Ref. No. HO/PUB/Radio/F-6/2013-14/408 Publicity Department, Head Office 05.10.2013

M/s Adsyndicate Services Pvt Ltd/ M/s Indo Aryan Publicity/

M/s Inter Publicity (P) Ltd/ M/s DDB Mudra Pvt Ltd /

M/s National Ad Agency/ M/s Crayons Advertising Ltd/

M/s R.K.Swamy BBDO/ M/s Sobhagya Advtg Service/

M/s Magnum Intergrafiks P Ltd

(All Empanelled Advertising Agencies)

And all concerned eligible Radio Channels

Dear Sirs,

Quotation for running Radio Jingles

Quotations/Rates are invited from the Bank’s empanelled agencies as well as directly from the eligible radio channels to broadcast radio jingles for a period of 4 months starting from the last week of October, 2013 to 08.02.2014. The broadcast will be spread for a period of 4 months with breaks in between.

Eligibility of the Channels:

All Radio channels which are within the 20% band from the channel having highest listener-ship(center-wise) based on latest IRS data, will be eligible.

Selection will be done on the basis of eligible channels enjoying L1 costof per thousand listeners.

Selected Stations:

The Radio Stations selected for broadcast are as under:

1 / Delhi / 11 / Ahmedabad, / 21 / Agra, / 31 / Lucknow / 41 / Jaipur
2 / Mumbai, / 12 / Raipur, / 22 / Ranchi, / 32 / Bhubaneswar / 42 / Vijaywada
3 / Kolkata, / 13 / Bhopal / 23 / Jalandhar, / 33 / Rourkela / 43 / Dharwar
4 / Hyderabad / 14 / Surat / 24 / Allahabad / 34 / Gorakhpur / 44 / Chennai
5 / Patna, / 15 / Bangalore / 25 / Jammu / 35 / Siliguri / 45 / Kozhikode
6 / Kanpur, / 16 / Vadodara / 26 / Chennai, / 36 / Murshidabad
7 / Varanasi, / 17 / Goa, / 27 / Madurai, / 37 / Patna
8 / Pune, / 18 / Asansol, / 28 / Vishakhapatnam / 38 / Darbhanga
9 / Nagpur, / 19 / Chandigarh, / 29 / Thiruvananthapuram / 39 / Bhagalpur
10 / Jabalpur, / 20 / Guwahati, / 30 / Jamshedpur / 40 / Ranchi


While submitting the estimate for channels other than All India Radio, it should be noted that:

1The broadcast will be for 60 days i.e. 90 sec per day (6 times x 15 sec per day per station) with breaks in between.

2. The jingles will be broadcast in a planned Phase with breaks in between as under:

Period / Phases with Breaks
28.10.13 to 04.11.13 (8 days) / Phase - I
16.11.13 to 23.11.13 (8 days) / Phase - II
07.12.13 to 15.12.13 (9 days) / Phase - III
21.12.13 to 30.12.13 (10 days) / Phase - IV
06.01.14 to 17.01.14 (12 days) / Phase - V
27.01.13 to 08.02.14 (13 days) / Phase -VI

All India Radio – Primary Channel

  1. In case of All India Radio – Primary Channelshould submit the tariff for FCT of 7200 secfor each of the Stations mentioned in the table. While submitting the estimates, it should be noted that the broadcast will be for 60 days i.e.120 sec per day (8 times x 15 sec per day per station) with breaks in between.

Time Bands/ Programmes for Broadcast

The Time Bands/ Programmes and percentage share of Total Secondage in the specific Time Bands/ Programmes for Channels other than All India Radio is proposed to be as under:

- 7.00 am to 10.00 am – 50%

12.00 Noon to 5.00 pm – 20%

6.00 pm to 10.00 pm – 30%

For AIR Primary Channel - Film Songs/ Listeners Choice – 40%

Drama/Women/Children/Rural/Health etc. – 40%

Before News – 20%


i)It should also be ensured that at least three spots are aired during the morning timeband (07 am to 10 am) on all the 60 days of Publicity campaignon Radio. Any drop in broadcast to be completed within 28.02.2013.

ii)All rates/quotations should be given station-wise

iii)The Quotations/ Rates for all Radio Bands should be submitted in a single sealed envelope to Asstt General Manager (Publicity), Allahabad Bank, 2, N.S.Road, Kolkata – 700 001 latest by 2.30 pm on 17.10.2013.The Center wise work order will issued on the basis of L1 cost per thousand of listeners amongst the eligible bidders. The envelope should be Super-scribed “Quotations for Radio Publicity - 2013-14”. It may be noted that mere submission of estimates does not construe any right for release of broadcast on the aforesaid Radio Band/s. The Bank also reserves the right to defer /postpone/ cancel the campaign at its discretion with or without assigning any reason whatsoever. For any issue in this regard, the decision of the Bank will be final.

Yours faithfully,

(S Bose)

Asst General Manager (Publicity)