EnglishOne 1 ½”binder Loose leaf anddividers

Collins SeniorDictionary Webster’s EnglishThesaurus 3 – 80 page HilroyNotebook


1 package sticky notes

SocialStudiesOne three-ring binder, loose leaf, andtabs



Jumbo white glue, Jumbo eraser, One package felt markers, Wax and pencilcrayons, Drawing pencil (5b) or a kindergartenpencil

Scissors Sketch Book

One 1-inch binder, loose leaf anddividers 2 gluesticks

PhysicalEducationShorts, top, gymsocks

Sweat pants(optional)

Running shoes (clear or white soles) **Proper shoes areessential**

Helmet for rink activities

Badminton racquet(optional)

Safety glasses

Skates(optional/or borrow)

**Students are required to change for everyclass**

Math ScientificCalculator

Geometryset Notebook

HealthOne three-ringbinderandlooseleaf Notebook

ScienceOne three-ringbinderandlooseleaf

HomeEc-A fee is required on the first day ofschool

-3 ring binder and looseleaf

-Duo-tang, glue, markers, pencilcrayons

IndustrialArts-A fee is required on the first day ofschool.

-HB pencils, vinyleraser

-One three ring binder and looseleaf

-Safety glasses(mandatory)

-Paintbrushes, if needed


Locks may be purchased at the office for $5.00 per lock. (Gym and halllockers)

School starts Tuesday, September 5,2017.


A different notebook for each subject and a binder to organize in, or looseleaf and a binder withdividers.

EnglishOne 1 ½”binder

Loose leaf anddividers Collins SeniorDictionary Webster’s EnglishThesaurus 3 80-page Hilroynotebooks 3duo-tangs

1 package sticky notes

SocialStudiesOne three ring binder, looseleaf



Jumbo white glue, Jumbo eraser, One package felt markers, Wax and pencilcrayons, Drawing pencil (5b) or a kindergartenpencil

Scissors Sketch Book

One 1-inch binder, loose leaf anddividers 2 gluesticks

PhysicalEducationShorts, top, gymsocks

Sweat pants(optional)

Running shoes (clear or white soles) **Proper shoes areessential**

Helmet for rink activities

Badminton racquet(optional)

Safety glasses

Skates(optional/or borrow)

**Students are required to change for everyclass**

MathGeometry set, notebook, scientificcalculator

HealthOne three-ring binder and looseleaf

ScienceOnethree-ringbinder and looseleaf

Industrial Arts

HomeEc- A fee is required on the first day ofschool

-3 ring binder and looseleaf

-Duo tang

IndustrialArts- A fee is required on the first day ofschool

-HB pencils, vinyleraser

-One three ring binder and looseleaf

-Safety glasses(Mandatory)

-paint brushes and paint if student chooses to finish project. Can be purchasedat a laterdate.


Locks may be purchased at the office for $5.00 per lock. (Gym and halllockers)

EnglishCollinsSeniorDictionaryWebster’s EnglishThesaurus One three-ring binder andtabs 3 – 80 page Hilroynotebooks


1 package sticky notes

Social StudiesOne three-ring binder, loose leaf, anddividers

PhysicalEducationShorts, top, gymsocks

Sweat pants(optional)

Running shoes (clear or white soles) **Proper shoes areessential**

Helmet for rink activities

Badminton racquet(optional)

Safety glasses

Skates(optional/or borrow)

**Students are required to change for everyclass**


ScienceOne three-ringbinderandlooseleaf

ArtPaint shirt, pencils, erasers, markers, glue

HealthDuo tang, notebook, loose leaf

IndustrialArtsA fee is required on the first day ofschool

HB pencils, vinyleraser

Paint brush and paint if student chooses to finish project. Can be purchased at alater


One three-ring binder and looseleaf Coveralls(optional)

Safety glasses(Mandatory)


A fee is required on the first day ofschool

Locks may be purchased at the office for $5.00 per lock. (Gym and halllockers)


A different notebook for each subject and a binder to organize in, or looseleaf and a binder withdividers.


One three-ring binder, loose leaf andtabs 3 – 80 page Hilroynotebooks


1 package sticky notes

PhysicalEducationShorts, top, gym socks

Sweat pants(optional)

Running shoes (clear or white soles) **Proper shoes areessential**

Helmet for rink activities

Badminton racquet(optional)

Safety glasses

Skates(optional/or borrow)

**Students are required to change for everyclass**




Social StudiesOne three-ringbinderandlooseleaf


IndustrialArtsA fee is required on the first day ofschool.



Binder and looseleaf

Safety glasses(Mandatory)

Paint and paint brushes if student chooses to finish project. Can be purchasedat a laterdate.


HomeEconomicsA fee is required on the first day ofschool

3 ring binder and looseleaf Duotang

HealthDuo tang, notebook, loose leaf

Art Paint shirt, pencils, erasers, markers, glue

Locks may be purchased at the office for $5.00 per lock. (Gym and halllockers)

GeneralPencils, pens, binder,highlighter,tape,markers,scissors,glue

A different notebook for each subject and a binder to organize in, orloose leaf and a binder with differentdividers.


One three-ring binder, loose leaf, andtabs 3 – 80 page Hilroynotebooks


1 package sticky notes

MathScientificCalculatorGeometrySet Notebook

Health ScienceOne three-ring binder with loose leaf

Information ProcessingOne three-ring binder and loose leaf

PhysicalEducationShorts, top, gymsocks

Sweat pants(optional)

Running shoes (clear or white soles) **Proper shoes areessential**

Helmet for rink activities

Badminton racquet(optional)

Safety glasses

Skates(optional/or borrow)

**Students are required to change for everyclass**

IndustrialArtsA fee must be paid on the first day ofschool.

HB pencils, vinyleraser

One three ring binder and looseleaf

Paint brushes and paint if student chooses to finish project. Canbe purchased at a laterdate.


Safety glasses(mandatory)

Home EcA fee is required on the first day ofschool

3 ring binder and looseleaf Duotang

Geography One three-ring binder with loose leaf

Biology One three-ring binder with loose leaf

Locks may be purchased at the office for $5.00 per lock. (Gym and halllockers)

Quill Lake School Supply List - Grade 12(2017/18)

GeneralPencils, pens, binder,highlighter,tape,markers,scissors,glue

A different notebook for each subject and a binder to organize in, orloose leaf and a binder withdividers.

PhysicalEducationShorts, top, gymsocks

Sweat pants(optional)

Running shoes (clear or white soles) **Proper shoes areessential**

Helmet for rink activities

Badminton racquet(optional)

Safety glasses

Skates(optional/or borrow)

**Students are required to change for everyclass**


GeometrySet Notebook

Information Processing One three-ring binder and loose leaf
Health Science One three-ring binder with loose leaf
Geography One three-ring binder with loose leaf
Biology One three-ring binder with loose leaf
Industrial Arts One three-ring binder and looseleaf HBpencils
Safety glasses (I.A.)(Mandatory)


Paint and paint brushes if student chooses to finish project. Canbe purchased at a laterdate.

**There is a fee for thiscourse**

Home EconomicsA fee is required on the first day ofschool

3 ring binder and looseleaf Duo tang

Locks may be purchased at the office for $5.00 per lock. (Gym and halllockers)

School starts Tuesday, September 5,2017.

Home Economics SupplyList Grade9

The first list of items may be stored in your tuck drawer in the HomeEconomics lab. It is a good idea to place all small equipment pieces in a container ofsome kind in which to store them. Carefully mark your name on each pieceof equipment. Please obtain this list as soon as possible and have thisequipment when schoolbegins.

Bent-handled sewingshears
Package of different sized hand sewingneedles
Straight pins(long)
Pin cushion
Thread – black and white; if you have available:(yellow, orange, red, purple, green and pink – do not go outand
Sewing box (plastic container to keep sewingsupplies)
Buttons: 2 – 2 hole, 2 – 4 hole, 2shank
Material and pattern will be ordered at schoolthrough
Classy Threads for pajamapants

Each of these items in the second list will be necessary at regularintervals. Please carry them withyou.