Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEOI): Phase 2 DC Fast Charger Network 2016 Application

Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEOI): Phase 2 DC Fast Charger Network 2016 Application

Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEOI): Phase 2 DC Fast Charger Network 2016 Application Form

Applicant Name
Company/Organization: / Click here to enter text. /
(include address if known) / Click here to enter text. /
Phone Number: / Click here to enter text. / Email: / Click here to enter text. /
Proposed Locations
Number of Locations:
(add as many lines below as needed) / Click here to enter text. /
Location: (include address if known) / Included in list of priority locations (☐Y/☐N)
If Yes, where / If No, please provide rationale for proposed location
1 / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
2 / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
3 / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Proposed Partnership: Please describe how your proposed site(s) meet the following criteria. Please complete one table per proposed site.
Criteria / Detail / Explanation / Points
Applicant support / Applicants must commit to a minimum $12,500 of capital or installation costs contribution (can be provided as in-kind physical installation costs).
Applicants must detail if they own or lease the proposed site or have jurisdiction to host a station on the proposed site. / Click here to enter text. / /25
Fit with priority routes / Applicants are encouraged to apply and provide a rationale to support their proposed location, even if it falls outside of the Gap Analysis List. / Click here to enter text. / /25
Technical feasibility / Applicants are requested to provide as much information as they know with respect to site readiness, operations and maintenance feasibility. evaluated. / Click here to enter text. / /25
Portfolio evaluation against Phase 2 DCFC Network strategic objectives.
Projects will be evaluated on a portfolio approach based upon how well the proposed DCFC site locations meet the Phase 2 DCFC Network strategic objectives and what potential site hosts are able to bring to the partnership. / 1. Connect priority travel corridors across the province, where “priority travel corridors” are defined as travel corridors that either have a large volume of commuter traffic, support cross jurisdictional travel, or support tourism within B.C. / Click here to enter text. / /6.25
2. Ensure infrastructure deployment allows for safe travel in the province. / Click here to enter text. / /6.25
3. Support regions with dense EV adoption. / Click here to enter text. / /6.25
4. Maximize population areas served. / Click here to enter text. / /6.25
TOTAL / /100

Please call (250) 356-2230 or email () with any questions.
Please reference applicantnameDCFC2016in the subject line and submit your RFEOI by June 30, 2016 at 5 pm to:


c/oDian Ross
Clean Transportation Engineer (E.I.T.)
Ministry of Energy and Mines

Application Checklist:

Application Form:☐

Letter of Support:☐


Alec Tsang

BC Hydro

333 Dunsmuir Street

Vancouver, B.C. V6B 5R3

Dear Alec,

I understand that on behalf of Plug-In BC, BC Hydro is submitting a proposal to the Natural Resources Canada Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Deployment Initiative for a “BC EV Fast Charging Network next phase project” (“Project”). The Project supports a market transformation towards the use of clean energy in the transportation sector by addressing recognized electric vehicle (EV) adoption market barriers such as range anxiety. Light duty vehicles account for 15% of CO2 emissions in British Columbia. Switching to BC’s clean electricity directly contributes to GHG abatement, improves air quality, and creates new business opportunities. The Project will build upon the existing provincial network of 30 DC Fast Chargers, with the addition of 25 – 40 DC Fast Chargers in Phase 2.

[Insert Company Name] is in strong support of the vision, objectives and expected outcomes of the Project, and is interested in being a contributing Partner on the Project. [Insert general information on company, such as overarching vision statements, business areas, size, etc.] [Insert information on company’s interest and activities to date in sustainability or carbon reduction initiatives and / or in installing charging infrastructure. Include statement on company’s perceived role in improving customer access to charging infrastructure, and how the Project supports the company’s vision.]

[Insert company name] is interested in contributing to the Project with cash (and in-kind support) [for example: the costs of 1 or more charging stations at the company site; the company’s in-kind project management, engineering services, and / or marketing services for charging infrastructure at the company’s site]. A minimum of $12,500 per site contribution commitment and the lease or ownership structure that would allow for this equipment to operate on this property for the next 10 years is required.

I understand that the Project is at the proposal stage, and that the Project budget and partner contributions are all subject to final approval of the Project and the signing of a contribution agreement between Canada and BC Hydro under the Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Deployment Initiative. [Insert Company Name] looks forward to working with BC Hydro and its other Project partners to further develop the Project and help achieve the Project’s emissions reduction, technology innovation, and economic development outcomes for the duration of the Project.

Best regards,