





March 26, 2013

P. Dorame-Holoviak / C. Donahue Languages and Cultures SPANISH 402

Advanced Conversation and Composition 3

Goal 1-Communication1GEP

Goal 4 - CulturesandDiversity1GEP



DevelopsspokenandwrittencommunicationinSpanishattheadvancedlevelaccording to the standards of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Emphasizes speaking and writing on topics of current cultural and social significance in order to develop and to stimulate sophisticated oral and written communication in Spanish and to promote heightened awareness and appreciation of the cultural contexts in which the Spanish language is spoken. All resources are culled from authentic language sources intended for native or near-native speakers of the Spanish language. Delivered in Spanish. Intended for students of intermediate to advanced levels of language ability. Required for Languages and Cultures / Spanish majors. Prerequisite: SPANISH 306 or SPANISH 350 or permission of the instructor. Offered at least once each academicyear.



Daily discussion in Spanish of cultural and social topics culled from course materials including, but not limited to the text book, literarary tex1s, film, newspapers, magazines, internet and television.

Conversation may be constructed upon topics such as:




4.Ethniccompositionofcountries oftheSpanish-speakingworld;





1.Weekly writing activities geared toward the incorporation in writing of newly acquired conversationalvocabularyandcorrespondingelementsofsentencestructure;

2.Writing assignments geared toward the development of different tasks, such as, but not limitedto:







The course, required of all Spanish majors yet suited to develop the skills of all advanced-level Spanish language students, represents Spanish majors' final conversation and composition course prior to undergoing exit assessments. As such, it is suited for a class size of no more than 20 students, in which appropriate instructor feedback can be provided. Classes are conducted entirely in the target language (Spanish). Group and/or pair discussions occur daily and are complemented by instructor lectures, as appropriate. Group-based learning projects and peer review will beincorporatedforprojectssuchasoralpresentationsandthedevelopmentandcritique of writing assignments. Contextualized instruction is incorporated for reinforcement of specificlanguageskillsasdeemedappropriatedbytheinstructor.Participationinout-of­ class events and activities (attending lectures, departmental activities, field trips, etc.) is expectedwhenappropriate.Insuchinstances,sufficientadvancenoticewillbeprovided and arrangements will be made to ensure the participation by all students in the activity. The course is offered once per academic year, but may be offered more frequently if requiredbyenrollmentdemands.


Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:

Student Learning
Objectives / Gen. Ed. Goal w/ GEP / VALUE Element
1. Perform at an advanced-low level of proficiency (or beyond, as appropriate) in conversing
in Spanish, as measurable
by ACTFL standards. / N/A / N/A
2. Perform at an advanced-mid level of proficiency (or beyond, as appropriate) in writing in
Spanish, as measurable by
ACTFL standards. / Communication / Written Communication: Syntax/ Grammar
3. Communicate insight relative to the complexity of elements important to members of another
culture. / Culture and Diversity / lntercultural Knowledge and Competence:
Knowledge (Cultural Worldview Frameworks),

Students will earn 1 GEP for General Education Goal 1, Communication and 1 GEP for General Education Goal 4, Cultures and Diversity.

Students, under the guidance of the instructor, will review, critique and revise their writing, as well as the writing of their classmates, with attention to sentence structure, grammatical accuracy, lexical sophistication and coherence of content.

Students who successfully complete the course will have articulated, both in writing and speaking, cultural insight in relation to the history, values, politics and beliefs of another culture, thereby warranting 1 GEP in General Education Goal 4, Cultures and Diversity.


Instructors will assess student performance in a variety of ways, some of which may include the following:

1.Conversationalproficiency:pairandgroupconversationalconversationactivities; individualoralpresentations;oneormoreinterviewswiththeinstructor.

2.Writing proficiency: essays and other written assignments; responses on written quizzes andexams.

3.Cultural awareness: responses on written quizzes and exams; responses during conversational activities and oral presentations; individual research projects, includingout-of-classassignmentsandco-curricularactivities.

13.EVALUATION OF INDIVIDUAL STUDENT PERFORMANCE Evaluationofstudentperformance willbebaseduponthefollowing:

Performanceinspeaking:oralproductioninpairandgroupconversationalactivities,oral productioninindividualoralpresentations,oneormoreoralproficiencyinterview.

Performance in writing: written production as represented in essays and other written assignments, written production as represented in responses on written quizzes and exams.

Preparedness for class and timely completion of assignments.


Results of student assessments (to be conducted each time the course is offered, i.e., once every year) will be reviewed by faculty of the Spanish section of the Department of Languages and Cultures, in reference to the attached VALUE rubrics, to determine the extent to which students have accomplished the learning objectives of the course, and thereby the extent to which the course meets its goals as a General Education course. Assessment results and recommendations for modifying the course will be reported to the Department as appropriate, as well as to the Office of Planning and Assessment.


Listening, reading and grammar references as appropriate and as determined by individual instructors. Some examples are:

*Garcia Serrano, Marfa Victoria. iA que sli 3rd Ed. Thomson Heinle, 2006.

Chiquita, Ana Beatriz. A Handbook of Contemporary Spanish Grammar. Vista Higher Learning, 2012. (Available through instructor.)

Puerta del Sol: Spanish Audio Magazine. Ed., Jonathan Holland. Nashville: Champs­ Elysees, Inc., 2009. (Available through instructor.)

Radio Television Espanola. Web. February 7, 2011. LoMasTV: Spanish Immersion TV. Web. November 14, 2011.


Febles, Jorge and Carolyn Harris. Par escrito: De la palabra a la composici6n. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2005.

Rodrigo, Victoria, Francisco Lluna-Mateo, Carmen Schlig. Opiniones: A 4-Skills ApproachtoIntermediate-High/AdvancedSpanish.UpperSaddleRiver:Prentice Hall,2005.


ACTFL Writing Proficiency Rubric

with reference to

VALUES Rubric Written Communication


and research papers on a variety of practical, social, academic, or professional topics treated both abstractly and concretely;

use a variety of sentence structures, syntax, and vocabulary to direct their writing to specific audiences, andtheydemonstrateanabilitytoalterstyle,tone,andformataccordingtothespecificrequirementsof thediscourse;

demonstrate the ability to explain complex matters, provide detailed narrations in all time frames and aspects, present and support opinions by developing cogent arguments and hypotheses;

the relationship among ideas is consistently dear, evidencing organizational and developmental

principlessuchascauseandeffect,comparison, chronology1 orotherorderingsappropriatetothetarget language culture;

demonstrates a high degree of control of grammar and syntax, both general and specialized/professional vocabulary, spelling or symbol production, cohesive devices, and punctuation

ACTFL: Advanced-High VALUES: N/A

can describe and narrate in all majortime frames, with good control of aspect; write about a variety of topics with significant precision and detail;

can handle most social and informal correspondence according to appropriate conventions;

can write summaries, reports, precis, and research papers;

write extensively about topics relating to particular interests and special areas of competence.


able to meet a range of work and/or academic writing needs with good organization and cohesiveness

that mayreflect the principles of their first language:

able to write straightforward summaries and write about familiar topics relating to interests and events of current, public, and persona! relevance by means of narratives and descriptions of a factual nature; demonstrate the ability to narrate and describe with detail in all major time frames.

exhibits some variety of cohesive devices in texts of several paragraphs in length;

There is good control of the most frequently used target language syntactic structures, e.g., common word order patterns, coordination, subordination.


able to meet basic work and/or academic writing needs;

produce routine social correspondence, write about familiar topics by means of narratives and descriptions of a factual nature, and able to write simple summaries;

ability to narrate and describe in major time frames with some control of aspect; able to combine and link sentences into texts of paragraph length and structure.

demonstrate sustained control of simple target-language sentence structures and partial control of more complex structures.

ACTFL: Intermediate-High VALUES: BENCHMARK (1)

able to meet all practical writing needs such as taking notes on familiar topics, writing uncomplicated letters, simple summaries, and compositions related to work, school experiences, and topics of current and general interest;

connect sentences into paragraphs using a limited number of cohesive devices that tend to be repeated, and with some breakdown in one or more features of the Advanced level.


(An assessment of "0" indicates that student fails to reach Benchmark 1)

Student Leaming
Obiective / VALUE
Rubric Elements / Capstone
4 / Milestones
32 / Benchmark
Perfonn at an
advanced-mid level of proficiency (or beyond, as
appropriate) in writing in
Spanish, as / Control of
syntax and
mechanics / Uses graceful language that skillfully
communicatesmeaningtoreaders with clarity and fluency, and ls virtuallyerror-free. / Uses
straightforward language that generally conveys moaning to readers. Thelanguageinthe portfolio hes few errors. / Uses language that generally conveys
meaning to readers with clarity, although writing may include some errors. / Uses languagethat sometimes impedes meaning because of errors inusage
measurable by


(An assessment of "0" indicates that student fails to reach Benchmark 1)

Student Learning
Outcomes / VALUE
Elements / Capstone
4 / Milestones
3 / Milestones
2 / Benchmark I
Communicate insight relative to the complexity of elements important to members of another culture. / Knowledge Knowledge of cultural worldview franu,works / Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the complexity of elements important to members of anoth:ercultureinrelation to its history, values, politics. communication styles, economy, or beliefs
practices. / Demonstrates adequate understanding of the complexity of elements important to members of another culture in relation to its history, values, politics, communication styles, economy. or beliefs practices. / Demonstrates partial understanding of the complexity of elements important to members of ar&ther culture in relation to its history values, politics, communicatkm styles, economy, or beliefs practices. / Demonstrates surface
understanding of the complexity of elements important to members ofanother culture in relation to its history, values, politics, communication styles, economy, or
beliefs nractices.