
RaefordUnited Methodist Church

308 N. Main St., Raeford, NC 28376

Reverend Steve Castle

(910) 875-2111 FAX 875-0208

(email: )

(web site:

Lent is the Christian season of preparation before Easter. In Western Christianity, Ash Wednesday marks the first day, or the start of the season of Lent, which begins 40 days prior to Easter (Sundays are not included in the count). Lent is a time when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting, repentance, moderation and spiritual discipline. The purpose is to set aside time for reflection on Jesus Christ - his suffering and his sacrifice, his life, death, burial and resurrection. Not all Christian churches observe Lent. Lent is mostly observed by the Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian and Anglican denominations, and also by Roman Catholics.

Ash Wednesday is the name given to the first day of the season of Lent, in which the Pastor applies ashes to the foreheads of Christians to signify an inner repentance. The pouring of ashes on one's body (and dressing in sackcloth, a very rough material) as an outer manifestation of inner repentance or mourning is an ancient practice. It is mentioned several times in the Old Testament. What is probably the earliest occurrence is found at the very end of the book of Job. Job, having been rebuked by God, confesses, "Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes" (Job 42:6). Other examples are found in 2 Samuel 13:19, Esther 4:1,3, Isaiah 61:3, Jeremiah 6:26, Ezekiel 27:30, and Daniel 9:3. In the New Testament, Jesus alludes to the practice in Matthew 11:21: "Woe to you, Korazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! If the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes."

In the typical Ash Wednesday observance, Christians are invited to the altar to receive the imposition of ashes, prior to receiving the holy Supper. The Pastor applies ashes in the shape of the cross on the forehead of each, while speaking the words, "For dust you are and to dust you shall return" (Genesis 3:19). This is of course what God spoke to Adam and Eve after they eaten of the forbidden fruit and fallen into sin. Ash Wednesday, like the season of Lent, is never mentioned in Scripture and is not commanded by God. Christians are free to either observe or not observe it.

Repentance has often been taught in such a manner that causes many Christians to believe that in order to repent, one must feel remorse. Repentance, however, is not about one feeling lower than worm dirt in order to show how sorry one is for a particular sin committed. Although our sin sometimes causes us to feel extremely sorrowful or remorseful, true repentance is about acknowledging that we are moving in a wrong direction and that we need to change course—moving back toward God.

Whatever the Holy Spirit might be asking you to do this Lenten season, remember that Lent is about our preparation for Easter, and Easter is about God's magnificent love for us all—manifested in the life, crucifixion, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus.

Remember, God loves you and I love you.

Pastor Steve

Youth & Children

If you haven't noticed, God is doing wonderful things at Raeford UMC. God continues to bless us with new individuals and families who come to worship and fellowship with us. There is an excitement in our church that is contagious. Isn't God good?

Some of those new to our church are children and youth. Jessica Van Horn, our children/youth director, is working to grow both programs, and she needs our help. I hope you will prayerfully consider working with Jessica in mentoring and nurturing our children and youth in their faith journeys and their discipleship. Our baptismal covenant asks us if we will nurture our children (this means all children in the church) in their faith. Volunteering as a mentor for our children and youth is a wonderful way to do this.

Victoria (our nursery attendant) is doing a wonderful job. She, too, needs our help. Our Safe Sanctuary Policy dictates that we have at least two adults working with children and youth at all times. If we have eight volunteers to help Victoria in the nursery on Sunday mornings, this means each person will be in the nursery one Sunday out of every eight.

Another requirement of our Safe Sanctuary Policy is that every person who works with our children and youth submits to a criminal background check. This is for the protection of our children and youth and is at no cost to volunteers. This is not a matter of trust—it is a matter of safety.

I hope you will be in prayer about how you might help with these vital ministries. Speaking from experience, you will be blessed by these ministries.


Pastor Steve


The Methodist Women 's Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, February 22nd was very successful with lots of delicious food and fellowship. Thanks to everyone who supported this fund raisingevent by buying tickets, donating food items and working that day to set up, serve and clean up. Aspecial thanks to our "honorary members", Gary Brigman and Matt Barnhill for preparing the noodlesand thesauce.Also, Hank Richards, for getting our tickets and handbooks printed andserving on the take out line. They did a great job. We have a few meetings this month. The Mission Team will meet Sunday, March 9th at 4:00 pm in thefellowship hall for planning. The circles will meet that week, also.

The Monday Morning Bible Study/ Social Action will meet at 10:00 am Monday, March 10th atthe church. On Tuesday, March 11th, the Reading Missions will meet at 4:30 pm at the church and theMission Action Discussion Group will meet at 7:00 pm at Jane Britt's home at 610 N. McLean Street in Raeford. If you are not a member,you are welcome to come andjoin one of our circles. We look forward to having you with us. Saturday, March 15th the Gateway District will have a Spiritual DayApart from 10:00am to Campground United Methodist Church in Fayetteville. If you would like to attend this event, please let me know.

Yours in Christ.
Verna Barnhill,President


The RUMC Council met on Monday, February 17, 2014. It was reported that the Mission and Ministry Team has begun work on several projects with much enthusiasm. Four new members were approved for the team: Charles and Nicole Wedmore and Jackie and Josh Wright. A motion was approved by the Council to have the Good Neighbor Festival on May 3 and 4 as desired by the Mission and Ministry Team. Dr. Castle and Patti are still searching for a good deal on video projector equipment for the sanctuary and will install it themselves when it is purchased. The Young Adult Sunday School class is going well and will be starting the Disciple Bible Study soon. They welcome other young adults to join them. The new front doors will be completed when the weather permits. The Council was thrilled to learn that many children are attending Church.

Council Secretary

Wanda Ingram


A committee will handle the sale of the green dishes which was approved by the Trustees and Council. The committee members are: Kathy Brigman, Jane Britt, Tammie Coxe, Dennis Floyd, and Ann Ross. If anyone is interested in purchasing any dishes, please contact a committee member.

FYI - Trustees will meet March 6 at 7:30 pm in the library/conference room.


The plan for the primetimers for March is to attend a movie. Watch church bulletin for additional information.


Updated 1/26/14

Please remember our military, whether they be deployed, serving here at home, or in another part of the United States. They need our prayers and communications. We want them to always know that not only does God love them, but that we love and remember them as well. Below are updates about these men/women:

Jey Love (Kay & Terron) Jey is Kathy & Gary Brigman’s son-in-law.

2795 C Alapa Loop

Wahiawa, Hawaii 96786

Danny Bolin (Mary and Tom Bolin’s son; referred to us by Kathy Warner)

SOFT-S Camp Brown


APO, AE 09355

Austin Hartgrove (Kim and Mark Gentry’s son)

Congratulations to Austin! He just graduated as an MP. He is home this week (of Feb. 24th) before being stationed in Washington State for 3 years. We will get his new address soon.

Cory Collins (Sharon Bala’s grandson)

Bldg. 12630

RM A213

PO Box 339532

Mail Box 338

Fort Lewis, WA 98433

We are beginning to update our list of men and women in our congregation who are in the military. Please fill out the form below, tear it off, put in the offering plate on Sunday or give it to the church office. Do you know of others we should have on our Military Support list above? If so, please notify the church office (875-2111) or any of the committee members.

Military Support Committee: Sharon Bala, Maxine Colston, Wanda Ingram & Merri Manning


In the Military?


Family Members______

Phone Number ______

Branch of Service______

RUMC Adoption of McLauchlin Elementary

We continue in our Christian outreach to support McLauchlin with our prayers, tangible items, and service. We have several specific “events” with which we are involved.

March 1st and March 15th , snow make-up Saturdays, we will be providing lunch for the faculty. This is just a “We Care About You” show of love and appreciation from our church.

February 26th, three of our church members will serve as judges for the Civic Oration Contest, sponsored by the Woodmen of the World. This is the first time Hoke County Schools fifth graders have participated in this event. We will look forward to hearing all about it from the judges.

Mrs. Ashley has asked if our church members would help with an Easter Egg Hunt event for the K-2 students on Wednesday, April 16th. Are we up to this challenge? All the specifics haven’t worked out yet, but possibly use our church lot and their playground, two classes hunting eggs at a time. Then have egg-in-the-spoon races. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? We hope many of you will be willing and able to help! More information to come!!!

We will continue to let the faculty know that we care about them and are appreciative of their services. Continue to pray for them and to show your love in any way you can.

An added note about our New Teacher Project:

Jane Hale donated all of her teaching materials to support this project. LOTS of wonderful materials! We decided to take the materials out to the new teachers at Scurlock, since that was the school that has the most new teachers this year (21). On Monday, Feb. 10th after school, we took the materials as well as refreshments to Scurlock. Thanks, Jane, for donating wonderful items; the teachers were so excited! Congregation, please pray for Scurlock. We want their school to be successful and to have these teachers return next year. Schools can certainly perform better when they don’t have so much teacher turnover.

Wed. Night Supper Schedule

Servers: Delivery:

Mar. 05 Agape Class Ronnie Floyd

12 Primetimers Harley Adams

19 MAD Group Kathy Brigman

26 Choir Wendell Young

USHERS FOR MAR: Wendell Young, Don Steed, Matthew Hendrix and Charles Wedmore

The Pantry is in need of items listed below. Small Jars of Mayonnaise, Apple Sauce, Fruit Cocktail, Peaches, Spaghetti Noodles, Beef Stew, Spam, Treet, Corned Beef Hash, Chicken & Dumplings and 2lb. Bags of Sugar, Instant Potatoes, 1 lb Box of Grits, Sml. Bags of Rice, Canned Yams, Kool-aid and Jell-O. Diapers any size. Monetary donations are welcome as well to this fund.

The Preschool Program for 3 & 4 year olds, at our church has openings for 2,3 or 4 days a week, from 9am-12pm. For more information contact Karen Tapp at 875-1772 or 875-2111.


01 Doris Register, Trudie Wilburn

04 Mark Gentry

05 Jeannette Wood

08 Jane Britt

09 Jake Winchester, Tony McLaurin

10 Austin Wood, Jacob Elliott

13 Emily Tuttle

16 Connie Ellis, Kevin Lippard

17 Ariannah Wheeler

20 Eddie Allen

25Amber Bunce Davis

26 Gene Hasty, Lisa Breyak

27Robert Ellis, Jason Jones

31 Sam Breyak

Everyone’s birthday is important to us, young and “older” alike. If you are a new member or constituent of RUMC and your name is not on the birthday list, please let the office know so we can update the list. Thank you!

If you would also like to support the Children’s Café on Sunday Mornings, you can do so simply with your tips for the drinks and light fare available. This money is being used to support VBS as well as all children activities.

Raeford UMC Non-Profit Organization

308 N. Main St. Bulk Rate

Raeford, NC 28376 Permit #11

Return address Req. Raeford, NC 28376

The Mission and Ministry Team began the year as the Evangelism Committee with three members. Thanks to much prayer and the wonderful support of the Church Council, the team now has thirteen members who are enthusiastically working together to connect Raeford United Methodist Church in mission and ministry to love God, love our neighbors, and to make disciples of the world beginning in our community. Team members include: Debby Adams; Dr. Steve Castle, Pastor; Patti Castle, Chair; Tammie Coxe, Vice Chair; Marian Elliott; Ronnie Floyd; Casey Galliano; Matt Hendrix; Stephanie Hendrix; Charles Wedmore; Nichole Wedmore; Jackie Wright; and Josh Wright.

The Mission and Ministry team is planning the Good Neighbor Festival and will need much help and support for this mission and ministry effort. Team members are selling Heart of Gold Appreciation ornaments in support of the PrimeTimers and to honor and remember the saints, the missions, and the ministries of Raeford United Methodist Church. More information about both of these opportunities is available in this newsletter. The team looks forward to serving with you in mission and ministry. If you have ideas to share, please email .

The Heart of Gold Appreciation Tree provides an opportunity for you to celebrate the people, missions, ministries, and milestones you appreciate while supporting our senior saints, the PrimeTimers. Community members who are unable to attend regular worship and fellowship events are kept in the ministry circle through the loving hearts of our PrimeTimers. PrimeTimers reach out though calls, visits, church fellowship, and group outings.

To help ensure that any senior who has the heart for PrimeTimers ministry is not excluded because he or she may not have the financial resources needed for full participation, Mission and Ministry team members invite you to purchase Heart of Gold Appreciation ornaments for $2/each in honor of, in celebration of, or in memory of that special someone or event. The heart will be labeled with the name of the person/event and will be hung on the Appreciation Tree in the Fellowship Hall. Appreciation hearts will be labeled on the back with the donor’s name, or you may indicate that you prefer appreciation gift be displayed anonymously. All proceeds benefit the ministries of the PrimeTimers. Forms are available in the church office entrance, church narthex, and online (

Prayer Request Cards are now available in the sanctuary pew pockets and on the Fellowship Hall tables. During Sunday worship, you are invited to place prayer requests in the offering plate to be read during prayer time and to be included on the bulletin prayer list. You may also utilize the prayer request cards to request that someone be removed from the bulletin prayer list. To submit a prayer request during the week, please email or call the church office ( or 910-875-2111).

You are invited to join us forDinner Table Conversations Wednesdays at 6:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. (We will begin serving dinner at 5:30 PM.) There is no charge for dinner on these nights; donations are graciously accepted to cover the cost of the food. The dinner table conversations will provide a time of open dialogue about Raeford United Methodist Church successes and future vision. To help us have a better count for dinner on each of these nights, please sign up online ( email the church office (), or phone the church office to indicate how many adults and children will be attending the dinners with you. A signup sheet will also be available in worship. If you need transportation, please indicate all nights for which you need transportation and include your contact information so that someone touch base with you to make the arrangements.

The Good Neighbor Festival will begin Saturday, May 3, and will end Sunday, May 4, with a Campground Worship and Picnic Celebration. Planned event components include a 5K, car show, games, food, t-shirts, live auction, silent auction, yard sale, and gift baskets. Business card invites will be distributed to the church family to facilitate inviting community members, family, and friends. Please begin planning by praying for God’s blessing and direction, collecting items for the yard sale and auctions, collecting plastic and paper bags for the yard sale, contacting businesses for donations (please see a Mission and Ministry team member for letter and form or email . Mission and Ministry Team members are working on event logistics, sponsorship possibilities, and activity needs and will soon be providing more specifics on volunteer and donation needs. We thank you for your prayers and support in this community outreach effort.