat: