Questionnaire on Education of Operative Dentistry in European Dental Schools

Dental School: Contact person (Title/Name): Address: Phone: …………………………………… Fax: …………………………………… E-mail: ……………………………………


1. Please write the title of the Department or Division or Section involved with the teaching of Operative

Dentistry in your Dental School


2. Is the Operative Dentistry taught as an individual discipline Yes No

If you answer No, please define if it is taught in combination with

Endodontics Paedodontics Prosthodontics Preventive Dentistry Restorative

3. Please describe the main purpose/goal of the Operative Dentistry (2-3 rows)


4. The curriculum of Operative Dentistry includes:

adults / children†
a. Histology of hard dental tissues
b. Pathology of hard dental tissues
c. Diagnosis of hard dental tissue lesions
d. Prevention (caries risk assessments & preventive protocols)
e. Restorative dental materials
f. Direct restorations
g. Indirect restorations
h. Endodontic treatments
k. Partial/full crowns
l. Others

children†: Please fill when there is no separate Paedodontics courses in the students curriculum, and children are clinically treated exclusively in the Operative Dentistry clinic.

5. The next table describes a structure of didactic courses in Operative Dentistry.

Please, check the cells which correspond to your curriculum (h*: hours per week for each student)

SEMESTER / Lectures/h* / Seminars
in small groups/h* / Laboratory training/h* / Clinical practice/h* / Clinical demonstrations / Case studies / Written essays / Others

6. Do you have established learning objectives for each semester/s course? Yes No

7. Please check the dental procedures performed by the students during their preclinical training and

clinical practice in Operative Dentistry.

DENTAL PROCEDURES / Preclinical training
/Number* / Clinical practice
adults / children†
Caries risk assessment
Resin preventive restorations
Class I resin composite
Class II resin composite
Class III resin composite
Class ΙV resin composite
Class V resin composite
Class I amalgam
Class II amalgam
Class V amalgam
Post-retained amalgam or resin composite
Pin-retained amalgam restorations
Glass-ionomer restorations
Indirect resin composite restorations for posterior teeth (inlays/onlays)
Indirect ceramic restorations for posterior teeth (inlays/onlays)
Indirect resin composite for anterior teeth (veneers)
Indirect ceramics for anterior teeth (veneers)
Direct aesthetic restorations
(e.g. diastema closure, shape change)
Gold restorations
Bleaching for vital teeth
Bleaching for non-vital teeth
Endodontic treatments
Partial crowns
Full crowns

Number*: write the minimum recommended number of dental procedures for completion of practice.

children†: Please fill when there is no separate Paedodontics courses in the students curriculum, and children are clinically treated exclusively in the Operative Dentistry clinic.

8. For the preclinical training you utilize:

Traditional methods (e.g. phantoms, natural teeth) Computer simulation Both


9. The clinical practice in Operative Dentistry is carried out in:

Individual clinic

Comprehensive Care/Total Treatment /General Clinic


10. The educational materials used in didactic courses consist of:

textbook chapters from suggested textbooks handouts CD- DVD

web-based electronic material web-sites with relevant material self-assessment questions

video/CD-Roms with clinical cases others…………………………………………………

11. The methods used for the assessment of the students are:

mid-term written tests final written exams final oral exams research project/s

evaluation (with grade) for each procedure in the laboratory final practical exams in the laboratory

evaluation (with grade) for each dental treatment in the clinic final practical exams in the clinic


12. General questions

a.  How many students do you have per study-year……………

b.  How many faculty members are involved with Operative Dentistry teaching

part-time……………… full-time………………..

c. Do you use electronic communication to transfer information to the students Yes No


13. Does the Dental School offer an individual graduate program in Operative Dentistry?

Yes No

If you answer No, please define if it is incorporated into one of the following graduate programs:

Conservative Dentistry Prosthodontics Paedodontics Endodontics Restorative Dentistry

If you answer Yes, continue on the next questions

14. The study-time of the program is: 1 year 2 years 3 years other……………………

15. The program leads to:

Master’s degree in Operative Dentistry

Certificate in Operative Dentistry

Doctorate degree in Operative Dentistry


16. The graduate program is authorized by the:

State University Both Other……………………………………………………………

17. Is the Operative Dentistry a recognized speciality in your country: Yes No