Publications by Pierre Sauvé (2006- )

  1. Books and edited volumes

With Mia Mikic and Gloria Pasadilla (2012), Service Sector Reforms: Asia-Pacific Perspectives, Tokyo: Asian Development Bank Institute and UNESCAP-ARTNeT, (forthcoming).

With Nicole Pohl and Marion Panizzon, eds., Trade in Services: New Perspectives on Liberalization, Regulation and Development, London: CambridgeUniversity Press, 2008.

With other Commissioners, The Multilateral Trading System: Which Way Forward?, Report of the First Warwick Commission, Coventry: University of Warwick, December 2007. Available at

Sauvé, Pierre, ed., Trends in Audio-Visual Markets: Regional Perspectives from the South, Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 2006. (Available in French as Tendances des Marchés Audiovisuels: Perspectives Régionales – Vues du Sud).

  1. Monographs, Discussion Papers and Policy Briefs

Trade and Investment in Services: A Training Module for the Greater Mekong Sub-Region, Bangkok and Manila: Asian Development Bank with the International Institute for Trade and Development, (October 2009). Available at:

With Mario Marconini, Negotiating Trade in Services: A Practical Guide for Developing Countries, International Trade Department, PREM, Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, (May 2009). Available at:

“Developing a Trade Policy Framework to Mainstream Trade into National Development Plans: Practical Steps under the Enhanced Integrated Framework”, UNCTAD/ALDC/2007/2, Geneva: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, (4 February 2009).

with Natasha Ward, “The EC-CARIFORUM Economic Partnership Agreement: Assessing the Progress on Services and Investment, ECIPE Paper, Brussels: European centre for International Political Economy, (January 2009), available at

with Martin Molinuevo, “Does architecture matter? The treatment of trade and investment in financial services in selected preferential trade agreements”, NCCR Trade Regulation Working Paper, No. 2008/9, Berne: WTI, (May 2008).

“Investment Regulation through Trade Agreements: Lessons from Asia”,ARTNeT Working Paper, No. 49, Bangkok: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, (2007).

GATS and the Benefits of Open Services Markets (2006), Report prepared for the National Foreign Trade Council, Washington, D.C.: National Foreign Trade Council Inc., (July).

Trade and investment rules – Latin American perspectives (2006), Serie Commercio Internacional No. 66, Santiago del Chile: United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), (April).

with Martin Molinievo and Elizabeth Tuerk (2006), Preserving Flexibility in International Investment Agreements: The Use of Reservations Lists, UNCTAD Series on International Investment Policies for Development, Geneva: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.

III.Articles in refereed journals

with Anirudh Shingal (2011), “Reflections on the Preferential Liberalization of Services Trade”, in Journal of World Trade, Vol. 45, No. 5, pp. 953-63.

with Panagiotis Delimatsis (2011), “Financial Services Trade After the Crisis: Policy and Legal Conjectures”, in Journal of International Economic Law, Vol. 13, No. 3, (September), pp. 837-57.

“Trade and Investment Rule-Making: Latin American Perspectives”, in CEPAL Review – Revista de la CEPAL, No. 94, (April 2008). Appeared in spanish as “Normas sobre el comercio y las inversiones: perspectivas de América Latina”, in Revista de la CEPAL, No. 94, (April 2008).

with Craig van Grasstek, “The Consistency of WTO Rules – Can the Single Undertaking Be Squared with Variable Geometry?”, in Journal of International Economic Law, 9 (4), December 2006.

“Multilateral Rules on Investment: Is Forward Movement Possible?”, in Journal of International Economic Law, 9 (2), June 2006, pp. 325-355.

“Assessing the WTO Accession of Nepal and Cambodia: Economic Impacts and Social Adjustment Costs”, in Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Review, Vol. 1, No. 1, April 2005, pp. 27-49.

IV.Articles in edited volumes and monographs

with Aaditya Mattoo (2011), “Services”, in Chauffour, J.-P. and J.-C. Maur, eds., Preferential Trade Agreement Policies for Development: A Handbook, Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, pp. 235-274.

with Mario Marconini (2010), “Negotiating Trade in Services: A Practical Guide for Developing Countries”, in Saez, Sebastian, ed., Trade in Services Negotiations: A Guide for Developing Countries, Directions in Development: Trade, Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, pp. 19-85.

with Mona Haddad and Costas Stephanou (2010), “Financial Services Liberalization, Preferential Trade Agreements and the Ltin American Experience: An Introduction”, in Haddad, M. and C. Stephanou, eds., Financial Services and Preferential Trading Arrangements: Lessons from Latin America, Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, pp. 1-11.

with Martin Molinuevo, “Architectural Approaches to the Treatment of Trade and Investment in Financial Services in Selected Preferential Trade Agreements”, in in Haddad, M. and C. Stephanou, eds., Financial Services and Preferential Trading Arrangements: Lessons from Latin America, Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, pp. 79-99.

(2010), “Conducting a Trade-Related Regulatory Audit in Financial Services”, in Haddad, M. and C. Stephanou, eds., in Haddad, M. and C. Stephanou, eds., Financial Services and Preferential Trading Arrangements: Lessons from Latin America, Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, pp. 101-119.

with Denis Audet, “The Treatment of Trade in Services in Economic Partnership Agreements: Implications for Prospective EPA Partners”, in Jones, E. and D.F. Marti, eds. (2009), Updating Economic Partnership Agreements to Today’s Global Economic Challenges, Economic Policy Paper Series 09, Washington, D.C: German Marshall Fund of the United States, pp. 85-91. Available online at:

with Natasha Ward, “Services and investment in the EC-CARIFORUM Economic Partnership Agreement: Innovation in rule-design and implications for Africa”, in Faber, G. and Orbie, J. (eds) 'Beyond Market Access for Economic Development: EU-Africa Relations in Transition', London: Routledge, 2009, pp. 137-172.

“Been There, Not [Quite] [Yet] Done That: Lessons and Challenges in Services Trade”, NCCR Working Paper 2006/18, Berne: World Trade Institute, Paper presented at the 10th World Trade Forum, Berne, Switzerland, on 8-9 September 2006; in Sauvé, Pierre, Nicole Pohl, and Marion Panizzon, eds., Trade in Services: New Perspectives on Liberalization, Regulation and Development, London: Cambridge University Press, 2008, pp. 599-631.

with Lauge Skovgard Poulsen, Lior Herman and Edward M. Graham, “Preferential services and investment liberalization in Asia: Implications for Switzerland”, in Balaster, P. and C. Moser (2008), eds., Sur la voie du bilatéralisme: enjeux et conséquences, Etudes mandatées par le Secrétariat d’Etat à l’économie SECO, Nr. 36/1, Volume 1, Berne: SECO, pp. 183-328.

“Investment Regulation Through Trade Agreements: Lessons from Asia”, in UNESCAP (2007), Towards More Coherent Trade Policy Frameworks: Understanding the Linkages between Trade and Investment, Studies in Trade and Investment No. 62, (December), Bangkok: United nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia-Pacific, 2008, pp. 27-71, available at:

“Services-Related Projects in Aid for Trade”, in Njinkeu, Dominique and Hogo Cameron, eds. (2007), Aid for Trade and Development, Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, pp. 293-299.

with Aaditya Mattoo (2007), “Regionalism in Services Trade”, in Mattoo, Aaditya, Robert M. Stern and Gianni Zanini, eds., A Handbook of International Trade in Services, New York: OxfordUniversity Press, pp. 221-286.

With Laura Gomez Bustos (2007), “¿Una Historia de Dos Solidades? La Convencion de la UNESCO Sobre Diversidad Cultural y el Derecho de la OMC”, in Bouzas, Roberto, ed., Después de Doha: la agenda emergente del sistema de comercio internacional, Colección Derecho, economia y globaizacion, Barcelona: Marcel Pons, pp.219-261.

with Americo Beviglia-Zampetti, “International Investment”, in Sykes, Alan O. and Andrew Guzman, eds., Research Handbook in International Economic Law, London: Edgar Elder, 2007, pp. 211-270.

“The Doha Development Agenda and the Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals: Asia-Pacific Perspectives”, in Streatfeild, Jeremy and Simon Lacey (eds.), New Reflections on International Trade: Essays on Trade and Agriculture, WTO Accession and Systemic Issues,London: Cameron May, London, 2007.

“Services and the Doha Development Agenda: Southern Perspectives”, in Van Dyck, P. and G. Faber, eds. Completing the Doha Round, London: Routledge, 2006, pp. 74-92.

“Service Industries and Knowledge-Based Economies: Summing Up”, in Lipsey, Richard G., and Alice O. Nakamura, Alice, eds. (2006), Service Industries in a Knowledge Based Economy, Calgary: University of Calgary Press for Industry Canada, pp. 583-605. Available in French as “Les industries des services dans l’économie du savoir: résumé», in R. G. Lipsey and A.O. Nakamura, eds. (2006), Les industries de services et l’économie du savoir, pp. 665-692.

«Inroduction», in Sauvé, Pierre (2006), Trends in Audiovisual Markets: Regional Perspectives from the South, Paris: UNESCO, pp. 8-20 (pp. 8-21 in French version).

with Americo Beviglia-Zampetti, “Rules of Origin for Services: A Review of Current Practice”, in Estevadeordal, A., et al., eds. (2006), The Origin of Goods, London: OxfordUniversity Press and CEPR, pp. 114-145.

  1. Articles in non-referred journals and other publications

with Panagiotis Delimatsis (2011), «La règles des 90 jours entrave-t-elle le commerce suisse des services et de quelle façon?», in La Vie Economique – Revue de politique économique, Berne: Secrétariat d’Etat à l’Economie (SECO), April, pp. 16-19. Available online at

“L’impact pour les pays tiers de la libéralisation des services et de l’investissement en Asie”, in La Vie Economique – Revue de politique économique, Berne: Secrétariat d’Etat à l’Economie (SECO), Novembre 2007, pp. 22-26. Available online at

“Towards improved negotiating modalities in services trade”, in BRIDGES, Year 11, No. 1, February-March 2007. Available online at:

«Toward an Aid for Trade Regime for Services», in BRIDGES, Year 10, No. 7, November 2006, pp. 15-17, available at:

available in French as “Vers un régime d’aide pour le commerce dans les services», in PASSERELLES, Vol. VII, No. 5, (Novembre-Décembre 2006), pp. 10-11, at:

“Echanges mondiaux de services: la nécessité d’un cadre spécifique décryptée”, in La Lettre de Confrontations Europe, No. 74, April-June 2006, pp. 15-17.

  1. Working papers and consulting reports

With Bertram Boie (2011), “Conducting a trade-related regulatory audit

in services trade and investment: evidence for Mongolia”, Study prepared for the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), Bangkok, (15 December).

Enhancing trade policy formulation in Mongolia: the contribution of inter-agency coordination and stakeholder consultations”, Study prepared for the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), Bangkok, (21December 2011).

With Aaditya Mattoo (2010), The Preferential Liberalization of Services Trade, NCCR Trade Regulation Working Paper 2010/13, Berne: World Trade Institute, (June). Available at:

“Tourism Services Liberalization: The Role of Business Advocacy in the Caribbean-European Union Economic Partnership Agreement”, Business and Trade Policy Case Study, Geneva: International Trade Centre, 2009, available at

“Developing a trade policy framework to mainstream trade in development plans: Practical steps under the Enhanced Integrated Framework”, Study prepared for the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva: UNCTAD, 2009.

“OECD Policy Framework for Investment: Draft User Guidelines- Trade Policy”, Study prepared for the OECD Investment Committee, Paris: OECD, 2008.

With Denis Audet (2008), The services trade component of an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA): Implications for Mozambique, Geneva: International Trade Centre, (August).

With Denis Audet (2008), The services trade component of an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA): Implications for the Common Market of Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), Geneva: International Trade Centre, (August).

With Denis Audet (2008), The services trade component of an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA): Implications for the Eastern African Community, Geneva: International Trade Centre, (August). Available at

with Mario Marconini, “A Services Negotiations Checklist”, Paper prepared for the Trade Department, Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, August 2008.

“Conducting a trade-related regulatory audit in financial services”, Paper prepared for the Trade Department, Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, May 2008.

“Aid for Trade in Services – Implications for Canada”, Report prepared for the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Government of Canada, May 2008.

“Fostering Trade Through Private-Public Dialogue: Moving Goods, Services and People across Borders – Part I: Trade Facilitation Services, Part II: Temporary Labor Mobility”, Report on a Roundtable on Trade in Services, Geneva, International Trade Centre, March 2008.

with Lauge Skovgard Poulsen, Lior Herman and Edward M. Graham, “Preferential services and investment liberalization in Asia: implications for Switzerland”, Study prepared for the Swiss Secretariat for the Economy and Trade (SECO), London: LSE Enterprise, (24 June 2007).

with Bambang Brodjonegoro, “Study Report of the 2006 Individual Action Plan (IAP) Peer Review of New Zealand”, Singapore: APEC Secretariat, (9 May 2007).

with Ahmed Gonheim, “Services Trade in Egypt”, Policy Note prepared for the World Bank, Paris and Cairo, May 2007

“Fostering Trade Through Private-Public Dialogue: WTO Negotiations on Trade in Services and Economic Implications”, Report on a Roundtable on Trade in Services, Geneva, International Trade Centre, BAS/MTS/AP/E/07/2, April 2007.

“Kenya: Negotiating Challenges in Services Trade”, Report prepared for International Lawyers and Economists Against Poverty (ILEAP), Toronto, 15 March 2007.

“Services and the Doha Development Agenda: ITC Confidential Brief for Indonesia”, Policy Brief prepared for the International Trade Centre on behalf of the Government of Indonesia, INT/72/03, Geneva: International Trade Centre, January 2007.

“Les Services et le Cycle du Développement de Doha: Bref Confidentiel CCI pour la Tunisie”, Note de Bref rédigée pour le Centre du Commerce International en faveur du Gouvernement de la Tunisie, INT/72/03, Genève: Centre du Commerce International, Décembre 2006.