Maple Valley



Boys’ Basketball

Raider Player Handbook 2015-2016

1. Sportsmanship:Basketball is too great of a game to be degraded by

poor sportsmanship. We will represent our family, team, school, and ourselves in a positive way.

*Failure of proper sportsmanship will result in loss of playing time.

2. Respect:Respect all officials, coaches, players, administrators, managers, fans, opponents, facilities, equipment, and yourself. Those who give respect will get respect.

*Failure of respect will result in loss of playing time.

(Look at Technical Fouls)

3. Dress:Dress nicely on game days, for all games, and TEAM events. No jeans, t-shirts, or hats. We will all be clean-shaven and our hair will be cut to look nice and neat.

*Failure to dress properly will result in the player being sent home to change prior to the game.

*4. School/Schoolwork:All schoolwork comes first. School is a priority, basketball is a privilege. When we are in school we are representing the basketball team. We will act in a reasonable and respectful way. Detention counts as an unexcused absence! (Look at practice rules)

*Failure to perform in the classroom will result in loss of playing time.

*Grade checks are done every 2 weeks.

5. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs:The use of these will not be tolerated. Association with minors doing alcohol, tobacco, and drugs will not be tolerated. All Maple Valley and NDHSAA rules will be enforced. Be smart and be committed to our basketball family.

  1. Other illegal activities (vandalism, shoplifting, stealing, etc.) Will not be tolerated:

*Failure will result in a two-week suspension from games.

7. Social Media: Parents and Athletes be smart what you post.

*Nothing negative towards Maple Valley

8. Lettering: If you are on the varsity roster at the end of the year you will letter.

*Any illegal activity during the basketball season will forfeit your letter.

9. Curfews:

Game Nights …….11:00

Practice Rules

  1. All practices are mandatory. An un-excused absence from practice will result in: 1st offense---suspension of two quarters of play, 2nd offense---one game suspension, 3rd offense---dismissal from team. If a player must miss, he should discuss the matter with the coach as soon as possible. If a player should miss because of injury, or family matter, he should bring a note signed by his doctor or parents stating the reason.
  2. Players must be dressed and ready to go when the coaches are ready to begin. Players should be working on their skills prior to practice.
  3. Come prepared and ready to practice. Let’s out work our opponent’s everyday. Let’s have committed, hardworking, individuals showing up, willing and ready to practice.
  4. No headbands, jewelry, leggings or arm sleeves.
  5. Swearing will not be tolerated during practices or games.

Travel Policy

  1. Being a part of Raider basketball is a privilege. Players must be academically and athletically eligible.
  2. Travel with the team is a must, unless arrangements have been made with the coach prior to departure. Return travel with a parent requires a parent or guardian to sign out with the coaches granting permission (cannot be a friend or brother/sister, must be the parent). I would like us to travel to and from a game together. We are a TEAM. We WIN as a TEAM and we lose as a team. Character, friendship, and a team bond are built before and after games with teammates. I understand this is sometimes difficult. Let’s not ride home with mom and dad just because…
  3. If at anytime while traveling and a player fails to use common sense and chooses to act in a way that is illegal or irresponsible to himself, his coach, his school, his family, or his TEAM, his traveling and participation will be in jeopardy.
  4. Everybody on the bus must have: Gloves, stocking cap, and warm coat.
  5. Departure time will be prompt.


*Respect the flag, Our Country, and Veterans - honor the flag with your hand on your heart until the flag is retired.


All physical forms must be turned in prior to the first practice. Also the concussion in sports certification needs to be done before you practice as well.

Uniforms will be issued prior to the first game, and are property of MVHS. Players are responsible for keeping them clean and cared for. Do not dry our jerseys or shorts in a dryer. Hang them to air-dry please!

Maintain your health through nutrition and plenty of fluids. Eat your three meals a day and get your rest. We need a healthy and energetic team.

This is a Competitive Program. Players will not be guaranteed time and are not guaranteed equal playing time. The JV program is competitive as well. The players again are not guaranteed time or equal playing time, but we will make every effort to give everyone a chance to play at the JV level.


  1. Respect them and the call they have made.
  1. Negative looks or comments will not be tolerated.
  1. Placing blame on an official for a loss will not be tolerated.
  1. They are here to help us!!

Technical Fouls

*If a player receives a technical foul for being disrespectful or using inappropriate behavior or language he will not play the remainder of the game.

Code of Conduct

Raider Boys Basketball

As a parent and member of the Raider Boys Basketball Team – I agree to the following.

  1. To follow all rules and guidelines set by the North Dakota High School Activities Association.
  2. To follow all the rules and guidelines set by the Maple Valley Public School Handbook.
  3. To follow all the rules and guidelines in the TEAM Handbook.
  4. To model the proper behavior and attitude that exemplifies good sportsmanship and humanity both on and off the court, in and out of season.
  5. To treat my teammates, coaches, managers, opponents, and fans with respect.
  6. To accept any and all consequences of not complying with the rules and guidelines of our TEAM.
  7. To always give my best effort in practice and in games, even in the face of adversity.

Athletes Signature: ______Date: ______

Parents Signature: ______Date: ______