Q:Which class should I sign my child up for?

A:I’ll list a few guidelines here, but it ultimately depends on what works best for your schedule. Please note: these are not requirements, just suggestions based on past experience.

Q:What happens in a typical diving lesson?

A:We generally start things out with some stretches and exercises that emphasize core strength and good diving techniques. Then, we will move on to drills (both in and out of the water) and mix in some work on the diving board. Even with a full class (8-10 kids) and only one diving board, the kids stay moving throughout the lesson.

Q:My child is already on the swim team, is diving still an option?

A:Absolutely! When I created the schedule, I made sure there were no conflicts with any swim practices, meets, or social events. As somebody who did both sports for most of my childhood, it was very important to me to make diving available to everyone.

Q:Isn’t diving dangerous?

A:While every sport has risks, athlete safety is and always will be my number one priority. I will go over diving board safety basics with the class at the beginning of each session. Any unsafe behavior (improper technique, rough-housing, not paying attention to surroundings) is addressed and corrected immediately.

Q:Can my child practice diving outside of lessons?

A:Ultimately, this is up to the lifeguard on duty. I will do my best to make it clear when I do (and don’t) feel comfortable with skills being performed without me present. Please feel free to email ()or talk to me before or after practice if more clarification is needed.

Q:How do I sign up for clinics and Try Diving Days?

A:The best way to sign up is to email me at with the following:

Participant name (first & last), date of birth, and any other relevant information (previous experience, severe allergies, etc.)

For clinics, include session and skill level (i.e. Session 2 Beginner)

For Try Diving, include date and time (i.e. August 1 6:30-7:30pm)

There will also be a physical copy of the sign-up sheet posted at the club. Please include email or other contact information when signing up on the sheet so I can confirm. I won’t be at the club every day, but I’ll try to check the sign-up sheet at least once a week.

Q:How do I pay for clinics and Try Diving Days?

A:Payment for diving is NOT available through fhsc.net. Payment can be made via cash, check (payable to Andrew DeVries), Venmo, or Chase QuickPay. Due dates are as follows:

ClinicsBeginner ($50):BEFORE first practice of each session (6/4, 7/12, 8/2)

Intermediate ($75):IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING first practice of each session (6/4, 7/12, 8/2)

Try Diving ($10)Payment accepted either before the first lesson or immediately following the second on the day of the Try Diving class (6/3, 7/5, 8/1)

I WILL NOT ACCEPT PAYMENT DURING PRACTICE TIME. Please email me () if you need to make alternate arrangements or want to pay before the due date.

Q:Do you offer private/semi-private lessons?

A:Yes, email me () for more information.

Q:What happens if practice is cancelled due to inclement weather?

A:The week of August 21-25 has been set aside for rain days. For every day cancelled due to weather, one day of this week will be added to the session. For example, if two days of Session 1, one day of Session 2, and zero days of Session 3 are rained out, then August 21 & 22 will be added to Session 1 and August 23 will be added to Session 2. If there are more than five weather cancellations, I will do my best to find a fair solution for everyone.

Q:Do you prorate or offer make-ups if my child misses a practice?

A:No make-ups or prorated sessions will be offered. However, don’t be deterred from signing up if your child will only be missing a couple of classes in a session!

Q:When will this obnoxiously long FAQ finally be over?

A:Almost there! Give yourself a pat on the back, you’re almost to the finish line. Just one more question…

Q:What is your email address?

A:If you still don’t know the answer to that one, maybe you should stick with swimming. In all seriousness, please don’t hesitate to contact me with any other questions you have. I am new to Forest Hills and most (if not all) of you are new to the sport of diving, so communication is strongly encouraged! Thanks for sticking with this FAQ until the bitter end.

Best wishes,

Andrew DeVries


P.S. – I work 8am-4:30pm Monday-Friday but I will do my best to get back to you when I’m not at work or coaching your kiddos! Email is usually best, but a quick call or text at a reasonable hour is no problem at all.